Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 752: Manglong

"Yes. (? [{[八一 中文 {W] W> W〉.> 8〉 1? Z] W>.> C] O] M〉”

Le Yi respectfully salute, has sensed the ** killing intention revealed by His Majesty Yufeng.

The looting of Xiao Chen and others should be the death of a ferocious beast in the hunting galaxy. In this case, Xiao Chen and others are afraid that they are already more ferocious.

He and Xiao Chen were buried in the hunting galaxy, and dozens of creation monks stunned together. This kind of loss, even the Emperor Yan, couldn't easily bear it, and it had aroused the murder in his heart!

It seems that after this incident, the wild beasts in the hunting galaxy must undergo a purge.

At this point, Yan Huang and Le Yi were quiet at the same time.

The purpose of opening the hunting galaxy was to attract Dayan to the strong, enhance Dayan's luck, and predict the chance of victory in the future war. But things are out of their control today. In the final analysis, the emperor was seriously thought about this matter and did not lay down a response, but even if she knew it, she could not say it. As the Lord of the Great Swallows, the Emperor Yan is right even if he is wrong. In the event of an accident, burial of the hunting galaxy can only be regarded as Xiao Chen and others lacking luck!

But at this moment, something unexpected happened.

A huge black shadow appeared in the picture shadow, whistling away to the disappearance of Xiao Chen and others at an extremely fast rate! When I saw it, I saw that the black shadow was a brutal beast like a dragon. Its shape was thousands of miles long, with a single horn on its head, red blood like weird blood, and black scale armor spread all over the body. Each piece has a size of dozens of feet, nine feet under the abdomen, and sharp claws like hooks, scattered with cold and cold mansions.

"Mount Dragon!"

Yan Huang and Le Yi both drank and spoke at the same time, apparently recognizing the barbaric beasts appearing in the picture, showing solemn meaning.

Manglong, one of the most famous ancient beasts in the hunting galaxy, has survived for hundreds of millions of years, and was then personally sealed into the town by the Dayan strong. Nowadays, although there is a large force to suppress, its power is suppressed, but it is enough to be comparable to the Creator Xeon!

Could this matter have something to do with it? If this is the case, even if Le Yi takes the shot, he may not be able to take it down.

Manglong was not near the place where Xiao Chen and others disappeared. The huge body suddenly froze, and a sorrowful roar emerged. The pain contained endless cruelty and crazy murder!

The next moment, as if the beast was mad, he roared and rushed to the place where Xiao Chen and others disappeared, the giant tail raised, and slammed into the void.


The sky of the kingdom of death suddenly collapsed, and black cracks spread rapidly to the surroundings with an amazing degree! The entire kingdom of God shivered and almost collapsed under this crazy attack! At the same time, the cruel and violent breath suddenly came down, the breath was vast and horrible, the feeling was trembling in the senses, and I was about to collapse!

The death kingdom of the ancient ten-eyed snake is about to collapse. It is not a simple fragmentation, but a complete destruction under the external force! Through the cracks in the sky, you can clearly see the vast sky, which is a hunting galaxy!

Xiao Chen's pupils contracted violently, and he turned to look at the collapsed sky. Through the dark cracks, his eyes stayed on the outside of the giant figure, feeling its horror and raging killing. .

This is a horrible beast that has reached the level of fierce beast, but most of all he shakes is that the breath on the beast gives him a familiar feeling. And this feeling comes from the dead ten-headed snake! The horrifying beasts that have been destroyed in the hunting galaxy to destroy the kingdom of death must have a very close relationship with the ancient Ten-eyed Snake, otherwise they will not have this blood-like atmosphere.

In other words, this horrible beast may be the father or grandparent of the ancient ten-eyed snake!

With this in mind, Xiao Chen's face suddenly became extremely ugly. Thinking of the last roar before the death of the ancient Ten-eyed Snake might be a method of transmitting information, so this ferocious beast could arrive in the shortest time. At this moment, the ancient ten-eyed snake has been beheaded. Although it was not his own shot, its body is now in his storage ring. Xiao Chen doesn't think that this horrible beast blinded by hatred and anger will Let go of his enemy who killed its descendants!

The mangosaurus is not a dragon, but he does have some dragon blood, and the dead ancient ten-eyed snake was born after it was combined with a female ancient ten-eyed snake. The only son inherited the stronger origin of the ancient Ten-eyed Snake, but merged his strength with the ancient Ten-eyed Snake. The blood rank is very high, but he is the true Barbarian Emperor! In order to prevent it from being seen by monks, Manglong has been trying to hide it in the dark over the years, waiting for it to break through its own restrictions and give birth to a day of spiritual promotion to the beast. With the potential of the ancient ten-eyed snake, once the incarnation of the beast has turned on the spiritual intelligence, and the power inherited from the bloodstream after condensing the Yuanshen, the strength can skyrocket in a very short period of time, and even has the breakthrough of the world of creation Three steps to promote Hongmeng! It is also the greatest hope to break the shackles of the hunting galaxy and let it regain its freedom.

But today it is dead!

Although its death has been sensed before, until now, watching the collapse and destruction of the kingdom of God, Manglong had to face this fact. If the ancient ten-eyed snake did not die, how could the kingdom of God be destroyed so easily.

Although the dragon is violent and addictive, it is a well-known beast in the hunting galaxy, but for the only son, whether it is the love of the descendants' bloodlines or the attention to its terror potential, it has poured its countless efforts into it. Do your best to help it grow fast. Now it's time for it to take a step forward and evolve into a ferocious beast. Manglong has determined that the only son is about to wake up. He will go and kill the strong among the beasts, and provide it with blood, so that the only son can make a breakthrough. But when it left, the only child woke up in advance and was beheaded!

Its huge pair of eyes instantly turned red, and two frequent white mists were sprayed between his nose. His huge body shook slightly because of anger and pain, and a wild roar was heard from heaven, and the power of murder was shocking!

After destroying the kingdom of God, the dragon was so horrified that the amazing divine thought exploded into the kingdom of God and sensed the breath after the death of the only child. Relying on the connection between blood vessels, no matter what is blocked, it can sense the only child's body. In just a short period of time, under the mad sweep of the horror **** thought, it has found the murderer who killed its only child!


Actually a monk!

Manglong's body has a momentary rigidity. If it is unusual, due to observance and fear of entering into a contract, he will not shoot at monks. But at this moment, the anger after the killing of the only child soon drowned it!

Whoever kills his only son will die!

In the Fractured Kingdom of Kingdoms, Xiao Chen fell into an ice cave, and his entire body was instantly stiff. The whole body's blood seemed to condense into ice. The intense crisis of life and death made his scalp numb.

This feeling was so clear, so clear that he had no doubts. If he did not resist again, today is the period of his scorn!

Xiao Chen's body suddenly trembled, forcibly struggling from the state of repression, her face turned pale, and there was no trace of blood. He hasn't been attacked yet, just to get rid of that invisible momentum has made him hit hard.

With his state of power not yet completely declining after the "Broken Element" at this moment, it is still so unbearable that the strength of this fierce beast is beyond his imagination!

The Creator Xeon, maybe even stronger!

If it waits until it really hits, perhaps Xiao Chen will even lose the chance of resistance! With such a near-end death, under the threat of icy destruction, Xiao Chen didn't hesitate, his hand flashed a little, and the compass rose appeared in his hands for many days, releasing a dazzling golden aura. The compass pointing to the spoon instantly locks the breath of God's foreign dragon, and the arrow of extermination releases the breath of destruction that is horrible!

Manglong's mind suddenly trembled, and the overwhelming frenzy of consciousness stopped for a moment. Its huge eyes fell into the kingdom of God through the cracks of the collapse, watching the dazzling golden light, showing shock and fear. Locked by this breath, it senses great danger and can even threaten its life! Meng Longxiu is already the creator of the world, plus the physical strength is indestructible. Unless he sets foot on monk Hongmeng, he is confident that no one in the world can kill it, but at this moment the crisis felt from this golden light is so clear that Manglong's body was stiff, followed by severe killing interrupted by Shengsheng.

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