Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 753: Image of god

However, it responded very quickly. At the moment when he stopped his shot, a roar in his mouth, his body curled up and coiled up, a layer of black light spewed out of his body, and it was slightly sticky during the tumbling, covering the entire figure of the dragon. [[{Eight? (One (Small <{[? 说 网 W] W] W.81.W.COM

Outside the hunting galaxy, Yan Huang and Le Yi were shocked. No one knows the power of the dragon more than they are. The kingdom of God, which has not yet completely collapsed, blocked their sight. I wonder what the Mang Long saw, and it turned out to be like an enemy?

For many days, the golden light of the compass rose stronger and stronger, and the arrow of immortality imprinted on it shuddered slightly, and it seemed to break free of the bondage, anger shot and tear everything!

At the moment when the arrow of extinction was about to shoot out, his dazzling golden brilliance suddenly converged and cleaned, and the golden lines and textures gradually returned to normal. The golden arrow of extinction hummed slowly before it went silent.

"It's not the time to use the compass for many days, and it is not qualified to die under the arrow of extermination." Xiao Chen said faintly, her voice was calm and there was no mood swing, the whole person's atmosphere changed greatly, and she became indifferent. Cold is inconceivable. A flash of aura in his hand, he has put the compass in his storage for several days, and slowly raised his eyes to Mang Long, his face was indifferent, his eyes were calm, and there were no waves of stars. This calm and indifference was not intentional. Naturally, it seems that he is so. Even if the world destroys billions of souls and falls, he cannot be moved. This is an absolute stance, built on unparalleled strength. His eyes seem calm but stunned by all things in the world. Any existence is meaningless to him. Existence or destruction is all in one thought.

In the face of Manglong, in the crisis of life and death, Xiao Chen once again entered this state of coldness.

Perhaps this state can be called the image of God. For a short period of time, keep in a state of insanity and enter the state of absolute coldness and indifference, such as the gods overlooking all living beings, and have nearly the power of God.

In the sense of Mount Long, the sharp edge of the sky almost made him feel that the threat of life and death suddenly disappeared, leaving him a little bit suspicious. Xiao Chen's cultivation is clear to him. Although the atmosphere of the creation kingship is not weak, it is no different from the ants in front of it. If the treasure in his hands made him afraid to take shots, he would have scoffed at the moment.

But now Xiao Chen has put away this treasure. Does he want to ask for death?

Manglong's eyes looked at Xiao Chen, just looking at his eyes, his mind froze and froze for a moment! What a pair of eyes, cold and ruthless, indifferent, as if overlooked by a god, let it give birth to a long-lost fear and irresistible feeling! Even when Xiao Chen took out the compass for many days, although it was jealous, it was not as bad as it is now. Just a look, it almost made it unbearable! This power has already exceeded its expectations!

Hongmeng Realm!

Only monk Hongmengjing, such supreme existence, can bring such a terrible sense of oppression. If the monk Hongmeng really killed and killed the ancient Ten-headed Snake, even if it resents it, he will not dare to come forward and fight. But soon Manglong noticed that it was wrong. Although the monk in front of him changed greatly and possessed some power like monk Hongmeng, his breath remained unchanged and he remained in the kingdom of creation.

There were two raging flames in the huge dragon's eyes, because it reminded of an ancient legend.

Monk Hongmeng possesses the power to destroy the heavens and the earth, just like the **** above him, above all things in the world. But this god-like existence is not impossible to fall, but their realm has broken away from some kind of boundary, and it is extremely difficult to be completely killed. Even if they fall, Yuan Shen can reincarnate and regenerate. When the reincarnated body is raised to a certain degree, it will naturally open and accept the memory of the previous life, and it has the possibility to set foot in Hongmeng again.

And Xiao Chen, most likely, was the reincarnation of a certain great and powerful man a long time ago!

As soon as he thought about it, Mang Long looked at Xiao Chen again, and the more he felt that things were as if he had guessed, otherwise why would he explain the change in his body at the moment.

Mount Long was completely engulfed in excitement and expectations. It looked at Xiao Chen's eyes, and the color of resentment and hatred faded away, leaving only the endless heat. It has been promoted to the realm of the creation of the Xeon powerful for tens of thousands of years, but to this point, it is only by chance that it can be achieved by chance. It is almost hopeless to go further. The stagnation of repairs over tens of thousands of years is undoubtedly a direct proof of this. But at this moment, there is an opportunity to change its destiny right now!

Swallow Xiao Chen!

If he is the reincarnation of Hongmeng Mighty Man, he must have hidden the monk Hongmeng's inheritance on his body. If he swallowed him, Manglong might inherit all this! This inheritance can even help him to go further and break through the imprisonment to set foot on Hongmeng! If this can be done, it is equivalent to directly expanding its future and opening a path to supreme existence!

The Creator Xeon is already an unreachable figure in the eyes of the world, but only if he truly reaches this level and feels the power of Hongmeng Realm, can he know what is truly supreme! In the eyes of monk Hongmengjing, the creation of the strongest is not weak, but it only ends there. If you want to kill, only raise your hand. The power gap between the two sides is as unimaginable as the world divide.

Therefore, after seeing the possibility of setting foot in Hongmeng, the excitement in Manglong's heart was beyond words. At this moment, it has completely forgotten the hatred of the death of the only child, and some are only greedy and hot.

After a short period of thought, the rest of the fear in his heart was completely thrown away by him. This is the only opportunity for him to break free from the fetters of fate and fly into the sky. What's the use of trapped hunting galaxies in your life! Even if Xiao Chen is the reincarnation of Hongmeng the Mighty One, his real strength is only the creation of the kingship. With its cultivation as the creation of the most powerful man, it may not be impossible to kill it!

Opportunity, please let it go!

There was a crazy roar from the dragon, and the breath of the Creator Xeon burst as much as it did, spreading like a torrential ocean to the surroundings, shaking the entire hunting galaxy! At this moment, countless monks or brute beasts looked up to the depths of the stars, and their hearts were shocked with endless awe.

This is the strongest force in the world below Hongmeng!

It willfully reveal its powerful power and challenge Xiao Chenqi!

In the fragmented kingdom of God, Xiao Chen looked at Manglong with a calm look, never showing a little bit of color because of the power it showed. It seemed that its strength and weakness had no meaning to him.

"Are you challenging me?" In his low groan, his eyes gradually became brighter, and then he slightly shook his head. "Unfortunately, the current strength is still too weak. To kill such a gnat, it is necessary to rely on outside power. "

The voice dropped, and he reached out with one hand in his robe sleeve, patted lightly into the depths of Huangsha World. The falling direction of the palm is where the Juyuan Ningbei arrived in the sky array and the fragmented array. Yuwen Tuo and more than ten creation monks sensed the breath of the Menglong creation Xeon, and his face was pale and there was no trace of blood. Now facing the face of Xiao Chen, a violent crisis of life and death suddenly appeared to them. Yu Wentuo uttered an unwilling roar, breaking away from the ancient suppression of the ten-headed snake and ten-headed red mansions. But at this moment, his figure was moving in a square motion, but he was suddenly stiff, his outside breath disappeared directly, a blast of wind passed, his physical body collapsed directly, and it turned into dust.

Around Yu Wentuo, more than ten creation world monks ended in the same end as him, and were wiped out in an instant.

A palm print appeared silently on the sand and sea above the ground.

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