In the space of Xiao Chen's Yuanshen, Yuwen Tuo and other dozen creation world monks died directly. [Eight?] [Fiction Net ((W? W> W). 81ZW.COM gold seals floated by themselves, the delicate fine texture grows quickly, the rich golden light bursts instantly, and illuminate the entire space of his soul. In this golden light, all the dead souls were suppressed instantly, without any resistance, swallowed up by the golden seal. After a short pause, Pentium's mighty force like a river breaks out from the golden seal, and merges into Xiao Chen's body. The golden seal All the souls among them were simultaneously refined at this moment, releasing unbelievable power!

The golden seal is even better. Although its shape has not changed, the golden texture on the surface is more detailed and complex. The touch of the golden body is a bit thicker and thicker than before. Obviously, in the crazy refining soul, the golden seal is the same. Gained great benefits, and the golden light it released soared again at this moment, Guanghua can not be seen directly!

But in this, the most dazzling in the space of Yuanshen is not the golden seal, but Xiao Chen's golden Yuanshen! At this moment, his eyes were slightly closed. In addition to being golden, there was a trace of colorful light shining slightly on the body of Yuanshen. Although it was dim, it was very clear in this rich golden light, giving people a sense of nobility and supremacy. Feeling! Even at this moment, when facing the golden **** of Xiao Chen's golden color and the faint colorful glory, the golden seal also showed awe and surrender.

The four ancestral souls of the crest, the old man with humpback, red sleeves, and Yuwen Tuo were simultaneously refined with the seals of more than a dozen monks of the creation world. The power that spewed out in an instant was so overbearing. in vivo. If it is slowly refined, even if it is so powerful, it can be incorporated into the body little by little to enhance its own cultivation, but the instant integration has far exceeded Xiao Chen's limit!

The mighty and raging power circulates wildly in his physical body. If Xiao Chen's physical body is a long river, then what is pouring in at this moment is a sea of ​​water! The most direct consequence of taking the river into the ocean is the collapse of the embankment, and eventually it is destroyed!




Xiao Chen's physical body couldn't withstand such violent and violent forces. The flesh and blood of many parts of the body broke apart at the same time, blood and water rolled out, and his blue shirt was dyed red. Clicking and clicking sounds of the bones continued to squeeze, and each sound represented almost unbearable pain. But at this moment, Xiao Chen's expression was still calm. He just frowned slightly, his eyes glanced around, his face was thoughtful, and he whispered, "If you miss this opportunity, it is really a pity. Eat now Nodding your head, you can get more in the future. "His voice was extremely low, only flowing around himself, never overflowing.

Without any hesitation, the extra amount of violent violence in Xiao Chen's body suddenly trembled at this moment, and then trembled in a frantic frequency, shattered, and then released more terrifying and violent power.

"Broken Element"!

When the physical endurance has reached the limit, Xiao Chen didn't hesitate at all, and he boldly chose to use such a method that can almost completely destroy himself! After "Broken Element", the amazing amount of power in his body will collapse in a very short period of time and be completely exhausted. The power that can be exploded is ten times or even dozens of times before! I am afraid that this explosive force has already destroyed himself without hitting the enemy!

The power flowing in the flesh and blood is so powerful that it can easily shred everything that is blocked in the front. Flesh, bones, and viscera collapse and shatter in an instant, in other words, at this moment, Xiao Chen's physical body has been completely destroyed! Only because that terrible power was controlled by his Yuansheng Shengsheng, under the suppression of this power, there was no direct collapse and fragmentation into the flesh and blood. But once the power loss in his body is over, what will be waiting for him will be the end of total destruction!

Xiao Chen's face was calm. Under the state of the image of God, the pain in the body obviously could not affect him too much, and he felt the nocturnal force flowing in his body. He nodded slightly, and with the help of this external force, it should be enough.

All this is extremely slow to say, but in reality it is only a short time.

The roar of the dragon was still echoing in the star field. Xiao Chen had completed the improvement of his power. He slowly raised his eyes and looked at the terrifying beast that stretched for thousands of miles in the star field. His eyes were cold and high, as if looking at the water. Loach in the depression.

Taking a step forward, his figure suddenly disappeared, disappeared, and reappeared, already in the clouds. The entire kingdom of death, when he stepped down, was trembling suddenly, and then a dark crack emerged from the steps of Xiao Chen, and then spread to all directions with an amazing degree. Where the cracks come, the collapse of space is not a simple fragmentation, but a fundamental collapse and destruction.

The ancient kingdom of the death of the ten-eyed snake has been shot down at the end of the dragon, and it has begun to fragment and destroy. Xiao Chen's shot will undoubtedly greatly speed up the process. Under the combined action of two destroying forces, the entire kingdom of death is in a few minutes. It was completely destroyed, and the tearing and squeezing force produced in the collapse could not affect Xiao Chen at all, and it was scattered before he even approached the corner of his clothes.

Through the light curtain formed by the star cloud cluster, it can be clearly seen that the entire star field of the hunting galaxy suddenly collapses, the violent and raging power of the kingdom of God is completely exploded, and the mighty and powerful force is tossing and colliding in the void. Although it is only a manifestation of the image, it does not prevent the monks from hunting the galaxy to use this as a basis to deduce the extent to which the terrorist power released by the destruction of the kingdom of God is overwhelming, but the results have made them stiff. Fear in my heart! Within this force, below the monk of the creation king, I am afraid that no one can be spared.

But this deduction, they still estimate too low! In addition to the power released by the destruction of the kingdom of God, as well as the power of Manglong and Xiao Chen, in the interweaving collision, even if the monk of the kingdom of creation and lands fell into it, he did not want to save his life!

After a long time, this raging and writhing power only slowly dispersed.

The projected picture volume has become clear again, so that people can clearly see everything that is in it. But the next moment, when seeing the situation in the picture, countless monks whispered in exclaim.

In the constellation of stars, Manglong Wanli's body stretches, the breath of the creation Xeon is madly bursting, and a pair of huge eyes reveals the hot and fearful. And wherever it looked, a blue shirt appeared in the eyes of everyone, his back was straight, his expression was calm and indifferent, but any monk who saw his eyes could not help but tremble, and then gave birth to a wave Fear and awe, hurriedly low, shocked. These indifferent and cold eyes, even if they have not stared at them, still have a kind of ants in the eyes of those who look at them, and they are under the control of life and death.

The Golden Cavalry in the Royal Forest was the existence of the Xeon in the Dayan Army. The Golden Iron Riding Torrent pointed out that they were confident that they could destroy all obstacles in front of them. Therefore, they maintain sufficient pride and self-reliance, even if they face the monks in the world of creation, they should not be taken into consideration. But at this moment, looking at the cold eyes of the blue robe figure, the entire Golden Cavalry was completely deterred. With their powerful heart, they couldn't help but be frightened, and even had a doubt about their own strength. The man was standing in front of him, could the Golden Cavalry charge him and kill him? But after many thoughts, the results they got were not sure!

The generals of the Golden Cavalry made the barbaric beast, but the famous barbaric golden rhinoceros. This barbaric was powerful and violent, and after tame it was astonishingly powerful. Jin Qijun is famous, but it's because of them. But at the moment, these violent and fierce fighting rhinoceros Jin Xi went back one by one in horror sobs, and even dared to drive away and yell at their masters, they dared not move forward half a step. The beast's keen sense of danger is ultimately above the monk.

The entire Golden Cavalry team retreated hundreds of feet before stopping. Each of the golden cavalry generals turned red, but in shame, he looked at the blue shirt figure in the picture, but a little more awe. Just a picture can scare the Golden Cavalry. What kind of cultivation is needed to achieve this!

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