Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 755: Golden finger

In the palace, all the courtiers from Dayan came out, looking up at the picture, his face shook. [Eight Chinese

At the residence of the Emperor Yan, Jin Qijun's criminal general was blocked outside the door, and he felt the solemn breath emanating from the courtyard in front of him. All the big Yan courtiers who had arrived at the same time chose silence and waiting, and no one dared to ask for it at this moment.

At this moment, the Lord of Dayan looked at the figure, and for the first time showed shock in his eyes. After a long time, he slowly exhaled and whispered, "The reincarnation of Hongmeng." Although the voice was calm, it was slightly light. Tremble.

Behind him, Le Yi had a dignified face, and he finally understood why Xiao Chen could be the origin of chaos, and he had hidden countless secrets, which turned out to be the truth!

He turned into Hongmeng!

Upon hearing the words of Emperor Yan, Le Yi's face suddenly rose red, and he said excitedly: "This attitude must be Hongmeng undoubtedly, and it is a three-step process that is truly supreme! Your Majesty, at all costs, you must Xiao Chen stayed! "Hongmeng's reincarnation body has a lot of opportunities inherently, making their practice faster and faster in the later period, and once they have accepted the power of Yuan Shen's heritage, they have the qualification to set foot in Hongmeng! Such monks, no matter where they are found in any country, will solicit their best at all costs!

Hongmeng's reincarnation is also a kind of reincarnation. It can retain its own cultivation and perception and main memory. But after reincarnation, it is a new beginning. The new memory will occupy a dominant position. Even if it has been inherited by the Yuanshen, it is almost another. A monk. In the thousands of monks, there are very few monks of Hongmeng. Each one is supreme. If reincarnation is really needed, they will arrange to lead the monks before, guide them to re-enter the summit in the shortest time, and then join the original power. . Any reincarnation of Hongmeng will become the most confidential and important thing. Even the eight empires will take this as the most important thing and protect the reincarnation people at all costs.

Therefore, similar to Xiao Chen, the unknown reincarnation of Hongmeng, there are very few. If not, it would not be possible for him to exile to Dayan. After he was born, a monk would take him away and care for him from an early age. to cultivate. But now that Xiao Chen is in Dayan, he is obviously one of the unknown reincarnations of Hongmeng. For a time, both Yan Huang and Le Yi were dizzy and smashed by the opportunity that fell from the sky. This is a monk who has a great opportunity to set foot in Hongmeng. Once successful, Dayan can directly have an absolute advantage in the deterrent force, and the national strength and national transportation will rise greatly.

"The teacher said extremely, I will do my best to recruit Xiao Chen to my great Yan at any cost!" Yan Huang said with a deep voice, his face slightly warm, showing a little ruddy. At this moment, his heart was also filled with ecstasy, the death of crickets, and even the death loss of the old humpbacked man, Red Sleeve, Yuwen Tuo and dozens of creation world monks were thrown away by him. Compared with Xiao Chen, these losses were counted. what! If you can get a reincarnation, even the thousands of creation monks, Yan Huang can give up!

With Dayan's strong national strength, selecting those with high qualifications, and cultivating some monastic resources, it will be enough to cultivate a group of new creation monks in ten thousand years, but the value of monk Hongmeng is inestimable! They have freed themselves from any rules and restrictions, and they are the most powerful peak in this world. With thousands of realms and hundreds of millions of souls, few people can finally set foot in Hongmeng! Even if Yan Huang succeeds in recruiting Xiao Chen, from now on, he will be more courteous to him, and he will never be slighted. This is the respect he deserves.

Just talking about this, Yan Huang looked at the projection, but could not help but frowned slightly, and said, "It seems that Mang Long has sensed the secret of Xiao Chen's body. He is about to take a chance."

"Huh! Although Xiao Chen Daoyou has not been inherited from the reincarnation of Hongmeng, but at the moment of the crisis, he has obviously obtained some great power from Hongmeng. Even if it is not many, it is not a creation monk. Contrary! Manglong hit his idea on Xiao Chen, fearing that he would find his own way, and he could not escape! "Le Yi sneered.

Manglong didn't think he would die. At this moment, his whole mind was covered by the temptation to break through Hongmeng. Instead of being trapped in a trapped hunting galaxy, give it a try, maybe you can fly into the sky! But in the face of Xiao Chen, it still dared not have the slightest care, and its huge eyes were full of coldness and fear. It was just the ** in my heart that made it gradually impatient, with a roar in the mouth, a very different breath suddenly came, covering the whole star field. There is no change from the outside, but if it is a small induction, the connection between this space and the outside world has been completely cut off, as if separated from the starry sky, forming an independent world!

This side of the world is the **** kingdom of the dragon!

It is empty and has nothing. It is directly cut into space. It is weird and does not give the opponent a chance to get away! In this side of the kingdom of God, its power can be superimposed to the greatest extent, but Xiao Chen will be suppressed by the power of the kingdom of God!

Fighting in the kingdom of God is the battlefield that is best for it!

Manglong's heart is hot for the opportunity to break through Hongmeng, but it is not impulsive and has no calculations. This method of cutting the ancestral kingdom of God in space in an instant is enough to let it occupy the absolute firsthand and upper hand! In the kingdom of God condensed the Excalibur, a roar uttered in its mouth, and the giant tail was arrogantly set off. The entire body turned into a dark shadow and blasted out to Xiao Chen. As fierce beasts, they do not cultivate magical powers and do not refine magic weapons. Their greatest reliance is on their own flesh. Teeth and claws have been carefully tempered for countless years, and they are the strongest attack methods for wild animals!

But things are always unexpected.

Manglong is a wild beast that has been practicing magical powers. Although there is only one kind, it is born of it. The **** unicorn above his head fired a crimson ray of light without warning, and in a flash, it seemed to penetrate the barrier of space and appeared directly beside Xiao Chen, sinking into his flesh. Manglong's eyes were slightly dim, and Xuexuemang obviously had a lot of wear and tear on him, but at this moment he could not help seeing the magic in his hands! Its blood-mand supernatural power is derived from talent, inherited from the blood, it can suppress all the power of mana and primitive gods, and can not move at all under the imprisonment of blood-man! With its current cultivation as a full-fledged shot, even the reincarnation body of Hongmeng will be imprisoned for an instant! And this time is enough for it.

The giant tail swings wildly, and its whole figure is faster. Just enter into its mouth, bite your teeth, and no matter who you are, you must be chewed directly into a ball of meat! For his strength and sharpness of his teeth, Manglong has absolute confidence in his heart!

Xiao Chen looked at the huge figure coming galloping, his face was calm, his eyes lightened slightly, but the coldness and indifference in his eyes did not decrease a little, instead he became richer, with a touch of chill in the calmness. Although thin, it represents death and silence.

In the angry look of Manglong, he slowly raised his hand, one hand extended in the robe sleeve, and pointed at it!

The crimson aura entered the body without affecting him in the slightest!

With one finger falling, a touch of extreme compression, the golden moment that dazzled to a few moments appeared at the fingertips of Xiao Chen, like a round of sun between heaven and earth, releasing endless light and heat, illuminating the entire space!

The golden emerald slowly stretched, turning into a golden finger, the size of an ordinary person, with a clear palm print, because the golden emerald it exudes is too rich, covering up the faint faint colorful colors without being covered by any People notice. And at the moment when the golden finger appeared, the blood of Mount Mang's body stopped flowing instantly, letting him be covered with the cold breath of death. This feeling was so rich and true that it seemed to have foreseen his death, and the huge eyes were exposed Furious and panic.

When the golden finger appeared in front of Xiao Chen, the golden light was shining outside the huge dragon's head. In the next breath, the golden light converged. A finger-thick blood hole appeared between the two huge eyes of Manglong. The surrounding flesh appeared to be vaporized and disappeared immediately after burning. It was smooth and flat, showing bright red blood, but no drop of blood flowed out. .

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