Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 756: good fortune

There was still a sense of panic in the huge eyes of Manglong, but the pupils had been enlarged and there was no glimmer. (? 八 .) 8] 1> Z? W). ) C] OM

Based on the creation of the Manglong Xeon, coupled with the external aura and the amazing black scale armor, there is no resistance at all under the golden finger, and it is instantly wiped out! From the looks of it, its entire body has not been damaged in any way, but the golden fingers disappearing between its eyes have wiped out its primordial spirit! This fierce and terrifying beast, which exists in Hongmeng's territory, was killed directly in an instant!

Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly dimmed. Although he still kept the absolute coldness and indifference, it was difficult to hide a deep exhaustion. This golden finger is rooted in Xiao Chen swallowing the sky with a finger, but in the state of the image of God, the horror of power released has the power to obliterate the Creator. However, this horrific power is built on huge losses. The power of more than ten creation world monks, including the four Kings of King Seal Refining and Refining, has been obtained by the Broken Yuan. He is so strong and powerful that he has the power to be comparable to the Creator Xeon. But it is this powerful force that is exhausted in this finger power.

The ghost of the dragon appears in Xiao Chen's Yuanshen space, but it seems to maintain a little bit of wisdom, roaring and roaring wildly under the golden seal and golden light. With the power of the golden seal, it can't successfully seal it at this moment!

Xiao Chen gave a low hum, and the next moment his Yuan Shen opened his eyes directly, a golden gaze suddenly shot into the ghost of the dragon with a few colorful colors. The golden light shot into the body, and the ghost of the manglong trembled suddenly, and the resistance force suddenly weakened. Is there a good chance that the golden seal will be wrong? The golden light skyrocketed, slowly pulling it to his side, and the ghost of the dragon was quickly shrinking, and eventually it was swallowed by the golden seal. However, the dragon is the creator of the world. How strong is its soul, and how to refining it with the golden seal is extremely difficult. The golden light of the body is flickering and flickering. It barely suppressed. After doing this, the golden seal fell directly into Xiao Chen Yuanshen, and no breath came.

Helping Jin Yin to suppress the dead soul of Manglong, Xiao Chen's eyes became more tired. He barely raised his hand, flashed aura, and put Manglong's huge body into his storage. He is still in an unstable state. He barely used his own strength to kill the Manglong. He also suffered heavy losses. He was afraid that it would take a long time to fall asleep to recover.

Xiao Chen's eyes were closed, but opened again in the blink of an eye. The misty and cold breath had disappeared, and his own thoughts had regained control of the body. At the last moment when he moved the arrow of the **** of destruction, the strong will hidden inside him reappeared, occupying the right to control the body. During this period, Xiao Chen's will was completely sober, and she could see everything in life, but she could not feel any pain from the physical body. It seemed to be cut off, and even when the physical body was completely destroyed by the force that swept through the body. He also did not suffer the slightest bit of pain.

But the key point is that at this moment, the state of the image of God has disappeared, and the will that dominates the body has disappeared into the Yuan God at this moment, which is enough to make people's minds collapse and the tsunami swept through him, making him groan in his mouth, his face There is no trace of blood on it. At this moment, accompanied by the exhaustion of the powerful power in his body, the original body was originally suppressed to forcibly maintain the solid body. At this moment, it is on the verge of collapse, and the side effects after the "Broken Element" exploded at the same time, killing the dragon with one finger. After that, he also entered a state of dying.

Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly became gloomy, but he forced himself to shake his heart, and his thoughts turned sharply. Although he did not know where the state of the image of God came from, the mysterious and powerful will was born from his primitive god. Although it was not integrated with his own thoughts, he never felt the slightest right from this will. He has an unfavorable idea, otherwise he can never hide his induction. That being the case, this mysterious will suddenly appeared, interrupting his use of a multi-day compass to kill the dragon, it must be his calculations, and it would not be a reckless attempt to put him to death. But now that he is on the brink of extinction, he has even sensed the coming of death, the withered golden element **** is dim, and his thoughts have gradually blurred, and once sleeping, waiting for him may be permanent darkness that can no longer wake up.

Although the golden seal swallowed the ghost of the dragon, it was clear that he was not qualified to refine it in a short time, and he could not be supplemented by any power. The pain in the body, the power emptiness after "Broken Element", the torment of waiting between life and death, put Xiao Chen's heart on a severe grind. If he changed to another monk, his thoughts would collapse at this moment, for fear that he would die in an instant. But Xiao Chen did not give up because he did not believe that the appearance of a mysterious will put him in a desperate situation, and also because in his mind, there was no concept of giving up at all. Even if he could not escape, he would persist until the end. Look for the first-round turn that may exist. So far, Xiao Chen is on the brink of extinction. If he is a man with a weak mind and a weak will, he is afraid that he has already died and cannot reach today.

Time passed by bit by bit, and now for Xiao Chen, every breath is painful, as long as a class every year, but it is in this pain that he is still struggling to support.

Suddenly, the star closest to Xiao Chen in the hunting galaxy suddenly lit up, and a dazzling pillar of spiritual power rose into the sky. And the emergence of this spiritual beam of light seemed to start some kind of chain reaction. With Xiao Chen as the core, the stars are lighted up quickly, and a pillar of spiritual light rises into the sky.

Thirty-seven cultivating stars, thirty-seven towering sky pillars of light, a large array of ghosts emerged from the hunting galaxy, and each cultivating star is a node of this large array, ancient, vast and powerful, from A large array of virtual shadows scattered inside.

Just at the moment when this large array of phantoms appeared, an invisible traction force appeared instantly. The thirty-seven soaring beams of light seemed to be attracted and suddenly bent. The beams of spiritual force extended and spread wildly, converging to where Xiao Chen was. . Viewed from a high level, it can be clearly seen that the thirty-seven pillars of spiritual light are like thirty-seven rivers, and the vast and sturdy soups converge into a nine-day star river, which falls from the starry sky, and directly below it is Xiao Where the morning is.

The galaxy composed of pure and aura of light instantly enveloped Xiao Chen, and a stream of pure and powerful power seemed to be attracted to him, and rushed into his body crazy! This force is pure and powerful. From the gathering of thirty-seven true stars, Haohao soup is endless and contains endless vitality. After entering Xiao Chen's body, he began to recover his nearly collapsed body. The cracked flesh and bones and viscera were repaired with an amazing degree, and the withered and dim primordial spirit in the primordial space suddenly became a little more angry, and a gleam of golden light kept flashing. When this force repaired Xiao Chen's physical body, he also added the huge emptiness in his body caused by "The Broken Element".

Xiao Chen's vague thoughts sensed changes in the outside world and sensed the power that rushed into his body. Although he didn't know what had happened, he knew that the turn that he was waiting for finally appeared. His resister was exhausted by his exhaustion, holding a trace of clear thoughts, without letting himself fall into a coma. Now in the hunting galaxy, if he really fainted, he may not have a chance to wake up. However, Xiao Chen was more concerned about this.

At this moment, with the operation of the hunting galaxy array method, the mighty coercion poured down from the sky, all the beings in the galaxy range, whether monks or wild beasts, were suppressed by a powerful force, the body was deadlocked, Showing fright, but unable to move at all. Just looking at the rising pillars of spiritual power and seeing them converging towards one place, everyone knows that there has been a huge change in hunting!

But at this moment, it can be seen by someone's fine induction. At this moment, all the wild beasts living in the hunting galaxy are full of fear at this moment. The vitality in their bodies is extracted by the creatures under the effect of the formation method, and merges into the stars into the sky. In China, it turns into a vast force.

On the low hill, the snow-white lone wolf was lying on the ground overwhelmingly, looking up towards the 37 beams of light in Yunxiao, inducing the power flowing in the body, and expressing shock and helplessness in his eyes.

"After so many years, the formation method was turned on again, and it was another catastrophe." In the low groan, his eyes flickered for a while, but he finally gave up the idea of ​​resistance, and closed his eyes slightly instead of choosing the default.

The catastrophe for hunting galaxy beasts, but for Xiao Chen, it is a great creation!

The construction of the hunting galaxy by the Dayan royal family will naturally not simply be regarded as a hunting ground, but a treasure house for future monks arranged by the Dayan royal family. Only at the beginning of the hunting galaxy, the construction monk will obtain the extremely high threshold for this chance. Any monk entering the hunting galaxy will be in the formation induction, not the one who has the absolute excellent potential and has the great blood of the royal family. It is impossible to get. After all, such a treasure land needs to gather the power of 37 stars and draw the power of hundreds of millions of wild beasts. Each opening will cause great loss to the entire hunting galaxy, and it will take tens of thousands of years of rest to slowly recover. Such a precious opportunity would prefer to keep the true genius of the Yan royal family rather than wasting it on ordinary juniors.

And Xiao Chen's performance after entering the hunting galaxy has obviously been recognized by the galaxy array, and he has the blood of Yan royal family in his body. The arrival of this opportunity has become reasonable.

At this moment, Xiao Chen is like a horrible black hole, madly devouring the power gathered by the entire hunting galaxy. This force is endless, integrated into his body, repairing the broken flesh, and nearly destroying Xiao Chen. The flesh is patched up intact. However, this strength did not disappear after Xiao Chen's physical recovery, and he was still infused into his body. The consequence was that the repaired physical body collapsed again, and then the influx of powerful forces recovered again. The withered Yuanshen has recovered as many as possible. The terrifying power required after the "Breaked Yuans" is now fully filled, but the Yuanshen is still swallowing up huge amounts of power, and the golden essence appears more dense and solid. As a result, Xiao Chen's thoughts gradually regained his soberness, and then he felt the endless pain from the deep flesh clearly!

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