Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 757: Tempering

Every inch of flesh and blood in the whole body is filled with extremely powerful power. During the tremor, the flesh, bones, and bones collapsed as much as possible, and then repaired again under the continued influx of forces. In this repetitive process, Xiao Chen ’s physical strength was This amazing degree of improvement, his entire physical body has undergone numerous collapses and reorganizations, which is equivalent to walking through the hardening between destruction and regeneration. The pain between this collapse and repair, along with the increase of his physical strength, is also A superposition degree keeps skyrocketing!

This pain is absolutely no less than the pain suffered when the "Broken Element" was performed in the state of the image of God, even more painful than that time! Like countless ants digging into the flesh and biting madly, with Xiao Chen's will, when they endured this pain, they were almost on the verge of collapse! When Yuan Shen devours his power, the clearer his reaction is, the pain he can feel will naturally increase. If his will has not been sharpened enough, he would not be able to persist now!

For Chen Chen's state at this moment, he knew very well that the madness and pain now is a creation that cannot be exchanged for any price! As long as he can bear all these pains, and when this is done, his physical body will be tempered to an extremely scary level, which will be of great benefit to his future cultivation. 〔< 〔八 (一 [(小 [说 网 W? WW.81ZW.COM) So he was struggling to support, trying to keep his mind in the state of ancient wells without waves, so as to weaken the sense of suffering of Yuanshen. But soon he Now, this is useless at all! The severe pain from the flesh seems to be born directly in his Yuanshen and cannot be isolated at all. Under the repeated attacks of the wave of pain, his will gradually began to shake, and once it collapsed at this moment, His mind will be wiped away instantly, even if the physical body and the Yuanshen are both present, he is already dead!

If he is in this state right now, I am afraid he will not be able to persist for too long!

There are two sides to the world, and life is for the good, but for the disaster. To describe the state of Xiao Chen at this moment, it is more appropriate.

And when he was gradually unable to bear it, he suddenly felt relieved, and the pain that was so horrifying and disappointing suddenly receded like a tide, unable to affect him in any way. At this moment, Xiao Chen entered a weird state, seeming to be independent from the body, watching as his own body, being watched by his own body undergoing the training of the power of the stars, but the pain could not be contaminated by himself. Slightly surprised, he immediately rejoiced in his heart, knowing that his mind was once again improved in the pain of suffering, and entered a new state. I am afraid that this painful test has already passed, and the rest is just waiting for the physical training to be completed.

He breathed a little sigh of relief, and then began to carefully observe the harvest of his own flesh in this creation, inducing the collapse and rebirth of the whole flesh, and his surprise became heavier and heavier.

After this tempering, I am afraid he can gain more than he imagined.


The Emperor Yan looked at the galaxy falling from Jiuxiao in the picture and stared at the looming figure, and could not help but give birth to a slight jealousy. Even when he was the Lord of the Great Swallows that year, after entering the hunting galaxy, he had not been recognized by the Star Formation, and Xiao Chen actually did it. This creation, even if he looked at it, was a little bit hot.

Le Yi stood on one side, and although Yan Huang never spoke, his expression remained calm, but from the slight changes in his face, he had estimated the changes in the mind of Yan Huang, slightly silent, and arched his hand. "Congratulations, Your Majesty! Congratulations! Your Majesty! After what happened today, there is no need to question the fact that Xiao Chen's blood is flowing in my body. Based on this, coupled with the great opportunities harvested in the self-employment of Dayan ’s royal family today, His Majesty will solicit. Should n’t it? This is really God ’s help, so that my great Yan successfully harvested a monk who is most likely to set foot in Hongmeng! ”He said this time, he did have a congratulation, but he was also reminding the Emperor Yan that he should not miss something Big. Xiao Chen is the reincarnation of Hongmeng and the blood of the royal family of Dayan. Even if he gets the chance of hunting galaxy, it is just a powerful chip to recruit him.

Now that Her Majesty Yan has decided to recruit Xiao Chen at all costs, it should be clear at this moment and should be relieved, rather than having other thoughts that are unnecessary or even cause an accident.

Le Yi's expression is very subtle, even if it is a loyal reminder, it is necessary to grasp the due measure when facing Yan Huang.

Yan Huang is naturally not a stupid person. When he heard Le Yi speak, he had already suppressed a trace of jealousy in his heart, and then he would have this kind of emotion to laugh at him. He is the Lord of Dayan, one of the most powerful men in the whole world. He controls Dayan's supreme right, so why bother with this matter. Xiao Chen is the reincarnation of Hongmeng. All he has to do is leave him at Dayan at all costs. As Le Yi said, the more he gets now, the easier it will be when he recruits in the future.

When he figured it out, he nodded slightly, and smiled, "Teacher is at ease, and he understands."


Outside the hunting galaxy, countless monks were unable to extricate themselves in shock, and the scene in the projection has completely exceeded their imagination!

At the moment, among this group of monks, there is a middle-aged monk who is slightly low, so that people do not see the meaning of his eyes shaking.

"Xiao Chen is actually the body of Hongmeng's reincarnation!" After a short silence, the middle-aged monk stepped back slightly, and quietly retreated without alarming anyone. After leaving the sight of everyone, his foot stepped forward and the figure directly The blended space disappeared and reappeared, and its figure was already on a desolate star that was very far away from the hunting galaxy. A hint of laughter emerged from the corner of his mouth, and then spread quickly, eventually turning into a lively laugh, "Hahahaha!" The laughter rolled, spread far away on this desolate star, a few want to approach The beast sensed a scent of breath on his body, sobbed in his mouth, exuding terrifying fear in his eyes, and turned to escape with his tail in his arms.

After a long time, the laughter only stopped, and the appearance of the middle-aged monk had changed. The light that remained in the Great Yan Emperor's Palace in name changed from his name. His face still had excitement and whispered. "My Dronaga family survivor Ding Liao has only an old husband and Xiao Chen. I don't want him to be the reincarnation of Hongmeng! If you cultivate well, you will probably be promoted to Hongmeng in the future! Based on this alone, I have a vein of Doronaga No worries about revival! "


In the depths of the dense forest, the hill-like bodies of two wild beasts fell to the ground, and blood and water trickled out from the wound.

The three figures fell to the ground in disarray, Yan Mingyue faced up to the sky, gasping in her mouth, beside him, Yan Ji and Yan Ji's faces were unwilling and unbelievable. It seemed that they had never thought that they would end up dead. So much.

The pillars of spiritual power rose into the sky, spouting mighty might, and suppressing all monks and wild beasts. Because of this, Yan Mingyue could get a precious respite, otherwise, in his current state, no matter if he met the monks or wild beasts, All will die.

"Brother Xiao, I know that no matter where you go, you are unwilling to be lonely, but this time the momentum is so magnificent, I'm afraid you don't want to leave Yan again, just leave me to rejoice with wine." Yan Mingyue said weakly He is no stranger to the breath that explodes from the depths of the stars. He has personally sensed the black superstar, and naturally he can recognize the breath of Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen apparently induced some good fortune, but Yan Mingyue was not jealous of it. If Skyfall's coercion had deterred everything, now he is afraid that he has already been fierce, and Xiao Chen is virtually equivalent to saving his life again. Besides, this trip to the galaxy, although dangerous, he also gained something.

After being hunted by Yan Ji and Yan Ji, after life and death, Yan Mingyue Xiu finally made a breakthrough and successfully promoted the virtual world. This was the only way to use the power of brutal beasts to fight and kill them.

To him, these gains are enough, how dare you want more.



[A good card in the last few chapters is basically more than a thousand words in an hour. These two chapters have been written for nearly six hours. The soreness of the fingers knocking hurts. Do you guys encourage Zhang Yueqi? Order, updated on time at 21:00. 】

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