Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 764: Come to an end

There is nothing in front of the star field, with the appearance of the golden gate, a ripple suddenly appeared, everything passing by immediately changed dramatically, and the situation outside the hunting galaxy appeared clearly in front of it. Bayi (Chinese 1? Z} W]. > C> OM

Jin Qijun looks like a big golden wave, guarding Yan Huang and courtiers, standing outside the golden gate, and the remaining monks are excluded from the crowd and must not drive near Yan Huang.

Silently, the golden gate in front of it slowly opened.

"The January period of the hunting galaxy has arrived, and the monks must not stay and leave!" Lux stepped forward to read the will of the Emperor Yan, his voice rolled through the golden portal into the hunting galaxy, and it was clearly introduced into the ears of each monk.

The matter of hunting galaxies is finally over.

Many tense monks can finally breathe a sigh of relief at this moment, and in the eyes of everyone, absolutely no one dares to rob. But even so, no one was willing to stay here for a long time, and the lights were shining outside, turning into a rainbow and flying towards the golden gate.

Xiao Chen lifted up, watching the tide of monks constantly flowing into the golden gate slowly opening, and said, "Brother Yan, let's go." Yu Luo stepped forward, and the figure burst out from the envelope wrapped in Xiguang.

Yan Mingyue turned into a shocking rainbow and followed behind him.

The two disappeared into the tide of monks, piercing the golden gates one after another, and the next moment, the figure appeared outside the hunting galaxy.

A moment later, when the last wave of monks stepped out of the golden gate, the breathtaking portal suddenly shuddered, the colors slowly faded out in the vibration ripples, and finally disappeared into the sight of everyone, completely hidden.

"See Her Majesty Yan!"

Out of the hunting galaxy, monks arched their hands and saluted the Emperor Yan in awe and respect. No matter what their cultivation is, in the face of the Lord of the Great Yan, they must maintain absolute respect and awe, and no one dares to be arrogant.

Yan Huang stood on the top of his car, his eyes swept around, and he didn't open his mouth, but his own faint coercion pervaded the hearts of all monks here, and the awe in his heart became stronger. Day Yan Tianzi, every move, contains imposing coercion.

"No courtesy, get flat."

"Your Majesty."

The monks got up and still didn't dare to look directly at Yan Huang's driving. They looked slightly different. Some people looked forward, some were frustrated, some were embarrassed, some were full of confidence, but no matter what, the string in their hearts was tense. The hunting galaxy has arrived in January. With the hunting of wild beasts as the judging criterion, it will soon be clear whether the opportunity can be seized and the sky will be soared.

"This time hunting galaxies, I have tried my best to fight for future opportunities and make every effort, and I have arranged the monks to start counting the wild animals in order to arrange the order in the shortest time so that each line will be rewarded." Yan Huangyan and slightly waved here A Golden Cavalry team suddenly retreated to both sides, revealing a platform that was directly cut by a meteorite. The monk who was responsible for statistics had already been prepared. After waiting for the storage ring collection, he could start working, I will give up my own breath, and when the ranking results appear, I will have the intention to come out from the palace, and wait patiently for this time to return to thistle. "

"Yes." Many monks saluted and set out in order to the meteorite cutting stone platform.

Xiao Chen watched Yan Mingyue leaping for a try, groaned slightly, flashed backhand, took out a storage ring, and said, "Brother Yan, you should take this storage ring and hand it in together. When you get the dragon One of the pool places. "

Yan Mingyue was shocked when she heard her words, but she moved a little, but she still waved her hand, saying, "Brother Xiao doesn't have to be like this. I've got your great benefits. How can I get the brute in your hand again. Xiao brother wants It ’s hunting ranking. It ’s safer to keep this storage ring in your own hands to avoid accidents. "

"You can safely accept it, there must be no accidents in the hunting position of the brute beast." Xiao Chen said faintly, but a strong self-confidence was revealed between the words.

Yan Mingyue hesitated slightly, or in the eyes of Xiao Chen, put this storage ring into his hands, a little doubt revealed a trace of insight into it, the body was instantly stiff, and lifting again was a big change!

"Brother Xiao, this is ..."

"Ancient ten-eyed snake has one step to evolve into a ferocious beast, but its strength is enough to be comparable to an ordinary ferocious beast." Xiao Chen opened his mouth directly, watching Yan Mingyue show hesitation, he shook his head slightly and said, "I Now that I have given you, naturally I know the importance of the dead body of the ancient ten-eyed snake. I still have a wild beast in my hand, which is a true fierce beast. The strength is even more powerful than the ancient ten-eyed snake, enough to get me hunting. Maybe you can accept it now? "

When Yan Mingyue heard her words, she shook hands with Xiao Chen and said, "Brother Xiao, don't say thank you. Yan Mingyue is in my heart. If I have a chance in the future, I will make a return!"

Xiao Chen nodded with a smile, but never said no.

The two drove Jiguang to the collection and storage or to the stone platform. Wherever they passed, the monks in front of them conceded conscientiously and did not dare to stop at the front, allowing the two to go directly to the stone platform.

Xiao Chen looked calm and respected the strongest in the realm of cultivation. He showed enough strength to deserve the respect he deserves. Yan Mingyue was one step behind, looking upright at the front and admiring her heart.

Xu Guang converged and landed on the stone platform, responsible for counting the tight faces of the monk monk. After seeing the two of Xiao Chen, he showed absolute respect and awe, and hurried to salute, saying: "See Lord Xiao Chen." Via Starlight The group formed an image, and countless monks outside the hunting galaxy witnessed the power of Xiao Chen. Although they could not guess that Xiao Chen was the reincarnation body of Hongmeng, they could easily cut off the strength of the dragons, which was enough to shock them completely. Statistics have not yet begun, and these monks have made it clear that the ranking of hunting must be Xiao Chen. With his strength, Her Majesty Yan Huang will definitely be rewarded and destined to be respected in the big Yan. That being the case, they are even more afraid to pretend.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, his face calmed. In the hunting galaxy, there will be a collision between the genesis kingdom and the power above, and a projection will appear outside the hunting galaxy. He will fight with the killer first, and fight with the dragon, behind, I am afraid that he has already been hunted outside the galaxy. The monk witnessed. He had long expected this, and naturally he would not be surprised by the monks' respect.

He flipped his hand, and the light flashed a little, and the storage ring for storing the dragon was already in his hand. He imprinted his own breath and put it on the table.

Yan Mingyue took a deep breath, but her heart was full of excitement. With the number of wild beasts in his hands and the existence of the ancient ten-eyed snake, three places in Shenglongchi must be one of him. But at this moment his face was still reluctantly calm, his hand flashed a little, and he took out several storages or scented their breaths and put them down.

The statistics monk hurriedly started, smashed the identity of the two with Yu Jian, and put away the storage carefully.

Seeing that things were done, Xiao Chen was gradually impatient in the eyes of everyone, and frowned slightly, saying: "Brother Yan, things have been completed, Xiao will take a step forward. After returning to Jidu, I will retreat briefly, See you after your ranking intentions are announced. "Yu Luo slightly arched his hands, turned and stepped out, a dark crack appeared directly in the space in front of him, his figure entered into it, and disappeared in a flash.


Yan Huang watched Xiao Chen leave, with a slight smile on his face, and said, "Teacher, let's go." There are many people with mixed eyes. Although he is enthusiastic about Xiao Chen, he can't show it too clearly, so as not to be too obvious. Cause unnecessary trouble.

Le Yi, respectfully, turned around and instructed Xiayan Huangkou.

The Jin Qijun slowly moved, and the revitalization of the arch guarded the Emperor Yan, and slowly moved faster and faster, turning into a flowing golden river, whistling away in this direction.

The matter of hunting galaxies has come to an end.


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