Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 765: Return to Thistle

Thistle is. Bayi Chinese Network (W> W] W). 〉 8? 1> ZW. Com

Although the matter of hunting the galaxy is not over, news about this matter has been returned 66, causing the entire thistle to boil. The most important reason is because of Rong Guoqing Yun Gong Xiao Chen.

Soon after the hunting galaxy opened, news of Xiao Chen and the killing came out, both of which revealed the creation of the king of the kingdom, but the final result was defeated and killed on the spot. Along with the news, there was also a clear picture of Yuying Jane, which completely recorded the projection of the star light group, so that the horrific World War I could be fully exposed in front of Monk Jidu. The power of the two people burst out to the hearts of countless monks Shocked.

But after that, things changed unexpectedly. Xiao Chen fell into the siege of monks and brute beasts, but had not yet waited for the killing, and the first monk suddenly disappeared. What followed was the emergence of a manglong, the huge body that stretched for thousands of miles, and the horrifying breath that soared into the sky. Although it was only a picture and shadow, it also made people clearly feel its power and horror. Several major tasting masters of Jidu Manju Pinshangtang urgently started. After careful speculation, they agreed that this wild beast has evolved into a fierce beast, and its strength may be even stronger at the peak of creation. Once this remark came out, it suddenly set off a stormy sea throughout the thistle. Although shocked by this speculative result, no one doubted the strength of Pinjiantang. As the oldest and oldest savage beast tasting hall of thistle and even the entire Dayan, it has an unquestionable absolute position in the field of tasting savage beasts. But it was such a terrible beast that was terrifying in strength, but it was wiped out by Xiao Chen with one finger.

For a time, the golden shadow of the figure became the shadow of the jade that numerous monks circulated throughout the thistle.

Jidu is a comparative test, which is the official monk's strength assessment place established by the Yan royal family. It is responsible for all-round appraisal of monks, supernatural powers, yuanshen, treasures, and combat consciousness for monks in the realm of destruction and above. The monk repaired the tasting and issued the tasting Yujian as proof. Kao Tiaotang's tasting certificate proves that it has effectiveness throughout the territory of Dayan and even Qi, and is recognized by all forces. After the transfer of the golden one-finger figure Yingyu Jane, Kaoyutang hurriedly gathered several senior test masters to make a joint appraisal. The result was that the golden one-finger was comparable to the power of the Creator Xeon!

Although Kaoyutang only made tasting results on this golden one-finger magical power, the underlying meaning is to prove that Xiao Chen is very likely to be the creation Xeon!

The territory of the Dayan Kingdom is vast, and there are countless monks, but there are very few monks who have created the world. Each one is the most peak existence in this world. It has a respected status and has the power to destroy the world!

The news came out that thistle was shocking again!

The ancestors of the Xu family ordered all the collections of Xiaoying and Yuying about Xiao Chen. After three days of silence, they suddenly gave an order. The deaths of the Xun and Xun Lin were revealed. Thereafter, the monks of the Xu family could not embarrass Xiao Chen. It's not that the old man was too generous to be able to watch the most important younger generation of the old family being killed and indifferent, but the power revealed by Xiao Chenzhan and the bright future in the future made him have to choose the default.


Pilgrimage palace.

Xiao Chen appeared, striding towards it.

Several gate guards saw the visitors clearly, Ji Lingling shuddered, and his expression instantly turned into a respectful and profound salute.

In the respectful eyes of these guardians of the palace gate, Xiao Chen's feet didn't pause for a short while, and went directly into the pilgrimage palace and into the hundred gardens.

The return of the Grand Duke Guo naturally caused the entire Rongguo ambassador to be shaken. The deputy envoys and other people hurried to come to see him. His expression was a little more awesome than before, but his eyes couldn't help but produce a bit of complexity. With the strength that Xiao Chen has now revealed, how can he willingly lie in Rongguo to be a small Qingyun man, so only to be solicited by the Emperor Yan, I am afraid that he will become a prince of the Great Yan when he changes. What's more, it is not impossible to divide even the mighty side of the country.

Xiao Chen naturally noticed these thoughts of the missionary monks, but he didn't say much about it, and asked about the issues of Jidu after leaving, and determined that there were no major incidents, so he waved them away and ordered that it was not important No one can disturb things.

I went to the closed room and saw Dao Xian, his breath gradually converged. Obviously, the surge of power had been slowly controlled during the deep sleep. Xiao Chen checked it and determined that Dao Xian had nothing wrong, and then returned to his Xuezhang Academy.

The retreat in the hunting galaxy for a short period of time is simply not enough to allow him to completely control the surge of power in the body, but fortunately, he can barely contain it in the body now, and will not arbitrarily. The biggest advantage in this way is that he can practice with the left eyebrow dojo. Thirty times the time flow will undoubtedly allow him to control the surge of power in his body in a short time. When confronted with the dragon, in the state of the image of the god, he displayed a golden finger far from his own limit state, and directly killed the beast. This matter cannot be concealed due to the projection of the large array of hunting galaxies. I do not know what kind of waves this incident will bring. Before the situation is clear, it is naturally the most wise choice to control the power in the body and adjust its state to the peak.

Stepping on the thick snow and entering the cultivation secret room, Xiao Chen opened the prohibition against the separation of consciousness and breath without taking any hesitation, took out the left eyebrow dojo, stepped forward, and the figure disappeared.


The hunting galaxy was over, and Her Majesty Yan returned to Jidu under the Golden Cavalry arch guard, followed by countless monks who returned from the hunting galaxy. The entire Jidu Inn was overcrowded for a while. It is the chaos brought about by the monk fight. In the hunting galaxy, monks inevitably fight for the beasts. These resentments did not dissipate after leaving the hunting galaxy, but because of some quarrel battles. But all the monks who dare to do something in thistle have been invited by the Royal Army to drink tea. Although there will be no heavy punishment, it will not be too comfortable. After leaving, they have converged a lot, even if they are in person. No one dared to fiddle with his teeth.

In this way, the Causeway Terrace has become the most lively place in Jidu. There are dozens of monk duels taking place every day, but it makes the Jidu monks in the crowd watchful.

But more monks waited in silence for the will from the Great Yan Emperor's Palace. Three Shenglongchi places were occupied by Qing Yungong Xiao Chen, and the other two would be spent.


Outside the fifteenth day, the dojo year and March.

Xiao Chen closed her eyes and trembled slightly, then slowly opened, her spirits returned to calmness, with lustrous fluorescence, a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, and soon spread to the entire face. In the hunting galaxy, although he has sensed the strength of the physical body after quenching, and also knows that the Yuanshen and the mana have increased significantly, but because he has not combed all the power in the body, he has not been clear about the extent of his strength Recognition. At the retreat in the dojo for one year and three months, he has acquired a complete grasp of the surge of power in the body, and finally knows that his harvest in this creation is even more amazing than he imagined!

Among them, Xiao Chen's physical body was the one who gained the most and gained the most strength.

In the state of the image of God, his entire physical body had completely collapsed when the "Broken Element" was cast, but in the galaxy from which the stars were gathered, his physical body could be restored and reborn with the help of endless terror. Subsequently, after the integration of the mighty power, the next collapse and reorganization, undergoing the tempering between destruction and rebirth, the physical strength increased astoundingly. On the surface, Xiao Chen's body looks the same as before, but the interior has already undergone earth-shaking changes!

The density of flesh is amazing, and it has extremely strong toughness, making it extremely difficult to break. The bones are as warm as jade, showing a pale golden color, exuding a thin layer of golden fluorescence, so that the flesh and blood around the bones have been stained with pale golden color. In the thick and tough meridians, the blood slowly flows and is slightly sticky. There is a trace of gold in it, and the flicker is looming. All organs of the viscera are scattered with golden light on the surface. The golden light on the heart is the strongest. Although it beats slowly, it will vibrate slightly every ten or so hours, but it is as stable and powerful as a drum.

This seemingly unusual body, but its strength is far from the fierce beast known for its physical strength, hiding the horrible to heart-struck power. Once shot, the power of might can tear the world!

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