One half of the monk missing the left ear took a step forward, and a sneer came out of his mouth. "Then see if you are qualified to save your life!" Aura burst into the air and flew towards Xiao Chen. [August Chinese W? W> W]. ) 8] 1} Z} W>. ? C) O] M> This monk can only repair the creation, but his breath is almost as good as that of the perfect monk. The degree is even faster and more amazing. Just in a flash, he has approached Xiao Chen's side. Ben stabbed in his chest.

Xiao Chen sank, his eyes flashed slightly. It seems that the Sinister Realm is not a good place. This man has shot in an instant and has already killed himself, trying to take his life.

That being the case, he naturally would not stay.

After all asking for news, leaving three of them was enough.

The single palm in the robe sleeve protruded and pointed forward, and the fingertips and the blood-colored short blade met in an instant, and there was a sound of golden iron and iron. The next moment, the **** short blade suddenly collapsed, turning into a shard of astronomy.

There was a terrible cry in the monk's mouth, and his body flew away instantly. The cracking sound of the scalp's bones came clearly. His whole body was distorted and deformed.

In an instant confrontation, this person was killed by Xiao Chen with one finger.

The remaining two men and one woman's faces were instantly white, with terrifying fear in their eyes, a scream of a flash of external light, and they wanted to turn to escape. But at this moment, there was a voice that made their whole blood almost freeze. "Who dares to escape half a step, I will kill him directly." The three figures suddenly stiffened, panic and hesitation flashed in their eyes, and finally Still let out the light of the body, one by one with fear. I thought that fortunately today, I encountered a fat sheep, but did not want to be a desperate star. With the power revealed by Xiao Chen today, they did not have the slightest assurance of escape, and dare to escape. And from what he said, things seem to be turning for the better today. All three were begging in the eyes, and the woman even intentionally showed a pitiful appearance, and there was no temptation in her eyes.

Xiao Chen's face was indifferent. He shot and killed one person instantly, not only because he shot fiercely but also to deter the three, or to get the information he wanted from them. It now appears that his purpose has been achieved.

"I asked, you said, don't try to deceive me, if the answer is satisfactory, I may let you go alive." Xiao Chen whispered, the angles between each other have completely changed, "The first question, is this evil? Star field? "

The three nodded hurriedly, a little eagerness in their eyes. If they fall into the hands of other monks in the evil galaxy, they will die. But the people in front of them have first entered the evil star domain, and have not yet infected the cruelty here, they may still have a hint of vitality.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly and reached out to point to the woman, saying: "I ask, you answer, if she is wrong, you two can correct me, whoever corrects me, I will let whoever leave."

The woman noticed the scorching heat in the eyes of the two monks around her, and she suddenly scolded her. She had various affections when she was on the old lady. Now that something happened, she wanted to change the old lady's life. It was not so easy!

She stepped forward and spoke respectfully. "Although the adult speaks, he knows everything."

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, took two steps slowly, and groaned slightly, saying: "How big is the evil galaxy? What is the state today, or who is in power? Where is my right now?" A separate world, even if It is a place of exile. After hundreds of thousands of years and even more proliferating changes, it will form a set of its own order system. He needs to know these if he wants to walk here, otherwise he will cause trouble.

"Master Uighur, the evil star field consists of thirty-three small galaxies. There are more than one thousand small and large true stars, most of which are abandoned stars. Today, there are only more than three hundred monks staying in residence. The entire star field There is no unified force, but it is controlled by sects, large and small, each occupying a different number of cultivation stars, and each other often suffers from wars and turmoil because of disputes over territories, resources, etc. You are now under the influence of the Shuiyang Sect. Shuiyang The sectarian power is not weak, occupying seven cultivating stars in the circle, and it is regarded as a moderate sect in the evil star field. It is said that the lord is the monk of the creation kingship. "The woman said, knowing as much as possible, dare not have Conceal at least.

Xiao Chen frowned and groaned for a while before he continued to speak, "What is the currency of the sinful horoscope? What are the resources of monasticism? What is the state of the most powerful?"

The woman's complexion was pale, and Mi Nuo hesitated for a while. Seeing that Xiao Chen's face became more gloomy, and gradually became somewhat impatient, she dared to open her scalp. "The yuan crystal and blood yuandan in the constellation are circulating currencies. The amount of mining is getting less and less. The main source is the circulation of Xueyuan Dan. The monastic resources are extremely barren. Various elixir and treasures are scarce. "Speaking here, she took a careful look at Xiao Chen's look and saw that he was no different before continuing. Speaking, "As for the realm of the Supreme Being asked by adults, this point of view may be taken seriously, but it is rumored that the existence of the creation of the strongest or even higher realm is hidden in the evil star domain."

Since the beginning of the Evil Star Domain, I don't know how many monks have been exiled, including countless strong men. Although they are destined to fall a lot, anyone who can survive will be bound to reach a state of extreme horror. Xiao Chen is not surprised that the evil galaxy has a creator or stronger monk, but what she said proves one thing. The evil galaxy is indeed a barren place for monastic resources.

"The last question, have you ever heard of how to leave the evil galaxy?" Xiao Chen's eyes blinked slightly.

The woman stayed for a while, then shook her head with a bitter smile. The grown-up was not weak. Coupled with the first entry into the hunting galaxy, I was afraid that she would still be confident about the future, thinking that she could one day leave the hunting galaxy. But before long, he would know what situation he was facing, and then began to feel despair.

"Master, did you hear the news here before entering the evil galaxy? In rumors, maybe a monk has really left the evil galaxy, but I have been here for thirty thousand years, but I have never seen it Just one person. "The woman said, and afterwards, she did not feel despair in her eyes.

Beside her, the two men were also slightly lower, showing pain.

If it is possible, no one wants to stay in the evil star domain, but it turns out that they have no possibility to leave ...

Xiao Chen's face sank, and then he took a deep breath, suppressing this negative emotion as much as possible. The three men in front of them are low-key, and with their vision, they cannot naturally access the secrets of the evil star realm, so the words cannot be taken seriously. Since someone has left the evil star domain before, he can do the same, even if there is really no way to go, he must make a way out! He said nothing and fell into deep thought. The three monks in front of them naturally dared not to act rashly. Although they could not leave earlier, Xiao Chen didn't dare to take any action before waiting to speak. They could only wait in the trance.

Fortunately, not long, Xiao Chen has returned to God, glanced at the three, clearly felt the awe of their hearts, and groaned a little, saying: "For your honest report, this Then I will spare you. "But not waiting for the three of them to rejoice, he whispered and said," This is the first time I have entered the evil galaxy, and now there is no place to stay. You take me to your own place for a while, take me You will naturally leave when you become familiar with it. "

Although the three heard the words, their mouths were bitter, but they dared to show the slightest. They respected each other, but they looked at the dead monk with a bit of reluctance.


[Tomorrow at 17:00 and 21:00. 】

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