Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 788: Dongguocheng

Xiao Chen waved his hand and said, "Treasures on his body are equal to your three-pointer, and we'll get them out immediately. Don't delay time."

"Thank you very much, Lord." The three of them were pleased, and hurried forward to search for the treasures of the dead monk. They were already united in interests. They looked at each other kindly, but there was no emotion in their hearts.

Besides, how many people still have emotions in this evil galaxy?

The three assigned the treasures. Seeing Xiao Chen's eyes swept away, although he was reluctant, he nodded at the same time when looking at each other. It should be for the sake of sharing together over the years, leaving him with a whole body. The three returned, respectfully leading Xiao Chen away.

But shortly after they left, a monk-eye-breast-eye monk came carefully, looking at the body in front of his body with twisted eyes and blood filled with shock and horror, revealing a trace of fear in his eyes, and then turned into joy.

"Hey, the corpse of the creation, but it was cheap for me." In a low smile, the man swept away the corpse and turned it into a ray of light, leaving it. Amazing baby ...


"My lord, Wei Yuanxing is in front of us. The three of us live in this star Dongguo city." The woman, named Wu Jiao, has calmed down after the initial turmoil, and she saw that Xiao Chen had no intention of killing them. Dependence. The evil star domain, if attached to the strong, the possibility of survival will be greatly increased.

The other two men, named Miao Cheng and Bao Yu, followed each other respectfully, watching Wu Jiao showing flattering feelings to Xiao Chen. Although they were dissatisfied, they did not dare to reveal the slightest. The evil star domain, the strong possesses everything, which is just right!

Xiao Chen looked at the pale yellow star in front of him, feeling that the faint heaven and earth vitality could not help but slightly shook his head. If this Wei Yuan star is in the Great Thousand Realms, he can barely be regarded as an inferior cultivation star, but in the evil star field, it is a rare place with abundant vitality.


As the residence of the Shuiyang sect, it was also quite imposing. The walls were covered with deep and shallow potholes and cuts. Obviously, the battle-fighting also added a bit of prestige to this city. The gate was wide open, and a group of monks wearing simple armors Shuiyang Sect maintained the gate order. Any monks entering the city had to pay a certain fee.

The four of Xiao Chen were among the team entering the city. Most of the monks in the front used a kind of red-red pills the size of a pinkie. Presumably this elixir is the blood yuandan in Wujiao's mouth. He frowned slightly and said, "Xue Yuandan contains powerful power, but it has a wicked atmosphere. What is it made of?" In order to prevent being heard, Xiao Chen's voice was very low and passed directly Into the ears of the three of them.

Wu Jiao, Miao Cheng, and Bao Yu's faces changed slightly, and they promised for a while, but none of them spoke.

Feeling that Xiao Chen's eyes were gradually cold, Wu Jiao scolded Miao Cheng and Bao Yu for being ridiculous, but did not dare to delay, whispering: "Master, the resources of the Sinister Sacred Path are barren. This blood Yuandan is ... .Made from the body of a monk and absorbing the power of flesh and blood into a panacea. "

Xiao Chen felt a shock in her heart, and remained silent while her pupils contracted. He didn't expect that Xue Yuandan came this way. When thinking of leaving before, the three of them looked at the flesh of the monk who was falling down, I'm afraid not only the treasures on him but also his Create the flesh of the monk.

Wu Jiao's three felt Xiao Chen's silence, and at the same time kept quiet and did not dare to make any sound. They know the impact of this matter, and they are just as unacceptable when they first entered the sphere of blame. But time can change everything. In order to survive, even if they really eat people indirectly, they have no choice.

Everything, just to live, no matter how humble.

Until entering the city, Xiao Chen slowly converged on the thoughts in her heart and her face returned to calm.

"Which girl Wujiao came back so quickly this time, it seems that she is very lucky." Master Shuiyangzong seemed familiar with the three, but his eyes turned slightly surprised, "Why didn't Hong Daoyou come back with you?" "

"Brother Zhao joked, we didn't really gain anything this time, and we rushed back in time when we met an experienced person. Brother Hong had a little personal affairs, so he didn't come with us." Wu Jiao smiled and said nothing on her face. No one could guess that Hong Dachuan had died.

Brother Zhao surnamed looked around Xiao Chen, nodded and said nothing. After handing in Xue Yuan Dan, the four entered the city. But Wu Jiao, Miao Cheng, and Bao Yu could not help showing some worries on their faces.

Xiao Chen said lightly, and said, "What? Could the monk that I had killed before have a background that makes you afraid?"

"Don't dare to conceal the adult. Although Hong Dachuan is not a good climate, his brother Hong Dawei is the leader of the Shuiyang Zong Tie Yuwei. It is far from being a realm of creation. If he can be provoke in the future, Knowing Hong Dachuan's ridicule, we are afraid that he will be angered by him. "Wu Jiao frowned and opened her eyes, and there was a flood of water between her eyes.

Miao Cheng and Bao Yu nodded repeatedly after hearing the words.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, paused slowly, and said, "No need to frown in front of me. If you ca n’t even settle this thing in the Sin Sin Domain, how can you live to this day. But I can give you One guarantee is that if something goes wrong during my stay, naturally you will not be implicated. "

The three of Wujiao saw through Xiao Chen's thoughts. Although he did not get a thorough guarantee, he did not dare to continue, so as not to anger Xiao Chen, and now respectfully lead the way.

Along the way, most of the monks we saw were bleak-looking, and their bodies were full of energy. At first glance, they were long-time killers. From time to time, we can see monks soaring into the sky and let go and kill. The winner gets everything. preservation.

Obviously, the three dance dancers have become accustomed to this. They did not move to lead the way, and the three artificial artifacts appeared faintly, and there were no accidents.

Miao Cheng carefully took out a thing, and the courtyard restraint naturally opened. Wu Jiao was leading the way and took the lead to enter the courtyard. It was also a manifestation of Xiao Chen's reassurance. The only thing that is really safe is your own courtyard. You can get asylum by spending Yuan Jing or Xue Yuan Dan from the local denominations. In general, no one wants to attack the courtyard. This is a provocation to one of the gates. But the evil galaxy Everything in China can be changed without absolute power, strength, or wealth. "

Xiao Chen nodded slightly.

During the talk, the four have entered the hall. Please ask Xiao Chen to go up and down. Wu Jiao, Miao Cheng, and Bao Yu stand down respectfully, but you can see that after entering the courtyard, their expressions are relaxed.

"I will pause here for a while, and I will leave when I am familiar with everything. During this time, I do not want any accidents, otherwise you three will all die." Xiao Chen said lightly, but this is exactly The unyielding, willful and strong will is even more alarming.

Wu Jiao, Miao Cheng, and Bao Yu's bodies were stiff for a moment, their faces were slightly white, and a layer of cold sweat came from the back.

Seeing that Xiao Chen had achieved his goal, he waved his sleeves, flashed aura, and a pile of yuan crystals suddenly appeared on the ground. There were nearly a thousand yuan. I am satisfied, and of course there will be rewards after leaving. "

"Thank you, lord!" The three were overjoyed, looking at Yuan Jing on the ground, his eyes lightened slightly.

Although Xueyuandan contains powerful power, there is a yin-sha energy that is harmful to the monk's body. If you use too much, you will be infected by this yin-sha energy. The evil galaxy monks are so fierce and aggressive that they have an inescapable relationship with Xue Yuandan. In this case, Yuan Jing's value has soared. The nearly 1,000 Yuan Jing is already a lot of wealth.

Threats come first, and rewards come later. As long as Wujiao, Miaocheng and Bao Yu are smart enough, they should understand what to do in the future.

Xiao Chen was so. He just hoped that if he didn't stand firm, he could minimize some trouble. Now that things have been done, he nodded slightly, and said, "Take Yuan Jing, and arrange a secret room for me."

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