Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 790: God Machine Museum

Yuan Shen swept away and determined that there was nothing wrong with the ban. Xiao Chen nodded, closed the dojo, waved his hand to remove the ban and pushed out the door. [[ M

Xiao Chen left the gate and alarmed Wu Jiao, Miao Cheng, and Bao Yu. They all came to pay tribute. They stayed in the house for several days without taking a step. Fortunately, the news of Hong Dachuan's death did not seem to spread, making them feel relieved.

When seated, Xiao Chen waved his hand slightly to signal the three of them to get up, glanced at them, and said, "I want to know, is there any place to buy treasures in Dongguo City?"

Wu Jiao respectfully salutes, "Master, Dongguo City has a magic machine hall, specializing in selling all kinds of treasures. Behind it is the Shuiyang Sect. The price is fair, but it is the largest place in the city selling treasures."

"Well, I need to buy a suitable treasure, and you can go with me." Xiao Chen nodded and got up and went out.

Wu Jiao respectfully should be slightly behind and follow him behind.


"Sir, this is the God Machine Museum." Wu Jiao whispered, looking a little, a little awed.

This is a huge ship suspended in mid-air, nearly a thousand miles long, more than a hundred miles wide, a huge pennant is displayed, and the letter "Shenji Museum" is written. The font is ordinary, but the brushstroke is strong, and the bulls are shot, releasing a arrogant and overbearing atmosphere, and there is intimidation invisibly.

The restraint of the aura of light shining on the ship released the eye-catching brilliance. From time to time, there were monks in and out of the ship.

Xiao Chen looked at the big ship, his face changed a little, and he secretly said a good way.

This entire ship is composed of small pieces. Although each grade is not high, it can be combined into a complete whole. The flow of power is round and smooth, and there is no sluggishness. The breath is amazing!

The defensive power of this big ship alone is enough to make the monks in the world of creation king discourage, even if it is at the peak of creation, it may not be able to destroy it! No wonder it dared to do the business of selling treasures in a chaotic evil star realm, and it was really powerful.

Originally, Xiao Chen's trip didn't hold much hope. After all, the evil galaxy ’s path to cultivation is barren, and all kinds of materials for refining treasures are scarce. But looking at the powerful and powerful ship in front of him, he suddenly had some hope in his heart. There is something to be learned in the God Machine Museum.

"Let's go." Yuluo took one step ahead and went straight to the huge ship. Wu Jiaojiao flashed aura, followed closely behind him.

When the two fell on top of the giant ship, a middle-aged monk hurried forward, with a kind smile on his face, which made people close to him without knowing it. "I don't know that two Taoists came to sell treasures. Or buy a treasure? "

Xiao Chen arched his hands and said lightly, "I want to buy treasures."

The middle-aged monk nodded with a smile, and said, "That's it, two Taoist friends, please come with me." He reached out and led Xiao Chen to walk inside the hull.

The first floor of the ship is a large hall. Obviously, a very deep space array method is used. The exterior is only a thousand miles in size, but the real entry into it is now afraid that it is thousands of miles wide and can hold millions. Monk.

The display cabinets are made of crystals, which are absolutely transparent and bright. You can clearly see the magic weapons in the display cabinets. The bustling monks flow through the large and small display cabinets to find the treasures they need. These evil galaxy monks, who have always been tough and overbearing, have converged all their arrogance in the God Machine Museum, and dare not be arrogant.

"The first floor is a large exhibition hall, which sells treasures below the level of the creation world, the second floor is a small exhibition hall, which requires the creation of the world to enter, and the third floor is a small auction, which requires the creation of the king of the world. Enter. "The middle-aged monk explained with a smile, but his eyes carefully observed the change in Xiao Chen's look, because from the beginning, he could not see the depth of his cultivation.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, and he swept across the large exhibition hall on the first floor. These treasures were really good for monks below the creation world, but could not meet his requirements. He groaned a little and said, "Go and see on the second floor."

Wujiao respectfully salutes, and said, "Sir, I am waiting for you in the large exhibition hall on the first floor." She could already kill Hong Dachuan with one finger. She already knew that Xiao Chenxiu was at the creation level, so she would not be surprised.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, led by a middle-aged monk, and entered a teleportation circle. The aura of light flashed, and the two figures disappeared instantly. Reappeared, already on the second floor of the Shenji ship, a few steps away was a closed door on one side.

The middle-aged monk stretched out his hand and said, "Master, please."

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, and he had seen through the reality of the closed portal. It is not difficult to say that the portal is open. As long as there is a force that can excite the level of creation, the portal can be banned and opened. Otherwise, whatever you do, don't even think about turning it on. Obviously, this portal is used to determine the use of monks. Without the power of creation, you can only go downstairs to buy treasures.

If his condition is unknown, he nodded slightly and walked to the door, reached out and pushed, and closed the portal instantly.

Behind Xiao Chen, the middle-aged monk was slightly stiff, and looked at Xiao Chen with a moment of awe. The second-level portal can be opened at the level of creation, but the degree of opening is different. The faster it is, the stronger it is. Pushing and opening like Xiao Chen showed that he had repaired the far-reaching limit of power demand.

"Sir, I don't know what kind of treasure you need to purchase, explain your requirements, or screen for you next, so as not to delay your time." The middle-aged monk said slightly.

Xiao Chen groaned slightly and said, "I have a mustard treasure in my hand. I want to buy a treasure to collect it and add a layer of protection to the outer layer. I wonder if there is such a treasure in your museum?"

In the eyes of middle-aged monks, the awe is even heavier. The evil galaxy is barren with all kinds of resources. The mustard treasures are rare in number and each is of great value. It is extremely normal to add a layer of defense treasure to avoid damage.

"Master, please follow me."

Under the guidance of a middle-aged monk, Xiao Chen was taken to an exhibition hall where several treasures resembling small halls were displayed, one by one, exquisite and beautiful, clearly not ordinary.

"My lord, this is the latest batch of Dongfu-like treasures from the Qianji Museum. They seem to be small but have a lot of space in them. They can be used directly as Dongfu after recognizing the Lord. The defense is amazing. They can also face the power of the creation world. A little resistance should meet your requirements. "

Dongfu-type treasures are one of the most precious treasures in the Qianji Museum. Refining is not easy, the price is extremely high, and any one is worth hundreds of thousands of yuan. Even if Xiao Chen has shown a strong enough repair, This middle-aged monk would not take him at all.

Xiao Chen nodded, glanced at these Dongfu treasures, his brows could not help but wrinkle slightly, and said, "These treasures really meet my requirements, but the defense is still not enough. Is there anything more than these grades? Tall Dongfu-like treasures? "

He spoke according to the facts, but did not want anyone to listen to it.

There are not many monks in the small exhibition hall on the second floor, and at the treasure house of Xiaofu, there is another monk with a round face who is over forty years old beside Xiao Chen. At this moment, he heard a sneer and said, "The Qianji Museum's Cave treasures have always been famous for their amazing luxury defenses. I think Daoyou may not be able to afford it. Why do you need to find such an excuse to make a joke for nothing! "He is already optimistic and is looking to buy one of the treasures Now when I hear Xiao Chen say this, I feel uneasy in my heart.

Xiao Chen frowned, and his eyes fell on this round-faced monk. This man, however, had only the financial resources to purchase Dongfu treasures, but he was obviously a person with background. He was unwilling to incur unnecessary troubles because he taught this person to speak well, and turned to look at the middle-aged monk around him, saying, "If there is a higher level of Dongfu-like treasures, I will buy them."

The monk with a round face next to him was extremely annoyed by Xiao Chen's indifference. He even sneered at Wen Yan's face, sitting and watching the lively appearance.

The middle-aged monk hesitated slightly, looking at Xiao Chen's calm eyes, still nodded his teeth slightly, and said, "Adult is a little firm, ask the treasurer next, and then reply." Yu Luo turned and walked to the side, through the stone in his hand Ask it.

Xiao Chen stood calmly aside, but his gesture only annoyed the round-faced monk.

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