Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 791: Small auction

After a while, the middle-aged monk returned, respectfully saluting, and said, "Sir, this time there is a higher-grade Dongfu-like treasure, but it is not placed on this floor, but in the third floor auction, You see ... "He means very clearly that better treasure is there, depending on whether you are eligible to buy it. Eight [One [中 ?? <文 W] W] W ?. 8) 1) YW. Com

The monk with a round face next to him suddenly laughed, "haha", he looked at Xiao Chen with a sullen expression on his face, and said, "There are better treasures in the Thousand Machine Museum, you go buy it? Hey, do you want me to take you into San Floor. "This man's open smile attracted the attention of all monks in the small exhibition hall on the second floor, but after seeing this person, his brows couldn't help but wrinkle slightly, showing a bit of fear.

The middle-aged monk is anxious. Although it is a mockery among the guests, if Xiao Chen becomes angry or angry, he may be implicated. Of these creation monks, which is not a deep background, he didn't want to be the pond fish that was hit.

"How to get to the third floor?" The middle-aged monk listened for a moment and turned to look at Xiao Chen's calm eyes, finally convinced that this sentence was what he said. The man couldn't help but agitated, saying: "From The first layer can use the teleportation array to enter the third layer. "

Xiao Chen frowned slightly. He didn't expect to run again. He turned to the outsider of the exhibition hall, and a scream came from behind him, "Wait a minute!"

Xiao Chen turned around and looked at the middle-aged monk who spoke. He looked slightly impatient and said, "What else is going on?"

The middle-aged monk carefully swallowed a spit of foam and said, "Sir, I forgot just now, there is a staircase on the second floor leading to the third floor, and you can walk up there. However, I cannot enter the small auction on the third floor. Naturally someone will arrange everything for you when the adult enters. "After speaking, the more respectful his face became. Although Xiao Chen had not yet ascended the building, his calm face was not disturbed at all, and his heart was obviously full of confidence.

Xiao Chen nodded. Turning around, he saw a staircase leading upstairs in the corner. He turned and walked towards the stairs. In the attention of the monk on the second floor, he stepped down on the first step, and his face changed slightly.

No wonder you can climb to the third floor through the stairs. This stairs is not easy to climb. Without the creation of the King of the Realm, you can take a step.

A powerful repulsive force suddenly came, but couldn't shake Xiao Chen's figure. He took a calm step, and his steps were no different from start to finish, and everyone's eyes turned to him with deep awe.

Because what Xiao Chen reveals is the absolute power of creation and kingship!

Just when he was about to disappear, Xiao Chen suddenly turned around, looked down at the monk with a round face, and said lightly, "Would you like me to help you come up from here?" In a word, the monk's face turned red instantly. , Then Tieqing, eventually turned into blue and white, and my heart was even more ashamed.

Xiao Chen said nothing, did not continue to stay, turned and boarded the third floor.

This round-faced monk is so arrogant, and he is not without anger, so that he can teach him something so that he knows that there is someone outside, and there is heaven outside!

In the small exhibition hall on the second floor, everyone looked at the monk with a round face. Although he was unwilling to be brazen, the contempt and mockery were so clear, and Xiao Chen's method was admiration. Looking at people's level, they don't have general knowledge with you at all. In the simple and single sentence later, you can step on your feet!

The monk with a round face was extremely gloomy. As his identity, when did he suffer such humiliation, looking towards the direction where Xiao Chen left, his eyes became not only resentful! He turned around and glanced around, but everyone who looked at him with his eyes couldn't help but jump slightly, avoiding them all.


In the cold hum, the round-faced monk turned and walked out.


The third floor of the Shenji Hall was transformed into a small auction hall. When Xiao Chen stepped on the third floor, a beautiful woman with a beautiful face quickly greeted and saluted. He said, “Welcome adults to see the auction. , May I ask if you have invited Yu Jian, if not, you can only arrange a seat for you at random. "The voice is soft and sweet, which makes people feel uncomfortable when they hear it.

Xiao Chen shook his head slightly and said, "I didn't invite Jade Jane in my hand, and the location was randomly arranged."

"Yes, please follow me, my lord." The woman turned, slightly lower, respectfully leading the way.

Through the usual corridors, Xiao Chen was taken into a secret room, which is the third floor of the auction venue.

There were dozens of monks sitting on either side of the long table. Now when I saw someone coming in, my eyes gathered instantly. There were sloppy, curious, gloomy, and bad ... but the dozen monks were all creations. Feng Wang Jing exists.

Xiao Chen's mind was a little stunned, but his face remained unchanged. He arranged for a seat to sit under the woman's arrangement, and remained silent in a low voice.

The surrounding monks also retracted their sights and regained their original appearance.

But shortly after, the secret room door was opened again, and two breaths entered one after another. Xiao Chen frowned slightly, turning to look at the round-faced monk who entered the secret room, his face remained unchanged, but he could not help but sink slightly.

At this moment, the round-faced monk was looking at Xiao Chen, and there was an irrepressible hostility in his eyes! Beside him was a young monk in his twenties who was handsome in appearance. At the moment, he opened his hands to the people in the room and said, "My ancestor is in retreat and he cannot come to the auction today. Come, please ask your elders to be surprised. "He smiled mildly, and his face was filled with kindness.

"Hey, I haven't seen you for a while, but you ’re a little stronger when you cultivate. The old guy, Cation, gave birth to a good grandson. When you go back, remember to say hello to this old guy." A man in black The old man in the clothes laughed and said, but his face was dry and his laughter was low and sharp, but it was quite horrible.

"If the ghost is older, the junior must tell his ancestors, and his old man also said that he hasn't seen you for a long time. If you have time, you are invited to visit our Shuiyangzong." The young monk said with a smile, answering everything.

"This time, I'm afraid I'm going to break through the retreat. Poorly, we are still standing still year after year. It's a shame!" Another dark-faced man shook his head and opened his face, but his face was helpless.

"Uncle Hei laughed. Your old man is also optimistic. I am afraid that he is almost the same as his ancestor. How can he be so arrogant?" The youth's voice fell, and a burst of laughter was immediately induced.

Several people talked, and the young man with a round-faced monk was looking for a place in the lower area. This person's eyes swept across Xiao Chen's body, which seemed normal, but Xiao Chen was keenly aware of a bit of chill. His heart sank for a moment. The young monk practiced nothing but a world of creation, and he didn't need to look at it. But these monks of creation and kingship were so kind to him, obviously he was a man of great background. Presumably the ancestor in his mouth is the cation. According to what I heard at the moment, I believe that the compulsory cultivation should be at the peak of the kingdom of creation.

As soon as he thought about it, Xiao Chen couldn't help frowning, feeling the vicious eyes of the monk with a round face. He couldn't help shaking his head secretly. Whoever thought that this could cause trouble.

But he inhaled slightly, and had suppressed some waves in his heart. Now that things have reached this point, it's too late to change even if you want to change, then face it openly!

Although he does not want to cause trouble, it does not mean that he is afraid of trouble.

Xiao Chen was low, but there was a slight coldness in his eyes, and after a few breaths, he returned to peace.

The long table in the back room was full of old people who hadn't known how many years they had lived. The young monks still knew some forbearance, but the round-faced monks exposed all the resentment and hostility in their hearts, and they naturally realized the delicate relationship between Xiao Chen and them.

It's just that these old immortals are all savvy and powerful. The reason is that they have nothing to do with their own high hangs. Naturally, they don't listen to each other and wait for the auction to start calmly.

Time passed by little by little, and about half an hour later, three monks arrived, apparently familiar with most of the people in the closet, and nodded slightly.

After another moment, an old man with a rosy face and a kind old man pushed in the door and arched his hands, saying, "I'm sorry, you friends have been waiting for a long time. The time has come, and our auction will begin immediately."


[Time is a bit urgent, the typo has not been modified, everyone looks at the tolerance, sorry. 】

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