Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 809: Prestige

Xiao Chen's eyes slowly opened, his gaze looked at the two men close to the old man Peng, his face remained unchanged. [Eight?] [Fiction Network ((W? W> W). 81ZW.COM) His calmness caused the original two murderous pupils to shrink slightly, and their eyes were a little jealous! But they chose to take a shot. It is already the result of deliberate thoughts, and he is ready to bury his body unsuccessfully. Will he be frightened by his gaze! After a short pause, the old man Peng and the old man with a smile hummed, his eyes became more chilling!

"Xiao Chen Daoyou had let me wait for a real favor before, but if you do n’t kill Dao You, even if the husband and wife are able to protect themselves today, they will not escape in the future. In order to save their lives, they have to take a shot and ask Xiao Chendao Friends don't blame it! "Said the old man Peng Shen.

Xiao Chen said: "I have said that if I try again, I will not show mercy."

"There is no need for Daoyou to stay, the old man and the two have already taken the shot, they already hold the belief that they must die!" The old man with a smile sipped in his mouth.

The two old monsters shot at the same time, and the breath of the King of Creation was bursting instantly.

"Broken, starry."

"**, Crescent Moon."

The old man Peng and the old man who smiled at the same time displayed magical powers and showed the strongest power!

In the astral space, the little stars appeared directly under the power of supernatural powers, faintly blinking, and the faint blood-colored stars radiated from the sky. Among the stars, a crescent crescent slowly guarded against the emergence, and the whole body was dark. At first glance, it gave people a strange feeling. It seemed that the entire **** was to be sucked into it!

The bones and the two supernatural powers are of the same origin. Now they are shot with their full strength. The power can be superimposed on top of each other, and the power can undoubtedly be stronger!

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed sharply, and he whispered, "I don't know whether to live or die." He said lightly, with a single palm in his robe sleeve sticking out, and took an upward palm shot. Suddenly, a black and black palm print appeared on the void. It was a thousand miles in size. Five fingers like a mountain shot like a demon. Going up against the sky like a battle against the sky, breaking the sky!

Stars and black moons are useless in front of this palm, no fancy magical powers meet, and in front of absolute power, any gorgeous magical powers are vulnerable!

The magical power was destroyed, and the stars and the black moon collapsed directly. The old man Peng and the monk Xiaoying suddenly showed bitterness, but in this bitterness there was a little peace of mind. Today, the two of them died in a desperate battle. Presumably, the suzerain remembered this place and would take refuge with their relatives. So die, die.

The next moment, Xiao Chen backhanded, and the thousands of miles of palm prints were flipped straight, and they went straight to the two old monsters to take pictures! His face was indifferent, his eyes were cold and warm, without any mercy! Now that they have chosen to take the shot, they must be prepared to bear all the consequences!


The palm print was shot down. In the tremor of the void, the physical bodies of the old man Peng and the old man with a smile were directly collapsed, and the Yuanshen was wiped out together!

Take a hand, and understate the bombardment and killing of two monarchs in the world!

Xiao Chen's complexion was paler, and his eyes became more tired, but his eyes slowly swept around the place. Everywhere he looked at the monk, he was shocked, and hurriedly lowered his feet, and then he continued to retreat. Directly extinguished by a stream of cold water.

The death of the old man Peng and the old man with laughter made these monks suddenly have an idea. Even if Xiao Chen suffered a great deal of traumatic power, the power he possessed was by no means the one they could compete with!

The heart is hot, but it is strong to endure the monks who have never shot. At this moment, the robes on his body have been wet with cold sweat.

Xi Dongshui looked pale, admired his glance at the cation, but fortunately, the lord had vision, otherwise, if something happened to the cation, the entire Shuiyang sect would collapse and be swallowed up by an instant. His lord Shuiyang was bound to fall to the extreme A tragic end. As soon as he thought about it, he felt a chill in his heart. The original resentment against Xiao Chen completely disappeared at this moment. He was completely afraid! Ren Gui has a self-knowledge. The power revealed by Xiao Chenzhan has completely exceeded the limit that Xi Dongshui can compete with. If he does not let go of his resentment with Xiao Chen, waiting for him must be an extremely tragic end!

The cation is slightly low to hide the emotions in the eyes, but he knew in his heart that after this incident, he was afraid that he would never dare to attack Xiao Chen, even if he knew in his heart, Xiao Chen was in a weak state at the moment.

"This seat knows the thoughts in your heart, I'm here. Whoever wants to kill people and treasure can do it. But if you take a step, you will blame this seat for being ruthless, and you will definitely kill if you take a shot." Xiao Chen said lightly, not loud. , But each word hit the surrounding monks' chests like a hammer, making them paler.

Throughout the space, countless monks Wei Yuanxing bowed in front of him.

"Where is the cation of Suiyang Suzerain?"

Cationic suddenly heard his name, and his body tightened instantly. The first thought in his heart turned and fled. But hesitating slightly, he still stepped forward, saluting politely, and said, "The cation is here, see Lord Xiao Chen." This old weird voice showed absolute respect.

Xiao Chen said: "This is the first time to enter the evil star field, you need a complete evil star field star map and Zongmen power distribution map." He was not polite, and directly made his request, not an inquiry, but an order. The strong will cannot be changed.

This toughness is based on absolute strength, but at this moment no one knows that Xiao Chen, who looks overbearing and tough in their eyes, is at this time his weakest moment! Because the power in the body's extreme "Broken Element" was completely exhausted at this time, he just cultivated with a strong state of mind, so that his performance was calm and calm. A steady stream of power replenished into the body of the Golden Seal, and his power was quickly recovering. However, at this time, even an ordinary creation monk would make Xiao Chen unable to parry him. However, he had previously downplayed the killing of the old man Peng and the old man with a smile, apparently has shocked everyone, and no monk dared to have a bit of a different idea about him!

This is Xiao Chen's plan, and he has obviously succeeded.

The cation was slightly silent, and two jade slips were taken out with a flash of aura in his hand, and he gave them with both hands, "Master, I have all the Shuiyang sects here." These were given to Xiao Chen, and they would definitely open the sin **** sect, but he had no choice. Otherwise, Xiao Chen's thunder will be waiting for him. The two harms are relatively light. At this moment, he understands how he should do it.

Xiao Chenyang made a move, took the two jade bamboo slips into his hands, divided a trace of godly knowledge into it, and looked up silently. He didn't speak, and Cation naturally didn't dare to leave. He could only respectfully stand low in the distance.

After a while, Xiao Chen nodded slowly and put away Yujian, saying: "The evil galaxy has existed for many years, and there have been monks who have left, and there must be relevant information in the Shuiyang sect. This block needs a copy."

With the first choice, the performance of the cation was even more crisp, and several jade slips were directly taken out and presented.

Xiao Chen checked again, this time is longer than the last time, he raised his head, his brow could not help but slightly frowned. There is not a small amount of information collected in the Shuiyang sect, but most of them are catching the wind, and there is nothing really credible.

He waved his hand, and he responded respectfully.

But no one appeared, and at this moment he was slightly relieved. With the buffer of this period of time, Xiao Chen's internal strength has gradually recovered to a few percent, plus the Ziyuan Beast Armor and the Black Sword, he has passed the most dangerous moment.

And at this moment, he suddenly lifted up, and the swallowing and fusion between the stone towers had come to an end. With the progress of the swallowing, all the stone towers in Xiao Chen became stronger and stronger, and the degree of swallowing gradually accelerated. The whole tower body trembled slightly, black light flashed, and a powerful war will explode, soaring in a nearly violent degree, covering the entire space!

The horrific war will be revealed, standing between the heavens and the earth, smashing the sky, stepping on the earth, overlooking the billions of souls in the world!


[There are two more at night, old time ... don't wait for you to go to bed early. 】

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