Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 810: Sealed Blood Rune

Xiao Chen's body trembled, his body's breath suddenly burst out of control, and the madness of the battle character at the center of his eyebrow suddenly became a masterpiece. The complex and delicate composition texture was growing at an amazing degree now!

Consumed all the stone towers of Weisha, his character in battle evolved again!

One person, one tower, the breath quickly merges, turning into a monstrous war, giving birth to endless coercion!

Cationic's heart trembled suddenly, and suddenly looked up at the black stone tower, with endless shock in his eyes! He finally understood why Wei Sha and Xiao Chen had an immortal hatred at the moment they met, and after all, maybe this is the reason for this stone tower! Feeling the horror atmosphere released by Xiao Chen and Stone Tower at this moment, this old man's heart is even more awe-inspiring. Obviously, from this incident, Xiao Chen has got great benefits!

Throughout the star field, countless monks gathered their eyes, full of shock and awe. Z} W ?. Com

This horrific warfare lasted for a while before it slowly dissipated. The stone tower flickered and went directly into Xiao Chen's storage ring. However, his eyes opened at this moment, and the spirit flashed by!

The battle-word tactics hidden in the eyebrows are full of brilliance, the more exquisite and luxurious its shape, revealing the supreme nobility!


The numbers that suddenly appeared in Xiao Chen Yuanshen made him understand that this was the number of stone towers in his hand. In other words, there were a hundred stone towers in the third line of the War God Palace. He had already got seven.

The stone tower has not changed much before, but it is more solid. And he suddenly figured out something at this time, and it was very simple to provide an extra layer of protection for Zuomei Dojo, as long as he put the Dojo into the stone tower and took out the stone tower every time he used it! The stone tower contains the third Taoist inheritance, which was crafted by the four Taoists from the War God Palace. It must be amazing and not easily damaged.

Xiao Chen took a breath and pressed his mind down. He got up, stepped forward and walked away. The stone tower was completely devoured. He naturally didn't want to delay here! The blood charm on the palm continued to shed a hint of coldness, reminding him that the matter was not over.

Cation watched Xiao Chen go away, the figure gradually disappeared into the sight, and suddenly whispered, "Dongshui, immediately summoned the elite under the elite door to follow the sect to the refuge!"

The evil star domain is turbulent, but anyone who has the ability will prepare himself for a retreat, and the Shuiyangzong is naturally prepared. Today's incident, Shuiyang Zong offended God Machine Zong is fine, but Wei Zheng will never let them go. If they don't leave again, I am afraid it will be too late!

Xi Dongshui respectfully responded, turned and drove Yu Guang to leave in a hurry.

Looking at the monks who hurriedly exited the surrounding area, Cation's eyes were full of anxiety, and he muttered with a sigh, "Sin Starfield, I am afraid that it will cause another **** storm."


Somewhere on the abandoned cultivation star, the gale screamed and the yellow sand covered the sky, causing a harsh "whine" sound. The excessive exploitation of monastic resources caused the exhaustion of the earth's elemental power, making the climate of this monastic star extremely severe. Except for a few low-level monks, those who were able to migrate and left had already left.

But today, a terrifying rainbow whistled from the sky, its degree was approaching the extreme, went directly into this abandoned cultivation star, and the aura of light converged, revealing a figure.

Qingpao black eyes, this person is Xiao Chen.

He glanced down, raised his hand slightly, and suddenly a few swordsman blasted out, shot into the lone peak below, cut a simple stone hole, stepped into the next step directly into it, and placed a restraint in the backhand.

Sitting cross-legged inside the stone cave, Xiao Chen raised his hand and looked at the palm blood charm, his face was extremely gloomy. The blood amulet exuded a bit of cold and cold breath from time to time, apparently playing a certain guiding role, providing a direction for the person who applied the amulet to find his whereabouts.

And the monk who applied the rune in Wei Sha's body is obviously the **** machine priest who said in the mouth of Peng to worship Wei Zheng, and he is a powerful man who is comparable to taking a step! The thought of this, the more ugly Xiao Chen looked.

Stepping into the heavens and three realms is to break through the creation of the world and touch the existence of Supreme Hongmeng. The monks in this realm have powerful magical powers that have been imagined by ordinary monks.

Xiao Chen's current practice is that the encounter with Wei Zheng is bound to be a lifeless situation!

Therefore, the most important thing before him right now is to get rid of the blood talisman, otherwise no matter where he flees, he will not be able to avoid Wei Zheng's pursuit!

This blood amulet was laid down by Wei Zheng himself, and it cannot be easily removed! Along the way, he has tried many methods and can't get rid of it at all. He even shattered the flesh of his palm, but after the flesh was reborn, the blood talisman still existed.

In desperation, Xiao Chen could only choose to stay in retreat for a while, because he had already appeared and could not do it with his own strength. Now all he can rely on is the golden seal of his god.

When he entered the Daqian early in the early and early days, the golden seal once settled in his body, automatically disturbing the breath and interfering with the yin and yang, so that his luck was not counted by others. Now thinking about it, maybe this operation can crack this matter.

Xiao Chen sat down on his knees, his thoughts went directly into the Primordial God, his eyes suddenly opened, and he whispered, "Golden Seal, using his hand to trigger the formation, shielded the blood from my hand."

His voice dropped, and he felt a wave of fluctuations in Yuanshen immediately. The next moment, the golden light spots in his flesh lit up one by one, exuding a touch of golden mane, echoing each other, forming a complete array.

Although the gold seal did not appear, after receiving Xiao Chen's request, he had completed what he thought.

Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly opened, and he raised his hand to look at the palm, and saw golden textures appearing around the bloodline, and the number was increasing, releasing a touch of golden light into a closed town, suppressing the blood charms and the outside world Isolated.

After Jinguang isolated the blood talisman, the cold chill that passed from time to time suddenly disappeared.

"It's done!"

Xiao Chen's heart was slightly loose, and a slight smile appeared on her face.


Wei Zheng sat on the seat of the original man and the old man Peng. He was slightly low, and his body was calm. But he simply sat here, and it naturally exuded a slight coercion, which made people nervous.

Below, the monk Shenjizong stood respectfully, his face was all white, and his eyes were full of terror.

A monk is narrating the process of Wei Sha's death. He said it in great detail, without a little bit of utterance. He said, "Master, that's what happened that day."

Wei Zheng nodded, raised slowly, looked at the monk, and said lightly, "My brother Wei Sha was killed in front of you. Why didn't you stand in front of him to save him?"

A group of monks suddenly became stiff, their faces suddenly pale, and there was no trace of blood.

"Wei Sha is dead, but you are still alive. Why are you alive?" Wei Zheng frowned. "Since he is dead, go with him."

The monk Shenjizong jumped fiercely in his heart and suddenly lifted it. But without waiting for any reaction from them, Wei Zheng fluttered his sleeves, and all the monks suddenly stalemate on the entire treasure ship of Shenji, and they all fell down to the ground with a stun and no breath.

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