The killer was pained in one thought, and the monks on the entire treasure ship of God's Machine died and died. Except for Wei Sha, no monks survived. {(八 {一 ChineseW) W} W & gt ;. ) 8) 1] Z〉 W}. & gt; COM

But at this moment, he lifted up arrogantly, his eyes shining brightly, and the bursting mang shot several feet away, his eyes seemed to penetrate the barrier of space! After half a whistle, Wei Zheng slowly recovered his calmness and whispered, "There is a way to hide his breath. It is indeed a person who can kill Wei Sha. Certainly, there are some means. But the blood sign left by this seat, you can cover it. Live its breath, but you cannot destroy it, as long as it still exists, you cannot escape. "

Wei Sha got up, his foot stepped forward, and the figure left the magical treasure ship. The figure appeared directly in the star field. He looked down at the ground, and there were many monks on the ruins of Dongguo City, busy rebuilding their homes.

"You all watched my brother Wei Sha was killed. Why didn't you save him? Since you didn't save him, and watched him die, then there is no need to continue to survive in this world."

He whispered, and the heart-wrenching Yuanshen wave came from within him. The powerful gods broke through the body, turned into a flood of gods knowledge, and swept wildly in all directions! Under this tyrannical sense of God, wherever it goes, all the monks are strangled directly!

In a few short breaths, Wei Zheng's consciousness was withdrawn, and the entire Dongguo City turned into a dead domain. Numerous monks in the area were crushed to death by Yuanshen! The quantity is too large to count!

With such a crazy killing, Wei Zheng's expression remained calm, as if it were an extremely common occurrence. He slowly raised his hands, looked up at the sky, and snarled in his mouth. The next moment a sky of blood appeared, and then an amazing The degree of crazy diffusion has made the entire sky red and red, and the blood-colored clouds float up and down, just like the waves of blood!

When he reached out, the dead monk's body on the Godcraft treasure ship suddenly dried up, and blood droplets overflowed from their pores. It seemed to receive a certain amount of attraction during the rolling, converging with each other into a blood channel, meandering. Flowing away from the hull and converging into the air.

At the same time, the dead bodies of countless dead monks on the ground have undergone exactly the same changes. Countless blood has been drawn out, and gradually lifted off by the attraction of an invisible force, converging into a blood mass!

With the continuous injection of blood, the volume of this blood mass has skyrocketed with an amazing degree, and finally reached the size of a thousand miles, just like a lake of blood!

Wei Sha suddenly reached out and pointed at this blood lake!

With the fall of his finger, the whole blood lake suddenly boiled violently, and the rising blood rose from the lake water, and gradually turned into a huge grimace in the void. When the blood lake was completely steamed, the grimace had grown to the size of tens of thousands of miles, and his mouth continued to make strange smiles.

"Ghost slave, find him, kill him!"

Wei Sha whispered, and the huge grimace seemed to understand what he said, and suddenly a shout, his figure of tens of thousands of miles disappeared out of thin air!

On the abandoned cultivation star, Xiao Chen suddenly opened his eyes. Suddenly, he had a terrible premonition in his mind. It seemed that a great crisis was approaching him! This feeling came as a sudden without warning, but it was so real. It was so real that Xiao Chen's scalp was numb, and Han Mao was behind him!

In the palm of his hand, the blood talisman sealed by Jin Guang suddenly released the dazzling blood awns, and a hint of ice and cold broke through Jin Guang's sealed town and merged into his flesh!

Xiao Chen lifted abruptly, his breath exploded violently, shattering the entire lonely peak! At the end of his sight, a little blood suddenly appeared, and then spread with a terrible degree, and turned into a tens of thousands of feet of grimace, came from the stars, and rushed down to him crazy!

Seeing the moment of this huge grimace, Xiao Chen sank in his heart, and he had found the source of the crisis in his heart! Sensing the terrifying power contained in the grimace, he yelled in his mouth, and Ziyuan Beast Armor appeared directly to cover his body!

The moment he finished it, the huge grimace had fallen!


The entire cultivating star was trembling violently under the impact of this grimace. On the cultivating star, it is not a monk, even ordinary creatures, felt the sudden horror, and countless people looked up in shock, watching the grimace impact To the ground!

This power is so powerful that they dare not have any idea of ​​resistance!

Ordinary people don't know what happened, but the monks consciously noticed some, staying in their respective residences, and dare not take half a step!

Although they are weak, they also know that there is an extremely powerful monk outside. The **** grimace seemed to them to be an extremely powerful magical power!

A tens of thousands of miles of grimace will tremble slightly when the star is collided. What is the point of repairing a person who can do this?

This realm has completely gone beyond their expectations!

A deep red pit of tens of thousands of miles appeared on the ground. A layer of icy blood crystals frozen the entire surface of the deep pit. The ice coldness contained in it was enough to kill all beings!

The shock wave generated by the impact was exploded from the impact, forcibly changed the landform where it passed, pushed down the peaks and filled the river and sea!

The vicissitudes of the sea, only in the blink of an eye!

All the creatures within the grimace are dead in an instant, and the whole space is dead, there is no sound at all!

But at this moment, a "click" came out, although it was not loud, but it was extremely clear in the extremely quiet environment.

The deep pit formed by the impact of the grimace suddenly burst the condensed blood crystals, and a muffled sound came from below. It seems that someone is constantly bombarding, trying to break free! In the "click" sound, cracks on the blood crystals increased rapidly.

Suddenly, with a loud noise, blood crystals finally cracked, revealing one of them.

Xiao Chen's face was pale, and the Ziyuan Beast Armor had more damage, which had been supported to the extreme, and he disappeared into the flesh directly after he escaped.

Standing under the pit of tens of thousands of miles, looking at a layer of blood crystals on his feet, Xiao Chen's pupils contracted on his face, which was full of fear. Only if he was sensitive to his primordial spirit, he knew in advance that the crisis was coming and summoned the purple beast armor , Otherwise the face will be knocked down, I am afraid he can be killed directly!

Life and death are only in the first line!

Even if the Ziyuan Beast Armor resisted most of the power, that penetrating power had already caused Xiao Chen to be seriously injured! This is the power comparable to a monk who stepped on the sky, and it was terrifying! Just one shot without knowing how far apart, Xiao Chen could be put to death!

Xiao Chen inhaled deeply, forcibly suppressed the internal injuries, and the aura of light burst into a shocking rainbow, rushing away to the stars!

The appearance of the scarlet grimace indicates that his whereabouts have been exposed, and I am afraid that Wei Zheng will come soon! He must not stay here for a long time, he must leave before he arrives, otherwise he will die!

Xiao Chen is insanely agitating the mana in his body. He cannot even take into account the injuries in his body. Wei Zheng, who is comparable to the step-by-step cultivation, must possess an amazing Yuanshen cultivation. He must escape far enough to be able to escape temporarily. !!

He was approaching the extreme, with blood flowing from his mouth to nose, the paler his face, the paler his blood gradually! Xiao Chen's internal injuries were in a hurry to catch the way. Central Africa had not been treated, but was getting worse. The pain in the body was attacking like a tide. Xiao Chen's thoughts gradually became drowsy, his vision began to blur, and he looked faintly. Go to a cultivation star in front, and barely control the body to fly towards it.

Hundreds of meters away from the ground, Xiao Chen finally reached the limit, his eyes fell completely into darkness, and his body fell directly from the air.


There was a loud noise on the ground, and Xiao Chen's figure landed on a slope. He smashed a deep pit and smashed a few ancient wooden blocks before stopping.


[Hurries for revision, if there are typos, don't blame Haihan. 】

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