The comer remained silent for a while or two, but nodded, and said, "Then I will wait here for a while. [<{?

Wu Min reached out and falsely quoted, "Tao You, please don't know how to call it?"

Come to humanity: "Below the clouds." While speaking, he stepped under the black umbrella, found a chair, and closed his eyes slightly.

Xiong Er glanced at him fiercely, sipping hard in the big sun, he knew how to enjoy. However, in the eyes of Sister Wu's gaze, he turned around obediently and shouted hard with his throat.

Under the black umbrella, Wu Min and Yu Guang looked at the man carefully, but couldn't see his depth, but when he saw him in a calm and comfortable manner, he was more afraid to belittle him. After observing for a while, the woman looked back.

This application of the caravan guardian Liu Yun is naturally Xiao Chen! After the injury recovered, he decided to go to the Sin Star in order to use the power that can compete with Shenjizong and Wei Zheng. But shortly before he went into trouble several times, one of them was recognized. Through the soul-searching technique, I learned that the entire Shenji Zong has been wanted for him, and anyone who provides clues related to him can get a reward. If you continue to go to the evil star domain, there will be endless disputes along the way. As long as you fight with others, his cultivation atmosphere cannot be hidden, and his identity may be exposed. If he is not careful, he will be in danger.

Facing this situation, Xiao Chen had to change his original plan after careful consideration. He changed his appearance and even concealed himself, pretending to be a creature of physical creation! With his physical strength, this camouflage is naturally without any difficulty. In this way, the possibility of self-exposure can be minimized. As for joining the caravan, it was not a temporary intention, but his choice after thinking. The caravan traveled through the star field to hide his whereabouts, and the caravan's starship was not much slower than his own flight. This choice is naturally better.

An hour later, Xiong Er entered the black umbrella with a crying face. "Sister, it's not that I don't work hard. I can't recruit anyone today. After you go back, you have to tell the teacher clearly, don't let him catch me."

Wu Min opened her eyes and showed a bit of helplessness in her eyes. "It's not early, since we can't recruit anyone, let's go back. But before that, we should take Liuyun Taoist friends to the evaluation hall. "

"Well, I'll clean up and let's go." Xiong Er suddenly felt energetic, and arbitrarily put the black umbrella tables and chairs into his storage, and laughed, "Sister, let's go now."

"Liuyun Daoyou, please." Wu Min extended a hand.

Xiao Chen nodded.

There are many times when the caravan recruits the guards to take the monks to participate in the evaluation before they can decide whether to hire them. Therefore, their location is not far from the evaluation hall, and they have arrived after crossing two horizontal streets.

"This evaluation hall was opened by Wu Yuanzong. After the monks below the creation world have delivered Yuan Jing, they can enter it for evaluation." Wu Min explained in a low voice and turned to Xiong Erdao, "Master, you have to deliver Spirit stone, we are waiting for you here. "

"Why do we have a spirit stone ..." Xiong Er muttered in a low voice, after all, he did not dare to disobey the sister's meaning, and went away.

Wu Min said: "My classmate is not bad, but it is a bit reckless. If there is something offending, please ask Liuyun Tao friends to see it."

Xiao Chen's face was calm. He didn't care about this person at all. He shook his head and didn't say much.

Wu Min saw him look calm and calm, and somehow he stared at him, and glanced at him. He didn't continue to speak when he didn't intend to say more, but he showed a little respect for Xiao Chen in his manner.

Not long after, Xiong Er came back with a test jade butterfly and said, "Let's go, there is no one at the physical evaluation department, so we don't have to wait in line."

The three entered the evaluation hall. Naturally, a monk greeted them. They just looked at the jade butterfly of the physical evaluation, a little surprised, and glanced at the three Xiao Chen. They secretly muttered that none of the three seemed like Physical appearance.

The man in charge of the evaluation is a burly old man, and his eyes fell on the three of them without frowning. "Who do you want to conduct a physical fitness evaluation? First of all, let's just perform physical fitness evaluations above the ruins. If If the cultivation is not enough, there is no need to delay. "The old man is obviously a physical practitioner, but I don't know where he is.

Xiao Chen stepped forward and said, "It's me."

The old man's gaze swept over him, and he pointed his fingers at several boulder placed on the ground not far away. "The smallest corresponds to the destruction, and so on, and so on. No matter what method, let the stone leave the ground to complete the evaluation. . "

After speaking, he turned back to his seat and sat down, pouring himself a cup of hot tea and drinking lightly, obviously not optimistic about Xiao Chen.

Is physical training so easy?

Xiao Chen ignored his attitude, walked to the boulder corresponding to the creation, looked at a place where he was grasping, reached out and held it, his body slightly lifted the boulder directly to him, and held it flat in his hand.

He turned to evaluate the old man and said, "Is this a pass?"

The old man heard the sound in his ear, and suddenly looked up at Xiao Chenping's look of the boulder. He shook a cup of hot tea and poured it directly on his body. He coughed violently in his mouth, and he could not care about the water stains on his body. When I went to Xiao Chen's side, I checked carefully and determined that he had only used physical power, and his face was already in awe.

"Sir, you have passed."

Xiao Chen nodded, and he threw it away with a bang, a huge bang that caused the ground to tremble slightly.

This loud noise awakened Wu Min and Xiong Er, and saw Xiao Chen approaching them, saying, "Should it be all right now?"

Wu Min hurriedly saluted and said, "Adult Liu Yun can join our caravan, it is the honor of my Soochow caravan. In terms of salary, we will definitely come up with a price that will satisfy the adult." Picking up hands is two completely different concepts, and from Xiao Chen's casual means, his true power is obviously much more than that.

Is the creation fulfilled, or is it the master of creation?

Thinking of this, the respect on this woman's face was even heavier.

Xiong Er's face was slightly white. Thinking of his previous attitude, he couldn't wait to throw himself seven or eight slaps, and he was afraid for a while. Fortunately, Lord Liuyun didn't seem to care about him, so he was slightly relieved, and he stood aside and gasped, and became careful.

Xiao Chen nodded. "So, let me go."

"Adult walk slowly." Responsible for evaluating the old man, respectfully saluting, saying: "The younger Yuan Yuanzong Qin Tai sees the adult, and taking the adult's physical cultivation as an example, he can become my elder Yuan Yuanzong. If he does not like being bound, he can also serve as an offering. In place, if the adult intends, the juniors will immediately pass through the ancestral gate, presumably the lord will certainly welcome the adult to join, and provide you with a very generous amount of money, there is no need to earn Yuan Jing by joining the caravan guards. "

Wu Minqiao's face changed slightly. This time the caravan traveled to the Sinister Star. If it can invite Master Liuyun, the security can naturally be greatly improved. But Yuan Yuanzong's invitation was not something she could intervene in, only secretly anxious

Xiao Chen frowned, and said, "Thank you for your kind consideration. There are other things that need to be dealt with by the Sinister Star, so I can't stay here for a long time, and say goodbye." As the words fell, he took a step forward and left, Wu Min breathed a sigh of relief. With Xiong Er hurriedly followed.

The elder man at the rear showed disappointment on his face, but he groaned slightly and walked out in a hurry.

After leaving the evaluation hall, Xiong Er followed him behind. In a short time, his heart was suffering, his shirt was wet with sweat. Although Wu Min looked in his eyes, he did not dare to mention it, and his heart was a little bit more. perturbed.

"Master Liuyun, Xiong Er was disrespectful to you before. If the adult is dissatisfied, you can punish me arbitrarily. The junior will leave it at his disposal." He gritted his teeth and arched his hand. If he did not tell the matter again, I'm afraid he would not be able to bear it first. Already.

Wu Min opened his mouth and still didn't dare to ask for confession. After all, this matter is big, but small but small. It is all about how adults Liuyun thinks about it.

Xiao Chen stopped and turned to look at him, saying: "This time is even a punishment to you. The previous thing was cancelled, but I hope you two can keep it secret for me. Things are being preached. "

"Master, rest assured, the juniors know how to do it." Wu Min respectfully spoke and turned to Xiong Er and scolded: "Not yet thank you, Lord Liu Yun, for your innocence, and dare to do so in the future. Severely punish you! "

Xiong Er saluted hurriedly, "Thank you Lord Liuyun, Xiong Er will never dare again!" He stood up and bent down to lead the way slightly, and the three of them walked quickly towards the caravan.


[Old time, there are two chapters, eat something to continue coding. 】

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