Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 818: Forcibly solicit

"Teacher, this is a friend of Liuyun Dao, and today he is the only one applying for the guard of our caravan. { W?]] 11.ZW.COM Wu Min Respectfully saluting the old man in front of him, Xiong Er honestly stood aside.

Fang Shihai frowned and heard a bit of anxiety in his heart. For a while, he could not see the difference between his disciples at this moment. His eyes swept away from Xiao Chen, saying: "Xiong Er, take Liuyun Taoist friends to rest. Right. "

Xiong Er's heart jumped slightly, and he took a look at Master Liu Yun carefully, seeing that he had no dissatisfaction, so he said, "Liu Yun Taoist, please come with me." He reached out and drew a hint of awe from his face.

Xiao Chen nodded, arched slightly to Fang Shihai, and left behind.

"Miner, this time the caravan went to the Sin Star, the guard is usually less than half, and it looks like tomorrow is out, how can this be good?" Fang Shihai frowned, and for the big disciple under him, he Still highly valued.

Thinking of the teacher's attitude, Wu Min hesitated slightly, but decided to tell the teacher the identity of Master Liu Yun, otherwise trouble will inevitably arise in the future. Master Liuyun has a good temper, but he also has a tolerance limit. He cannot wait until something goes wrong to remedy it.

She gritted her teeth slightly and whispered, "Teacher, disciple has some things. I hope I can talk to you alone."

Fang Shihai was dissatisfied with his disciples' answer to the question, but he looked at Wu Min's face and finally realized something was wrong. He nodded and said, "Come with me in the room."

Wu Min hurriedly followed.


"What, Lord Liuyun has such a practice, why don't you tell me earlier!" Fang Shihai heard Wu Min clarify the previous thing, his face changed instantly, thinking of the previous negligence of Lord Liu Yun, his face could not help but slightly White.

There was a hint of helplessness on Wu Min's face, "Master Liu Yun explained it before, and he didn't want us to promote his cultivation. And I just gave the teacher a hint just now, you didn't see it."

"I immediately went to the door to apologize to Master Liu Yun." Fang Shihai gritted his teeth. "This time, you must leave Master Liu Yun. There is an adult there. The safety of the evil star domain in front of us will be guaranteed. Miner You go with me to show your sincerity in apologizing for the teacher. "

"Master, Master Liu Yun is not a person with a narrow mind. He may not be aware of the only things that happened. The master is unwilling to reveal his identity. If you go straight to the door to apologize, isn't it contrary to what the master wants? You only need to face the stream in the future. It's enough to be respectful when Master Yun. "Wu Min whispered.

Fang Shihai nodded, "Yes, yes, thank you for reminding me, otherwise my reckless past will inevitably lead to the dissatisfaction of Master Liu Yun."

Wu Min's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and said, "Teacher, the power of Master Liu Yun in the evaluation hall has attracted the attention of Monk Yuan Yuanzong. Although Master Liu Yun has indicated that he will not stay, I am worried that Beibei will always have something. Take action, do we need to take precautions? "

Fang Shihai's heart slowly calmed down, his head was awake and he frowned when he heard the words, "From the previous means of acting of Yuan Zongzong, I'm afraid I won't stop this time." He tapped his finger on the table, Suddenly a moment of silence, "Miner, you immediately ordered to go, the caravan will be packed immediately, we are not waiting for tomorrow, we will come out now!"

"Teacher, will this be annoying Lu Yuanzong? After all, the roots of our Soochow caravan are here, I'm afraid it will be difficult to do it in the future." Wu Min hesitated.

"I can't take care of this much." Fang Shihai waved his hand. "No matter what, close the front first. Anything will wait for us to come back from the evil star."

"Yes, teacher, the disciples will be ready immediately." Wu Min retreated.

Fang Shihai paced back and forth in the room. He also had no way to take over the business. He was still worried. Now with the joining of Lord Liu Yun, the evil danger of the Sinister Star and his party was reduced a lot.

And when this is done, the employer will inevitably give them some benefits, look for opportunities to ask for pleading, may not let them stand on the star of evil, and then the threat of Yuan Zong will naturally be ignored.

As he was turning his thoughts, there was a sudden noise outside, and his heart jumped slightly, and he hurriedly pushed out the door.

The Soochow Caravan is a team that runs around all year round. There is a special compound in the city. Now the gate of the courtyard has been opened. A dozen monks of Yuanzong Yuan hold the gate. One has a white complexion and a moustache on his mouth. Monk standing on the road.

The caravan monk hid far behind, looking in a row, his face full of awe.

Fang Shihai saw the comer clearly, and the secret road broke, but he didn't dare to slow down a bit, and hurriedly greeted him. "I don't know what wind blows you, Master Fu, and the master invites you to sit in the living room and go to make tea. "

Fuquan You is the elder of Yuan Yuanzong. His face is always a smile, and he usually speaks softly and politely to people, but once he turns his face, he is definitely a cruel character who can't eat his bones.

"The shopkeeper is in a hurry to go out. Fortunately, we are taking a step forward, otherwise we may not be able to recruit people." His eyes laughed into a seam, but the more so, the more bottomless Fang Shihai was. A thick layer of sweat beads appeared on his face, and he reached out and wiped his hands, saying, "Master Fu laughed and said, if you want to see me, even if the caravan is gone, I must come back to see you obediently."

"Less nonsense, you should know what we are here for today, and don't hurry to invite the Liuyun Taoist." Fuquan's face became cold with no warning, revealing a dark smell.

Fang Shihai's body suddenly froze. Fortunately, at this time, there was a sound of footsteps coming from behind, but Wu Min saw that the situation was not good, and he invited Xiao Chen directly. Fang Shihai felt relieved. Today, this incident was finally caused by Xiao Chen, and he was unable to intervene.

"See Master Liu Yun." He saluted, respectfully.

Xiao Chen nodded, frowning at people like Fuquanyou, and said, "Who are you, what do you want from me?"

Fu Quanyou took a look at Xiao Chen. Although he did not see the depth, he knew that Xiao Chen was physically fit, and he did not dare to neglect. He smiled and arched his hand and said, "Presumably this is Xiao Chen Taoyou, in Xiayuan Yuan. Elder Zong, Fuquan You, was ordered by the Sovereign today to invite Taoists to our ancestral gate. "

"I have already said that I dare not solicit the Yuan Yuanzong's solicitation, Dao You should take someone away." Xiao Chen interrupted everything below him without waiting for him to speak.

"Why do n’t you think about it before you make a decision? We Yuan Yuanzong is also a strong one. The suzerain is eager to be virtuous. It is not wonderful for Daoyou to leave a total picture in the future." Fuquanyou smiled slightly, and said slightly. .

Xiao Chen said, "Liu Yun still needs to rush to the evil star, and has no interest in staying at Yuanyuanzong. I would not say the same thing for the third time."

The courtyard suddenly quieted down. The monks of the Soochow Caravan opened their eyes and looked at Xiao Chen. They did not know where he came from, but they were so rude to Elder Yuan Yuanzong.

Fang Shihai was pale and stood on one side, praying that nothing should happen today.

Fu Quanyou said nothing, his eyes fell on Xiao Chen's face, and he gradually became a little more indifferent. "It seems that Liuyun Taoist friends do not give me Yuanzong's face. This kind of behavior may sometimes cause himself trouble. . "

This is the naked threat.

Xiao Chen frowned, slowly speaking, "I have no intention of incurring trouble, but I will not be afraid if I really come to the door."

"Okay! Since Liuyun Daoyou is so determined, the old man no longer delays time. Today the lord asked me to ask you to go back. Since Daoyou will not go, then give me a reason to make a difference?"

"What's the reason?"

"Beat me." Friends of Fuquan were expressionless.

Xiao Chen nodded, "OK."

Fuquanyou waved his sleeves in a sneer, flashing light outside, and the figure appeared directly on the clouds.

Xiao Chen looked up at the man, hummed in his mouth, stepped forward under his feet, and stepped into the void like a flat ground. Do not move mana, step in the void, is also one of the special magical powers of high-level physical training.

"Woody sleepy!"

Fuquan yelled, reached out and shook Xiao Chen. As soon as he grasped it, the void suddenly opened a gap, and countless roots of vines emerged from them, entangled with each other to build a vineyard prison, and Xiao Chen was in the prison.

"Tight wood!"

Qing Teng twitched with each other, making a "cracking" sound of friction and collision. Wooden prison mentioned rapid contraction, and soon wrapped Xiao Chen tightly.


On the green vine in the cage of the ancestral city, a lot of delicate flowers suddenly emerged, facing the side of Xiao Chen. The flowers were closely attached to his body, but they were not damaged under the squeeze. The flowers were attached to him, inside the flower But he spit out a string of filaments as thin as a mosquito mouthpiece, clinging to his flesh, trying to get into his flesh.

Summon Ivy, put down wooden prisons, and perform killing tricks. From the magical power to the six-character exit, everything is only between the few breaths!

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