Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 825: Outrageous

Lin Lin Changqing knew that he was in a bad mood, so he stood aside without saying a word, and soon a small starship quickly sailed from the star. [Eight [(? 一 中文 (W] W> W].] 8> 1) Z} W.COM. For some reason, looking at the nearby star ship, his heart sank slightly, giving him an unpleasant premonition.

Soon it turned out that his induction was correct.

Several disciples such as Fang Shihai and Xiong Er apparently put on brand-new robes after being freshened, but they were all pale and weak, and apparently suffered a lot during the time when they entered Dongchen Zongzong prison. Torture.

Wu Min hurriedly brought them back with a few students and sisters.

Seeing Xiao Chen standing on the deck, Fang Shihai didn't understand what happened today. Master Liu Yun intervened, otherwise they were afraid to leave Zong's prison alive, and he struggled to kneel. "Master Liu Yun's life is unforgettable. ! "

Xiong Er and others knelt down, but the injuries on their bodies were obviously simply dealt with. This kneeling directly caused the wounds to collapse, and blood poured out of the red-dyed robes and dropped on the deck.

Wu Min watched the teacher and several students' robes wet with blood and red eyes and hate in his eyes. The surrounding caravan monks also filled with indignation, but this was only a short time after entering Zong'ao, and if it was a little later, I was afraid that Fang Shihai and others would die in it! But they also dared not to say anything. They bowed their heads and said nothing.

Xiao Chen's face suddenly became extremely gloomy. After a few moments of silence, he slowly lifted up and said, "Dongchenzong is so powerful." Although it was just a word, everyone could hear the dissatisfaction between him and the front. Coldness.

Zhang Yun glanced at Zhang He, knowing his son Moruo, this boy did everything, and wanted to end the lives of Fang Shihai and others, and greedy the goods on the starship. But looking at Zhang He's swollen face, he could hardly rebuke, and a anger in his heart could not help but toss. Hit the monk Dongchenzong and hurt his son. Now he is willing to let things go and let Fang Shihai wait, and you are so relentless. I really thought that Zhang Yun had done nothing in the mud!

After all, this is the realm of Dong Chenzong, and he just listened to Lin Changqing's words. He didn't fully believe in Xiao Chen's power. He thought that the cultivation might not be under this Xiao Chen! Zhang Yun looked coldly at Xiao Chen and said, "My Dongchen Zongzong has always been harsh in law enforcement. It is not enough to deter Xiao Xiao and confuse the order of our stars. This is not a concern for Taoist friends." The tone has become quite bad.

Lin Changqing's heart jumped, but the relationship between him and his Lin family business group was not great. This one is willing to go with Xiao Chen to embarrass you, but he doesn't want to visit this muddy water.

"Speaking of the chaos star, maybe the son of Dao You is the one in it. Why don't you see Dao You send him to Zong prison, and try this kind of trouble again?" Xiao Chen stared directly at Zhang Yun and said lightly.

Zhang Yun snorted, "It is my internal affairs in Dongchenzong, Liu Yun Tao friends seem to have a little more management!"

"It doesn't involve me. You don't care how you go about making trouble with this seat, but since it is related to me, I don't want to easily expose this matter." The more indifferent Xiao Chen's voice became, the more angry he became Zhang Yun.

"Liu Yun! My Dongchenzong is not enough to investigate before, and you have to go in and out!"

"I hate people threatening me. Zhang Yun, can you still represent Dong Chenzong, are you sure you want to tear my skin completely?"

"Joke! On this day's star, I represent Zhang Yunzong as a whole, and I have to see, what can you do today even if you tore your skin!" Zhang Yun's face was embarrassed. At this point, he He will definitely not step back a half step, otherwise he will definitely lose his reputation, and the star elder monopoly will also give in to others. With such a simple disturbance, as long as Xiao Chen is taken down, Dong Chenzong's face can be protected, and he can deal with it much more easily afterwards.

Xiao Chen sneered. He took the next step without warning, and the figure went straight to Zhang Yun. The blood flow in his body turned out from the surging sound of the river. This is the performance of the powerful physical training when he mobilized his strength. Out, like a tiger coming out of the cage, the momentum is compelling!

Lin Changqing's face was slightly stiff. He didn't expect Xiao Chen to dare to be so tough, and took the lead to Zhang Yun, but after a little stay, he did not hesitate to take Lin Zimu back, apparently did not want to be involved in this matter.

There was a roar in Zhang Yun's mouth. This strange man had been completely irritated by Xiao Chen's move. He waved his sleeves and sent Zhang He and others away without hesitation pointing at Xiao Chen! With his finger falling, a golden arrow suddenly appeared in the void, releasing the sharp breath that broke the sky, and suddenly shot through the sky! From this angry archery breath, I can feel clearly that this supernatural power shot, he has done his best!

Xiao Chen was expressionless, looking at the arrows, and Leng Hu punched in a punch! In the loud sound of "Boom", his body was slightly stunned, but the golden arrows made by Zhang Yun's magical power had been shattered by Xiao Chen's fist!

There was no pause under his feet, and the distance between him and Zhang Yun was shortening rapidly!

Lin Changqing's face changed drastically. Although he knew about Wu Yuanzong, he had never seen Xiao Chen's shot in person. Today he only learned that the repair of this flowing cloud body has reached such an amazing level that he can directly smash Zhang Yun Supernatural power without being harmed by itself, how amazing this physical strength is

The body-building combat power is amazing, and it is manifested in their melee killing to the greatest extent. Once approached by the body-building strong, it is an extremely horrible thing for any monk. It is enough to prevent ordinary monks from parrying, and punching them with one punch is enough to make them hit hard in an instant!

Seeing Xiao Chen approaching Zhang Yunkuai, he felt a hunch in his heart. The elder of Dongchenzong was afraid of suffering.

What Lin Changqing can think of, Zhang Yun also sees clearly. This person's pupils have shrunk sharply, and they are shocked by Xiao Chen's physical strength, but today things have reached such a point that he can't retreat!

Since the shot is either victory or defeat, there is no other choice!

Zhang Yun didn't want to fail, because he suddenly couldn't afford to lose himself, otherwise the forces that have worked hard to build up these years may be completely destroyed by this opportunity! There was a flash of aura in his hand, and the old man raised his hand, and a golden round bowl-shaped treasure appeared instantly and fell directly on Xiao Chen's head. A layer of golden aura burst out, like a prison cage generally covering Xiao Chen!

He gritted his teeth to spur the treasure, and his mana rolled out. The golden aura formed the inside of the cage, and the golden edgings condensed directly and swept away to Xiao Chen. The power contained in each golden edge is enough to directly kill the monks of ordinary creation, and it is a certain threat to the king of creation! With so many stacks, even the Iron Man will be worn away bit by bit!

Zhang Yun is in charge of the star power, and he is increasingly revered in the sect, and even gradually has a tendency to resist the lord's court. The reason why he dares to do so has nothing to do with this treasure from the ancient cave house! With this treasure in hand, even the Lord Dongchen was jealous of him, otherwise he would not let him be the sole star!

"Liuyun, the old man killed you here today!" He yelled in his mouth, and the golden edging from the condensing laser became denser.


[There are two chapters in the evening. 】

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