Xiao Chen's brow frowned slightly, but there was still calmness in his eyes. He stretched out his hand and punched forward, and an invisible force surged out, making all the lasing golden rays sharply annihilated.

At this moment, with a punch in his hand, the entire golden round bowl suddenly shocked, and the golden aura he trapped inside immediately trembled, and there was a momentary sluggishness when the golden edge was condensed! Xiao Chen's judgment is correct. If he wants to get out, it is only possible to defeat the round bowl. Otherwise, he can only be trapped in it. After he loses his strength, he can't escape and be wiped out.

Only the monks who fell into the golden round bowls have become extremely difficult to protect themselves. Even if the key to getting out now is that the round bowls can only resist resisting weak shots. But Xiao Chen's powerful physical body allowed him to ignore the threat of the golden sharp edge. After the round bowl was the key, he stepped on the next step, and the figure rose into the sky instantly, directly into the golden round bowl, and his fists exploded wildly!




The golden round bowl made a muffled sound in Xiao Chen's crazy falling punches, and each punch fell on the outside of the round bowl would be high-a bulge, and the trapped golden aura quickly became dim.

Zhang Yun's eyes were full of shock, but in this shock, there was an irrepressible panic. The terrorist power burst out by Xiao Chen was far beyond his imagination!

Just then, his face suddenly turned pale, and Yang spewed a blood.


The golden round bowl collapsed in the loud noise, and turned into smashing iron radiating in all directions. The golden aura disappeared quickly, exposing one of them. Although the face was ordinary, a pair of eyes were bright like stars!

Xiao Chen's robe was more damaged, but there was no slight injury on his body. At this moment, he emerged and flew straight to Zhang Yun!

Looking at Xiao Chen's imminent approach, Zhang Yun's uncontrollable heart gave birth to a panic. He stepped back frantically, with a sharp growl in his mouth, "Monk Dong Chenzong started, and beheaded me here!"

But at this moment, another low-pitched voice suddenly sounded, "Elder Zhang Yun of Zongchen Zong was disregarding his own interests and disregard for his own Zongmen. This sect expelled him from the sect today, and monk Dongchen Zong could not stand in vain! "

Four monks appeared from the micro monks, and it was the Lord Dongchen and the three elders.

The star is controlled by Zhang Yun for many years. Although many of His Majesty's monks have been cultivated, he is clearly in an absolutely unfavorable situation today. After the Sovereign's opening, a few absolute confidants took His Majesty and shot. Most people hesitated slightly. Still chose to stand by and watch.

Xiao Chen has long noticed the existence of four creation monks in the crowd. Since they are directed at Zhang Yun, it is better! Looking at the monk Dongchenzong rushing in the roaring front, he snarled, punched forward with a punch, and an intangible force like a wave swept forward from his punch, and more than a thousand Dongchen Monk Zong was suddenly stiff.

Xiao Chen's figure passed without interruption, and the hurricane brought forward by the figure rushed through. The bodies of more than a thousand monks suddenly dispersed with the wind and turned into powdery sky! Xiao Chen has completely killed them with a punch before!

The prince of Dongchen frowned at this moment, but he groaned a little and remained silent.

There was a cry of despair in Zhang Yun's mouth. From the sudden appearance of the suzerain, he knew that today he had failed! Feeling crazy killing from Xiao Chen in the rear, his eyes gradually showed madness!

"Liuyun, you ruined everything of the old man. Even if I die, I will pull you together!" He suddenly turned around in a roar, and a violent breath burst from his body.

Dongchen Sovereign's face changed, and he whispered, "Monk Dongchen Zong stepped back!" The voice didn't fall. He and the three elders behind him took a step forward and joined together to seal the town under the surrounding cloth, binding Zhang Yun's self-explosive power.

The next moment, an earth-shattering loud noise came, followed by the overwhelming violent power of the golden spirit, which ravaged and strangled everything within the envelope, releasing a terrifying horror.

And Xiao Chen's figure was swallowed up by this golden frenzy!

The lord Dongchen and the three elders resisted with all their strength. All four eyes were flashing with coldness. They killed Zhang Yun by the hand of Xiao Chen, but they also did not like him. If they took this opportunity, they could all end up together, naturally. It couldn't be better. Within the scope of the self-explosion power of the monk of the Golden Creation King, even if this Xiao Chen did not die, he would definitely end up in a bad wound. At that time, it would be the fish on the chopping board. Let them handle it!

This result is naturally better for them.

Fang Shihai, Wu Min, and others showed tension on their faces at the same time. They are now closely related to Xiao Chen. If he shoots, the whole caravan will be afraid that no one can end well! And in terms of kindness, none of them hoped that Xiao Chen would have an accident.

The raging power of the Golden Spirit turned into a swell of ocean, which lasted for a while before slowly dissipating, and a blurred figure gradually appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Xiao Chen covered his eyes with his hands, his robe shattered into pieces of rags, but was never dropped because of the magical power, and a number of thin wounds spread over every inch of flesh above and below his body, but there was no drop of blood from the wound. . His lower back was still straight. At this moment, his palms slowly dropped, and the fine wounds on his body began to heal in an amazing degree. However, he had recovered in a short amount of time. Except that his face was slightly pale, he did not seem to have suffered any harm!

The great tremor in the heart of the Lord Dongchen and the three elders, at the same time, they extinguished the thought of leaving Xiao Chen. Zhang Yun's self-explosive horror might not be able to take him seriously. Even if they join forces, they may not be able to build meritorious power. They don't want to follow Zhang Yun's old path and resent Liu Liu, otherwise the whole Dongchenzong will be in trouble in the future!

"Thank you Liuyun Taoyou for taking the shot to help this sect eliminate Zhang Yun's scum." The lord of the Chen Chen said with a smile. In one sentence, he concluded the case for Xiao Chen's shot and killed Zhang Yun, indicating his position.

Xiao Chen understands that these people may not have good intentions. If he is so badly injured, it may be another face. He glanced at several people, and said lightly: "Dongchen Sect's words are heavy. If Zhang Yun doesn't know how to advance and retreat, this seat will not embarrass him." He was telling Dongchen Zong several people, and he did not continue to cause trouble. I mean, I hope this matter is revealed.

Dongchen Sovereign smiled and nodded, "Liuyun Daoyou rest assured that this sect will definitely handle this matter. In addition, I would like to add 100,000 yuan crystals to the Soochow caravan to make up for my fault of Dongchen Zong. Please also ask Friends must accept it. "

Xiao Chen nodded. If he didn't accept it, the person would be worried.

Sure enough, when Xiao Chen accepted it, Dongchen's face smiled even more. He raised his hand. Naturally, His Majesty the monk took the shot. He held Zhang He, who was as dead as a ghost, with the monk around him, and directly ran to the star. . Judging from this illustrious method of action, I am afraid that there are not many enemies in the weekdays. Even if I am not dead now, I am afraid that I will not live too long.

"Dear friends, my husband Dongchen Zongchen, the sun and the moon, would like to apologize to you today, and I would like to ask you all to be disappointed in my entire Dongchen Zong because of the behavior of a few monks in Dongchen Zong. Ben Zong hereby assures everyone that in the future, my Dongchen Zong will move the Zongmen resident into the sky star. This place will become one of the most stable and safest spiritual stars in the evil star field. All caravan friends and fellow monks are welcome to stop here. If there is a similar life in the future, this case will be dealt with today, and it will never be spared! "Chen Riyue's remarks obviously saved Dong Chenzong a lot of face, many caravan monks nodded their faces Ease.

When Chen Riyue saw the face, she was satisfied, and turned to Xiao Chen, "Liu Yun Taoist, I don't know if I have time to have a drink with this sect, so I would like to thank Dao You for what he shot today."

"There are still important things in this seat, so it is inconvenient to stay for a long time, and the suzerain's kind intentions are led." Xiao Chen said lightly. Although the matter was resolved, he really did not like the monk Dongchenzong.

Chen Riyue was not reluctant, nodded with a smile, and straightly said that if Xiao Chen had the opportunity to come back to the star, he would respond with the honor of the VIP, and said a few words, and then he returned to the star with a few elders.

Although Zhang Yun was dead, he is deeply entrenched in the star, and his forces are intertwined. They need to accept it in the shortest possible time to prevent the star from falling into chaos.

Lin Changchun took Lin Zimu to leave. "If there is something for Liuyun Taoists in the future, you can leave a message at any store of the Lin Family Business Group. The old man will surely go all out when he knows it. In addition, ten of this storage ring Yuan Jing is considered as compensation for the Soochow caravan by my Lin family business group.

Xiao Chen accepted the storage ring, slightly arched, and watched Lin Changqing and others leave. He turned and returned to the Soochow Caravan.


"Several injuries are not a problem, as long as you can rest for a while," Xiao Chen said lightly, groaning, and said, "According to the current situation, I am afraid that the caravan will be suspended for a while in Tianxing. I have important things to do, I'm afraid I can't walk with you. "

"Master Liuyun, are you leaving?" Wu Min lifted, a little panic in his eyes.

Xiao Chen noticed this, but still nodded. According to the increase of blood amulet strength, the time was still quite generous, but he had to consider the unexpected situation. Only by entering the city of evil, he could protect himself.

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