Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 827: Broken Star River

"The 200,000 yuan crystal was compensated to you by Dong Chenzong and the Lin Family Business Group. Accept it, and this seat will leave immediately. [1] Z] W.COM."

Wu Min shook her head and gave a gift. "If it weren't for Lord Liuyun, my Soochow caravan is now afraid that it is already too fierce. These elements should be accepted by adults. We must not." She whispered. , But the attitude is quite firm.

Xiao Chen groaned slightly and put away one of the storages. "Then I will charge half as the commission for your caravan, and the remaining half you will put away. Although there are a lot of these yuan crystals, but for me It's nothing. "

When Wu Min heard the words, he nodded, and accepted another storage ring. "I'll send the adult away."

Xiao Chen didn't object. He stepped forward and Wu Min followed. But before the two reached the deck, a caravan monk came hurriedly, respectfully: "Master Liu Yun, master sister, and the teacher have something to ask you two to go?"

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, still nodded to Fang Shihai's injury.

"Because of the inconvenience of the injury, the troubled Lord Liuyun came, the old man was afraid and asked the adult to forgive him." Fang Shihai's face looked slightly better, but his eyes were weak and tired, but his face was uneasy at the moment .

Xiao Chen waved his hand. "Don't be polite when you are injured. Why are you anxious to find this place?"

"Master Hui, I just received a request from the cargo owner to let us go to Broken Star River to hand over the goods, and their people will return the evil star directly. After passing the goods to them, the caravan will return to the sea." Fang Shihaiti With this matter, a little smile appeared on his face. The cargo was delivered in advance, the caravan's voyage was greatly reduced, and the danger was naturally reduced.

Wu Min stepped forward and whispered: "Teacher, Lord Xiao Chen still has important things to do, and can't continue to be delayed in the caravan, he will leave immediately."

"Master Liuyun, are you leaving?" Fang Shihai's face was suddenly anxious. "How can this be good, the owner asked us to rush to the Broken Star River within five days. I figured it would be enough time to rush from here and have agreed. Come down, but if the adults are not, depending on the current state of our caravan, I am afraid that we will not be able to walk to the Broken Star River smoothly. "

"Teacher, we can hire a security guard for a large amount of money. You don't make it difficult for adults." Wu Min glanced at Xiao Chen's face and reminded him softly.

Fang Shihai woke up instantly and said in a hurry: "Master Liu Yun must not be angry. The old man said that he was in a hurry. The old man had great gratitude to my Soochow caravan. The old man would never dare to embarrass the adult. If there is something important, the self-departure is that we will take care of the caravan issue by ourselves. "

Xiao Chen groaned silently, frowning slightly, and said, "Well, I will stay in the caravan for another five days, and after I have sent you to Broken Star River, I will leave again." Broken Star River and Sin Star are in a straight line. This will not delay him too much time.

"Thank you very much, Master." Fang Shihai respectfully saluted, his face was full of joy, "Wu Min, immediately commanded that in the afternoon, the Star Ship started immediately and went to the Broken Star River."

"Yes, teacher." Wu Min turned around and left.


"Zimu, you shot at the Soochow caravan, I'm afraid you suspect they are escorting the third master's thing?" Lin Changqing looked at the star ship that was going away and said lightly.

Lin Zimu respectfully said, "My son has checked and we can confirm that the Soochow Caravan is one of the caravans hired by the three young masters."

Lin Changqing nodded, "You did the right thing, and the method is good, with the help of Zhang He's idiot's hand, we tried to extract our Lin family business group from this matter."

"But it still failed." Lin Zimu smiled bitterly.

"It's not your fault. Liu Yun's appearance was an accident, and it has nothing to do with you." Lin Changqing sighed. "It's just that after the incident today, we are afraid that we have offended the third master completely and can only rely on the young master completely. "

Lin Zimu said yes.


The Broken Star River is a meteorite belt that is composed of large and small dense meteorites. It is named after a river like a river. It is rumored that here was a galactic galaxy long ago, but it collapsed and shattered for unknown reasons, forming what it is today.

Today, in this Broken Star River, monks from both sides are fighting. A large starship was besieged by four small starships, and the aura of restraint rose into the sky, releasing amazing breath fluctuations.

The starships of the Soochow Caravan are not far from here, and you can see the ongoing killings, and there are several other starships around their starships, which are also far away. Don't dare approach when you wait and see.

Xiao Chen stood on the deck, watching his ongoing fight, and frowned slightly.

Things seemed more trouble than he expected.


On the besieged large star ship, a young black suit monk with a stiff face and gloomy eyes.

"Three young, let's be counted." Behind this monk in black, a one-eyed old man whispered, his voice cold.

"My elder brother really took great pains to get rid of me." Wu Changgong whispered, grinning secretly.

"Huh! Unfortunately, his calculations can only be used in vain. Our three young men just replaced the newly built starship. The defense is amazing. Even if they do, they can't shake our defense." A chubby monk beside the one-eyed old man Laughed.

However, his voice only dropped, and Chang Changgong's face changed suddenly. "No! Go to the control room!" With Chang Changjun's meticulous thoughts, since it has been calculated that he is coming to Xinghe, where would he not know he had changed? The matter of the star ship. His face became even more ugly when he thought that due to the improvement of the star ship's power, more monks needed to control him.

The one-eyed old man responded very quickly, and Wu Changgong's voice was straightforward. His figure has slammed into the control room, but even so it is still a step slower. He only approached the door of the control room, and a strange noise was heard in his mouth, and the figure bounced back directly.

The next moment, a muffled sound came out of the control room. The raging red fire snake swallowed the portal directly, swept madly to the outside world, and everything in it was incinerated into ashes. All the bans on the star ship stopped at this moment, and gradually went dark.

The one-eyed old man returned to Tong Changgong. Although he had retreated very quickly, his shirt was still entangled by fire snakes, and several small holes were burned. His face became extremely ugly. It seems that this time, the young master does not want you to return to the city of evil again, three young men, the old slave escorted you away! "

Wu Changgong looked ugly, lagging behind step by step. He had fallen into the calculations and could only fall into passive. What you need to do now is to escape from here and save your life. As long as you don't die, there is always a chance to find things out today!


In a low drink, Xun Changgong rushed out without hesitation under the monks around him, and the guards on Xing Xing's ship flew outward in the clouds!

On a small star ship, a scholar looks like a middle-aged monk and nodded, "The big and small plans have been completed, it's up to you and me now. No matter what, today Chang Changgong is not allowed to leave Broken Star River alive! "

The old man in brown clothing heard a low hum, but did not say much.

The next moment, a large number of monks were killed on the four small star ships!

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