Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 828: Blood Shazong

The one-eyed old man kept smirking and groaning. He reached out and grabbed a hand, and suddenly a **** light appeared directly covering several killed monks. Bayi Chinese W] W] W]. ) 81ZW. The com fell into the blood, and their mouths were miserable. The flesh melted into the swollen blood directly at an amazing degree, and it was completely eliminated in a short time. The blood of the monks' flesh was melted by the old man. Open your mouth and swallow it directly. Swallowing this blood, a flush of ruddy appeared on his face.

But at this moment, he didn't wait for him to continue to speak. There was a roar in the one-eyed old man's mouth. He turned without hesitation and turned to shoot in one place! His palm fell, and a scarlet palm print suddenly appeared!

At this moment, in front of this scarlet palm print, a figure of an old man in brown clothes appeared, looking at the scarlet palm print that was shot. Her yellow eyes showed a terrible resentment, and she screamed as if rubbed with iron. She opened her mouth and swallowed it fiercely. !!

Under this swallow, the scarlet palm print trembled.

"Ghost mouth wife!" The one-eyed old man's face became extremely ugly in an instant, and he hurriedly controlled his magical power so as not to be swallowed by her, and said at the same time: "Three young men leave, old slave to stop this crazy woman!"

"One-eyed ghost, today is when you killed Huangquan!" The mouthful of the spouse opened wide, but there was a voice in her belly.

"It depends on whether you have this means!"

Two old monsters fought together instantly.

Wu Changgong continued to escape under the support of the remaining monks, but he didn't know what he thought, and his face gradually turned pale.

"Hehe, San Shao is really wit, it seems that I have thought of me here, and that subordinate will no longer hide his traces." The middle-aged scholar appeared in a low smile, with a smile on his face, but looking Wu Changgong's eyes were cold and warm.

Wu Changgong stopped, he took a deep breath and was frightened in his heart, and said in a deep voice, "Mr. Mo, you should know that my father is the one I like most among the three of my brothers. Swear a blood oath and treat him with respect in the future! "

"Three young people are arrogant. The elders have three sons. The only one who is fighting for the inheritance is you and the young. Today, as long as you kill you, the elders are naturally the young and the young. Why should I be behind that person? The spitting villain. "Mr. Mo smiled and shook his head," Three young men don't need to say much, let their subordinates take you on the road. "

"Blood guard, stop him!" Tong Changgong snorted abruptly, and a roar uttered in the mouth of a monk beside him, his entire body suddenly swelled, and the dark blue blood veins hidden under the flesh swelled up with alarming The degree is reddish, and it looks very distinct! The monk was wrapped in a layer of blood and rushed towards Mr. Mo.


In the loud noise, the person's physical body burst directly, releasing a dark blood-colored mist, with a cold and cold atmosphere, revealing a violent destruction!

Wu Changgong didn't pause, and led the monks around to leave, turning into a rainbow and rushing into the depths of the stars.

There was a sudden low hum in the dark **** mist, which was then torn directly from it. Mr. Mo appeared and looked towards the direction of Fu Changgong's escape. His face continued to smile, but the cold killing in his eyes was heavier. A few minutes. The next step came, he was like Ben Lei, came after him.

This time, there is no need for Tong Changgong to speak. A blood guard beside him turned back and was the same as the first monk. His body burst and turned into a mist of blood to stop Mr. Mo.

The Blood Guard is a dead man specially cultivated by the Blood Shazong. It is responsible for protecting important monks in the sect. Casting a self-detonation before dying can release amazing power to fight for the possibility of escape for the protector.

Xun Changgong was the third son of the hereditary elder Lin Liancheng. During the day, he was heavily regarded, so he was equipped with a small team of blood guards, but the number was only seven. The blood guard can stop Mr. Mo for a while, but he cannot get rid of Mr. Mo's pursuit. In this way, even if nothing is happening right now, when the blood health damage is exhausted, the wait for him will still be ridiculed! Wu Changgong turned paler. He squeezed his lips tightly and said nothing in a hurry.

Several starships stopped in the Broken Star River and suddenly burst into a commotion, turning around and avoiding each other, only because Changchanggong and others came straight here.

Mr. Mo followed easily, and Blood Guard's suicide attack could not harm him at all.

"Master Liuyun, let's go too." Fang Shihai was pale. He knew the identity of the owner. Because of this, he was afraid of the siege that was going on. He knew that he had fallen into a conspiracy, and if he continued to stay here, he would be afraid of being implicated.

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed slightly and he whispered: "Fang Shihai, you should know the identity of the owner, who is this killing?"

Fang Shihai hesitated for a moment, still respectfully speaking, "Master Liuyun, I only know that this owner is the third son of the hereditary elder of the Blood Shazong lineage, and I don't know where the monks came from."

"Xue Sha Zong." Xiao Chen's eyes flickered. "One of the four sects in charge of the evil city?"

Fang Shihai nodded, his face was extremely ugly. This siege today is likely to involve the secrets of the four majors. If they knew, they would be killed afterwards.

Wu Changgong's eyes gradually showed despair, and there was only the last blood guard left around him. Is he really wanting to fall here today? He is not reconciled! At this moment, he looked up and forward. Several starships fled, but one remained. Tong Changgong looked at this starship, as if he had grasped the last life-saving straw, and his mouth screamed, "I am the third son of the Blood Shazong family. If you can save me today, you will have it in the future. Good news! "Relying on the stark ship's banning guardianship, he can resist Mr. Mo for a moment. If he delays for a while, there may be a glimmer of vitality.

But he wasn't sure if the starship would shelter him. After all, they would be involved in this assassination, but now he had no choice.

The last blood defender turned back to stop Mr. Mo, fighting for the final time for Tong Changgong! He took the few monks around him and dived straight into the starship.

Fang Shihai's heart froze, and now he had the heart to cry. The more he didn't want to be contaminated, things happened in a worse direction. Looking at the rushing Wu Changgong and others, he looked at Xiao Chen with a sad face. Lord Liuyun, what should I do now? "I wanted to leave but I didn't leave. I want to leave now, but it's too late.

"Put them in."

"grown ups?"

Xiao Chen said lightly, "I said, let them in."

"Yes!" Fang Shihai stunned in his heart, and hurriedly summoned to open a channel in the defense prohibition.

Xiao Chen looked at the people who were approaching, his face was calm, but his thoughts kept turning. He was thinking about how to join the Sin City in the shortest time after entering the Sin Star, and what was before him was undoubtedly an opportunity.

Wu Changgong didn't have much hope when he opened his mouth. At this moment, when he saw that the star ship opened the prohibition for them to enter, his heart suddenly exulted. .

At this moment, Mr. Mo had broken free from the obstruction of the last blood defender, and just happened to see Wu Changgong and others entering the Pingxing Ship. His face smiled rigidly, and his eyes suddenly became gloomy. He never imagined that these caravans that he did not see actually dared to get involved in today's affairs.

He took the next step, and the figure had appeared not far from the star ship, and said coldly, "Give people away, otherwise you will all die!"

Wu Changgong rushed into the Starship with several monks around him, and when he heard that his face changed, he yelled, "The Starship is completely open, and he urged to leave here immediately. As long as I can get out of the Broken Star River alive, you are all serious. reward!"

But his voice fell, but now the monks on the Starship did not pay attention to him at all. Their eyes were all focused on an ordinary monk, apparently waiting for his decision.

"You haven't heard the words of the three young people, don't you want to leave, do you want to die?" A monk behind Yi Changgong was slightly more stable, sighed sharply, stretched out his hand and grabbed a caravan monk next to him. To seize control of the Starship.

But when his palm was only one line away from the caravan monk, there was a sudden hum in his ear. He felt a sudden shock in his whole body, and his consciousness fell into permanent darkness.

Xiao Chen closed his hand, and the monk who shot it had been smashed directly by his palm and died. He glanced coldly at a few people in Tong Changgong, and said lightly, "This seat can save you or kill you."

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