
Qilian City's face changed slightly. In the growl, the old man reached out and grabbed the two of Changchangjun and Tongchanggong. ([Eight? <<<< A Chinese << 网 W] W] W). } 8} 1) ZW. Many monks in the COM hall retreated in panic when they saw this, for fear of being shrouded in the aftermath of the two men's battles, looking at the hall where Lingguang trembled trembling, his eyes were full of fear!

Now that Xiao Chen and Zhao Zhan are fighting directly, the horrific power revealed can even be comparable to the peak of creation!


In the loud noise, Xiao Chen hit a punch on Zhao Zhan's face, making his entire face instantly blurred, but the price he paid was three horrible scratches on his neck. The power of attack, the two sides are separated for the time being!

The living corpse Zhao Zhan's mouth gasped heavily. His eyes were filled with naked bloodthirsty and hunger, he was repeatedly killed, and his power was lost very quickly. Only by swallowing blood can he recover as quickly as possible.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly. Although his body was not damaged, he was strewn with bloodstains. Around these bloodstains, there were thin black lines appearing and spreading to the surroundings.


Qilian City's face changed slightly, looking at Wan Lihai, his eyes became extremely gloomy instantly.

"Haha, I forgot to tell the elder 娈, when the corpse was refined, the old man deliberately sought out ninety-nine kinds of highly toxic substances from the poison lord sect to merge with his corpse venom in order to enhance its power. Eventually it became a brand new poisonous! "Wan Lihai sneered," He was poisoned, even the old man did n’t have a cure, and there may still be a silver lining in the retreat of the monks after the poisoning. If this continues, The corpse continued to fight, and when the toxin spread to the whole body and invaded the viscera, it could only end up in blood and death. "

Xiao Chen's cold eyes swept over Wan Lihai, and a slight sneer appeared on the corners of his mouth. Perhaps the corpse poison would be dead to other monks, but it was not useful to him! Now the golden light scattered between the flesh and blood has suppressed the corpse poison around the wound. After he killed the dead corpse Zhao, it would not be too late to get rid of it.

He turned to Zhao Zhan, and his eyes were surging. He had shown enough strength that he didn't need to delay with the corpse.

That being the case, kill him earlier!

Stepping out of the next step, Xiao Chen's figure approached instantly, the dead corpse Zhao Zhan screamed violently, and the corpse's palm went straight to Xiao Chen's grasp, but at this moment, a fist slammed into it, colliding with the corpse's palm!

There was a loud bang, and a roar from Zhao Zhan's mouth, the purple-red corpse's palm was directly distorted and deformed. Under this fist, he was slammed into the ground and blasted out a huge deep pit. Xiao Chen stepped down again, and the figure was close to him again, one foot down.

The dead corpse Zhao Zhan raised his arms to resist in the roar, and the arm had been bent and deformed in the cracking sound. The mighty terrorist force that swept him slipped his body backwards, drawing a long deep groove on the ground. , Broke the entire hall wall! The already shaky hall, which was slammed down by this heavy blow, burst into the smoke and dust rolling for a while, forcing the monks around the hall to back again.

The sound of clear footsteps came from the smoke and dust, Xiao Chen appeared, his face was still calm, although there was more damage on his robe, but the dust could not contaminate his body, and his eyes fell on Zhao Zhan instantly like electricity, In the low hum, the figure disappeared and appeared again, and one punch went straight to the head of Zhao Zhan!

The corpse Zhao Zhan roared. He grabbed Xiao Chen's flesh desperately with both hands, trying to tear his flesh and blood, but in the end he could only be blown out with one punch. All he could leave on Xiao Chen was a few bloodstains. However, when the corpse poison could not play a role, these blood stains could not affect Xiao Chen's combat power at all. Without the time to clean up the corpse poison around the wounds, these wounds have already healed now. However, Zhao Zhan's head was smashed again, and the blood of the corpse poured out. This time, the degree of repair of his wound was significantly reduced, and the violent smelting corpse began to weaken. Constantly enduring severe injuries, finally let this corpse monster fearless death and painlessly gradually enter a state of weakness!

Qilian City is overjoyed. Today, the calamity of the Qiang family is over. He glanced deeply at Xiao Chen, and secretly said that the flowing cloud was hidden very deeply. The powerful repair that suddenly burst out at this moment was probably not under him!

Wu Chang was condescending, his eyes were full of excitement, this time he bet right! After today's events, although the father may not change his mind immediately, he will certainly hesitate in his heart, and he will have the opportunity to compete for inheritance status! He didn't ask much, so it was enough!

On the other side, Wan Lihai's face became extremely ugly, and he did not expect that things would spread to the present level.

Liu Yun actually hidden so deep, suddenly shot out of power, Zhao Zhan turned into a living corpse had absolutely no resistance in front of him. The soul jade and dunwen next to this person looked at each other undeadly, and their eyes became dignified, showing a bit of worry.

Suddenly, Xiao Chen punched out, and Zhao Zhan's chest was directly smashed by him, revealing a horrible penetrating blood hole. This was the first time that Zhao Zhan's body had such a serious injury, indicating that his Due to the rapid decline of strength, the rigidity of the body is also decreasing rapidly.


Zhao Zhan flew, and the corpse was smashed not far from Wan Lihai. The wound on his chest was automatically repaired during the squirm, but it collapsed again before completion. The thick dark red corpse blood stained the ground below him. He groaned to get up, but only in vain.

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed, and his foot stepped on the ground next time. Under the strong shock, the figure directly entered the air and stepped towards Zhao Zhan! If this foot is grounded, he can definitely be killed directly!

"Stop!" Wan Lihai gave a low drink, and he waved his sleeves, and there was a mighty force to stop him. Monk of the corpse corpse, the corpse of the corpse occupies half or more of his self-cultivation. Although Manli Haixiu barely reaches the level of the peak of creation, the supernatural power can only be regarded as the weakest peak of creation.

Xiao Chen's face was slightly heavy, but his figure kept reaching out and tearing hard, tearing the blocking force in front of him, and the figure passed instantly.


Xiao Chen fell, and the whole ground trembled violently. He stepped on the chest of the living corpse Zhao Zhan and smashed a deep pit. Zhao Zhan was lying at the bottom of his pit. After that, all his vitality had been cut off, and sticky corpse blood continued to flow from his body, and the red eyes became dim quickly.

Zhao Zhan, a dead body, was killed in a confrontation!

Xiao Chen slowly lifted his eyes, looking sharply at Wan Lihai, "This level of power also wants to stop this seat, and can't help it!"


[Fight for three small chapters at night. 】

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