Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 839: Seal Emperor Corpse

Wan Lihai's face was ugly and chilly, "Liuyun, the old man has let you stop, did you not hear me speak?"

"How this block behaves, why bother with what you mean, if you are dissatisfied, you can embarrass me afterwards. This block is next. [八? [一 小说 网 ((W? W> W] .81ZW.COM) Xiao Morning faintly spoke.

Wan Lihai has not spoken yet, and then Liancheng interrupted with a cold voice. "Is your Wan Lihai's corpse could kill at my uncle's house, then Liu Yun's offering to kill Zhao Zhan is not allowed. Elder Wan doesn't think this is too much. Have you ever been overbearing? Do n’t forget, this is my uncle ’s home and the Blood Shazong resident! About your involvement in Xiao Chen ’s dedication and Zhao Zhan ’s killing, the old man will not care about you for now, but since a gambling contract has been made, I hope If the gambling loses, the elder Wan will bring an emperor's body. "

It was the inevitable situation of the Qiang family, but Xiao Chen, an unexpected person, made a complete reversal of the matter. Now that Zhao Zhan is dead, things have already come to fruition. Countless lights fell on Wan Lihai to see how he responded.

The old man's face was pale and blue, his eyes were uncertain, and he suddenly gritted his teeth, saying, "Since the elder grandpa wants my emperor corpse, the old man will give it to you, and see if your emperor's corpse will conquer it. s method!"

The voice did not fall, he waved his sleeves, a pale middle-aged man appeared directly, his eyes were red, two sharp teeth in his mouth were exposed, and the strong, cold and decaying atmosphere was enough to indicate his identity. One! The three emperor's corpses are all the peak of the creation king, which is the main reason for the prosperity of Wanjia in spite of the ups and downs in these years. After the careful cultivation of countless generations of monks, coupled with the tempering of the dead body, the physical body is overbearing. indestructible! At the same time, it is completely controlled by monks, powerful and fearless, and can even compete with monks at the peak of creation!

Wan Lihai sneered and let go of the control of the emperor's corpse for the time being. He wanted to see how the monk's corpse could be killed in the face of violent killing of the emperor's corpse! When they had suffered, they finally asked him to take back the emperor's body!

If not, would he agree to bet on the emperor's body.


Emperor Corpse's intellect has long been erased, and now, after the release of the imprisonment, a roar from the sky, the dark and black corpse burrowed out of the pores around him, his flesh dried up, and the red eyes were full of brutality and bloodthirsty.

"Wan Lihai, what do you mean?" Qi Liancheng screamed angrily when he saw this.

Wan Lihai sneered, "The old man believed and believed. Since the living corpses were defeated, I will send an emperor's corpse to your uncle's house! But the manipulation of the emperor's corpse is the secret of my family. How can I give it to you! Now that the Emperor's Corpse is here, if your uncle's family has the means to control, take it yourself! "

Suddenly, the Emperor's corpse suddenly turned to Xiao Chen, with a roar in his mouth, the figure came out instantly!

Wan Lihai slightly sneered at the corner of his mouth. He did release his control of the emperor's corpse, but before releasing the control, he gave an order to the emperor's corpse-kill Xiao Chen! Now Emperor Corps is subconsciously following his command line! If it wasn't for Xiao Chen, the Jiu family had already confessed, how could things go to such a state, even Zhao Zhan, the living corpse that he had spent thousands of years of hard work, was beheaded by him! The Emperor's Corpse shot, Wan Lihai was the first to kill, naturally it was him!

Xiao Chen's body was tense for a moment. He could sense the power of this emperor's body, but at this moment his face was still calm, his eyes were cold and he looked at the emperor's body that had been attacked violently, and carefully calculated the distance between them.

When the Emperor's Corpse was less than ten feet away from him, he could cross in an instant, Xiao Chen's hand flashed a little light, a rusty iron nail appeared directly in his hand, and his hand was thrown forward!

Burial nails!

Peerless creature, slaughter the corpses of the world!

Although the Emperor's Corpse is strong, can it block the burial nails?

See you in the next moment!


The sound of torn flesh came out instantly, followed by the terrible pain and misery, a terrible blood hole appeared on the chest of the emperor's corpse, the tail of the burial nail trembled slightly, and it was drawing the emperor's blood. , The extreme cold breath wantonly damaged the body of the emperor's body, actually nailed it to its place instantly, far away from Xiao Chen Zhang Yu, but could not move a little bit!

Xiao Chen was surprised, his eyes flickered suddenly, and when he saw the flash of light, the figure of the Emperor's body disappeared directly! Originally, it was only a try. I didn't want to be really effective. Xiao Chen hurriedly discovered a trace of consciousness to enter the storage ring. I saw the emperor's body lying quietly in a separate storage cell, and his body shivered from time to time under the suppression of the burial nail , But can't break the bond at all, this is completely assured. Taking back the consciousness and sweeping around, I saw that the surrounding monks were stiff, and looked at his eyes dull.

The Emperor's Corpse suddenly exploded and flew towards Xiao Chen. They were panicking and were about to retreat to avoid being attacked by the uncontrollable Emperor's Corpse. Who ever thought that they had just left and everything was over! Under the eyes of everyone, Xiao Chen took out a rusty iron nail, and then directly suppressed the body of the emperor and swept away. It was only a short while before and after. This is the so-called Wanjia Emperor's Corpse, is it just a fancy thing?

The surrounding monks glanced at each other, and they all saw their suspicions in their hearts.

Wan Lihai's face changed drastically, and for the first time panic was revealed in his eyes, because after Xiao Chen took the emperor's corpse away, the induction between him and the emperor's corpse quickly decreased, and it has completely disappeared at this moment, which indicates that the emperor's corpse has been completely Out of his control! He suddenly looked up, staring at Xiao Chen sternly, "Liu Yun, what method did you use to quickly hand over the emperor's corpse!"

Beside this old monster, there are shocks on the faces of the two strange monsters, Hunyu and Duwen. From the panic manifestation of Wan Lihai, it is not difficult for them to guess the seriousness of the matter.

Xiao Chen, how surprising he was to so easily conquer the Emperor's Corpse!

Qi Liancheng's pupils contracted slightly, and her eyes looked towards Xiao Chen, before she felt a little more dignified. At this moment when I heard Wan Lihai speak, the old man's eyes flickered, and he said in a deep voice, "What does the elder Wan mean? Liu Yun's dedication to capture the Emperor's Corpse is a shot on behalf of my uncle's family. It is said that the Emperor's Corpse now belongs to my uncle's family, and I also ask the elder Wan to understand! "

After saying that, Lian Liancheng turned to Xiao Chen and arched his hand. "Liu Yun's offering made a rescue to save my uncle's family. The emperor's corpse was captured and enshrined, so the old man took the emperor's corpse and Liu Yun's offering as a token of thanks." Understand that if Xiao Chen were not here, he would not be able to subdue the Emperor's Corpse even if he shot it himself. Now that the Emperor's Corpse has been taken away by Xiao Chen's suppression, it would be better to push him along the river to show him the gratitude of the family and pass on some of the hatred of the family to Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen's heart moved slightly, and he already understood this weird idea, but after the corpse was nailed down by the burial corpse, he had no intention of returning it. Now he nodded after hearing the words, "So, I would like to thank my friends." "

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