Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 840: Soul of soul

During the conversation between the two, the division of the emperor's corpse has been completed. Wan Lihai's face was so dull that he almost broke his teeth with a bitter hate, but said nothing! Witnessed by monks from various forces in Sin City, since he lost the bet, even if the Emperor's Corpse was taken away, there is nothing to say! However, the resentment against Xiao Chen in this old immortal heart is even more serious, and his eyes fell fiercely on him. I can't wait for Xiao Chen's broken body to reduce the pain in his heart!

Today's original intention is to humiliate the Qiang family to destroy the 10,000-year-old celebration ceremony, and to take the opportunity to weaken the influence of the Qiang family in the city of sin. Who ever thought that things would go so far! Wan Lihai not only wiped his face, but also lost one of the three emperor corpses of Wanjia. This loss is huge! Soul Jade and Duwen are silent, and their faces are extremely ugly. Bayi Middle School W). ] 8> 1? Z] W]. } Today, all three commen share the same honor and disgrace, and Wanjia is thrown into the face. They also have no light on their faces.

Bi Qing's black-and-white eyes fell on Xiao Chen's body, a little radiance appeared in her eyes, but disappeared after a little sparkle. This flowing cloud looks like a beautiful scenery today, but it is equivalent to already offending the Dead Soul Sect, the Corpse Sect and the Poison Sect at the same time. Unless he stays away from the evil city, he will be inevitably suppressed in the future, and his life will be extremely sad.

"The elders had good luck, and they could meet such a strong person as Liuyun Taoyou, and they won today. The bet was made before, and the old man shouldn't say much, but the emperor's corpse is too important to the elder Wan, and the old man and Wan The elders intersect each other, and I really ca n’t bear to see how he ends up. The elder suggested that the elder Wan take out 30 million yuan of crystals, and also asked Liu Yundao friends to return the emperor's corpse, and revealed what happened today. "Soul Jade suddenly smiled and began to attract countless eyes.

In terms of heart, Qin Liancheng has no heart for Wanjia Emperor's corpse. After all, there is no secret control technique, and the Emperor's corpse is just harmful and useless. He would not have proposed this bet unless Wan Lihai offered to bet his family to suspend the Ninth Day celebration. Now that his family has won, he has kept his own face, and after exchanging the emperor's corpse, he can relax the relationship with the corpse sect. This strange man has no objection to this matter. But now that Emperor's Corpse is in Xiao Chen's hands, whether or not he agrees, Qilian City can not guarantee it.

"Elder Soul Jade seems to have found the emperor's body wrong. The old man has sent the emperor's body to Liu Yun's worship. It has nothing to do with the family. Whether he wants to return it or not depends on the meaning of Liu Yun Taoist friends. . "This weird word pushed the matter clean.

Soul Jade shook his head and said, "The old man and Liuyun Dao have not been masked, and they dared to say that he would not give me this face. Now Liu Yun Daoyou is a concubine's dedication, and presumably, the elder is more important than the old man. of."

Xiao Chen glanced at the old man, knowing that what he said was right to him, and said lightly: "Since the Elder Soul Jade has spoken, Liu Yun can say that I do n’t lack the things of Yuanjing, and there is no need for Emperor Corpse. mention."

Qilian City Road: "The Elder Soul Jade already knows the meaning of Liu Yun's dedication, and presumably this matter does not require the old man to say much."

Hunyu looked at Xiao Chen with a smile, "The emperor's corpse needs the technique of controlling the corpse to be a helper. Liuyun Taoist still consider the old man's words, and the 30 million yuan crystal is also a considerable amount. "

"Elder Soul Jade need not say more. Once I have made a decision, I will not change it easily." Xiao Chen said flatly, but refused completely, leaving no room for turning back.

The smile on Hunyu's face disappeared little by little, and his eyes showed a faint coldness. "Since Liuyun Taoist friends are not willing to return, the old man is not easy to force, but I also don't want to see the emperor's corpse in the hands of the elder Wan. Liuyun Daoyou bet once, if Daoyou might take over the old man's magical power, the matter of the emperor will never be mentioned by the old man, and even Wan Daoyou will not trouble you again. No, as long as the emperor's corpse is returned. I do n’t know what Liu Yundao friends think? ”

Qilian City's face changed slightly, his eyes were slightly gloomy. "What does Elder Soul Jade say? May I have to embarrass my family today?" No matter what, Xiao Chen helped his family a lot. Standing by Xiao Chen's side, otherwise the monks from all sides of the Sin City will be cast aside.

"The Elder Wu is heavy. The husband just made a bet with Liuyun Taoyou, which involves returning the emperor's corpse or not. It has nothing to do with the family." Hunyu said faintly. "Liuyun Taoyou may be troublesome in the future. The old husband advised If you return the emperor's corpse or you should make a bet, the middle joint must be clear to the heart of the Taoist friend, and there is no need for the old man to say a word. "This statement began to have a slight threat, apparently reminding Xiao Chen that if it is not handled properly today In the future, because of the emperor's corpse, trouble will inevitably arise.

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed sharply, and he groaned a little, saying, "The elders should be willing to bet on the soul, but the elders said that the bet was a bit unfair to Liu Yun. It would be better to add one if the Taoist lose Then, how about giving me an extra ten million yuan? "

"The Elder Soul Jade is the hereditary elder of the Undead Sect, focusing on the cultivation of the elemental gods. The magical powers are strange and powerful, and Liu Yundao friends are asked to think twice before making a decision." Lin Liancheng frowned slightly, reminding him with his words.

Soul Jade said: "The elders are thinking too much. Since Liuyun Taoists dare to respond, you must have relied on them, so you don't have to worry about them. Liuyun Taoyou, your old man agreed, as long as you can stop the old man What a supernatural power, I will give you ten million yuan again! "

Xiao Chen naturally saw this simple method of radical impulse, he did not bother, and nodded slightly to Qilian City. This is the way: "Even so, Elder Soul Jade will go ahead, Liu Yun also wants to see some souls. Zong's magical power. "

"It will always make Taoyou satisfied." Soul Jade smiled slightly, his voice was not falling, his palm stroked in the void, and a black crack appeared suddenly, and the cold air escaped from it, seemingly connecting another space. .

This space is the kingdom of soul jade, called the soul world.

"Soul of the soul world!"

In the soul jade groaning, the detective wanted to grab the black crack. A pale woman with a translucent complexion floated out of it, followed by a seven or eight-year-old child, still innocent on his face. Smile, and then a brown-haired old man ...

Each of the souls of the soul world is made by searching for the soul with painstaking efforts. There are monks and ordinary people. Instead of focusing on strength, we only choose those who have the deepest grievances. This technique is also a supreme supernatural power in his hands. Once the shot is made, even the monks at the same level may not be able to resist it, let alone a physical practice.

When the last soul of the soul realm appeared, the soul jade eyes fell on Xiao Chen, "The old man's magical power is full of grievances, please Xiao Chen's friends to taste it." The soul of the soul world overhead roars at the same time.

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