The original calm face suddenly became distorted, one by one, black gas lingering, the thick grievances burst into red, the temperature of the entire space suddenly dropped, and the black ice crystals condensed from grudges, slowly falling from the air.

Xiao Chen's face changed slightly, and his foot stepped out next, and he punched out towards the soul of the flying soul. A layer of invisible force exploded from where he fell, and Haotang surged forward like a wave. The souls of the soul world collapsed one after another. Seeing this scene, Xiao Chen did not like to be shocked but his face changed! Since Soul Jade dared to take the lead in the endless sea, he must have great grasp. If the magical power he shot with all his strength was so easy to be broken directly, it would be a joke for the hereditary elder of the Dead Souls.

At this moment, Xiao Chen's body suddenly froze, and the souls who just broke the soul world appeared directly next to him, and his resentment was even heavier. His eyes fell on him, filled with endless resentment! The next moment, his entire figure was shrouded in the soul of the soul world, and after coming into contact with his physical body, he directly merged into it, reappeared, and was already in the space of Yuanshen.

Xiao Chen's body was stiff, and the soul of the whole body disappeared.

The corner of Soul Jade's mouth slightly tilted, revealing a trace of cold smile. It didn't take long for the soul of the Soul Realm to enter the body. Perhaps another powerful grieving soul could come out of his Soul Realm.

Yuan Shen Space, Xiao Chen Yuan Shen's eyes were confined, and the souls of the souls that poured into it collapsed into a layer of dark power, wrapping his entire Yuan Shen inside, soaring into the sky, representing all their resentment and unwillingness A brain burst into the monk Yuan Shen, under the shock of this horrible chaos and sharp consciousness, it is enough to crush the will of any monk, and then Yuan Shen collapses and dies. The entire Yuanshen space became cold for a moment, and the spiritual light of the ancient Bodhi tree was suppressed by death on a thin layer of the tree. From time to time, the roar of the ghost was roaring, but it was impossible to break through the repression formed by the resentment. Xiao Chen Yuanshen showed anxiety.

I don't know how long, Xiao Chen's Yuan Shen shrouded in black power suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were lightly tired, but his expression was still calm, and he whispered: "What a thousand grievances." The monstrous hatred gathered together into a torrent that was enough to annihilate all the existence of the will. In the impact of this torrent, the only thing the monk could do was to keep his heart unmoved. Once he failed, the will would be torn directly. Even when Xiao Chen was in the state of mind, when he was subjected to this technique, his mind was also worn out, but he still survived. With this type of supernatural power, he wanted to cut him off.

Xiao Chen looked at the black power outside Yuanshen and said lightly, "Since he has entered the space of Yuanshen, then don't leave." His voice didn't fall, and the gold seal in Yuanshen appeared directly, and the eye-catching golden light suddenly burst, and the whole Yuan God's space is shrouded in all its spheres, severing any possibility of escape.

Under the golden light, the black power outside the Yuanshen suddenly heard the pain and sorrow inside, the black power quickly decomposed, and once again condensed into souls of the soul world. The black grievances emitted by these souls of the soul world, like being boiled under the golden light, quickly dissipated in the tumbling, they struggled and screamed to escape Xiao Chen's Yuanshen space. But under the town of Jinyinfeng, these souls cannot escape!

The closure of the ancient Bodhi tree was immediately released, and the lines of spiritual force protruded quickly, entwining the souls of the soul realm and pulling to the side. The black ghost looked at the delicious food in front of him, but did not dare to speak at will. It looked at Xiao Chen and showed a longing.

Xiao Chen groaned slightly, nodded slightly, and said, "Since you have it, you can eat it." These soul souls' golden seals did not mean to swallow at all, obviously they did not pay attention to the power contained in these grudges.

The black ghost was so happy that he opened his mouth quickly and swallowed hard in front of him! The souls of the Soul Realm bound by the ancient trees of Bodhi suddenly stretched and deformed under a pulling force, and he sucked into his mouth as much as possible. After devouring these souls of the Soul Realm, the spirit of black spirits immediately showed excitement, Obviously, there are no small benefits.

The spiritual lines on the bodhi tree branches flew around, binding the souls and souls they touched, and the black ghost kept swallowing. Under the suppression of the golden seal power, these souls of the soul world have no resistance at all!

In a short time, all souls of the soul world were swept away!

The ancient Bodhi tree regained its tranquility, and the black ghost jumped to Xiao Chen's side, the figure turned into the size of an ordinary ape, and a mouthful of dark air was sprayed out, which seemed to show his power to Xiao Chen. This dark jet of air is composed of pure resentment, apparently obtained from the soul of the devouring soul realm, more pure, and more powerful. The black ghost devoured so many souls of the soul realm, and at this moment, when the new strength was revealed, the eyes suddenly became tired. The big head kissed Xiao Chen's body intently, turned around and leaped back to the ancient Bodhi tree, lying directly on a thick branch and whimpering, and when the wraith woke up, his strength might be improved again. a lot of.


Time passed by little by little, Xiao Chen closed her eyes, and there was no slight fluctuation in her body. Numerous monks in his house looked at his eyes, gradually filled with emotions of regret, indifference, indifference, etc. The Elder Soul Jade Soul Jade shot and focused on the attack on the level of the gods, which could be resisted by a physical training institute. I don't know how high the sky is, and how I end up so, I can't blame others.

Soul Jade sneered, although his face was calm, but the feeling of having a clear mind was very clear.

Wan Lihai looked at Xiao Chen, full of endless pleasure! In an attempt to occupy the corpse of his emperor, it is natural that he deserves to die, and deserves to be so!

The corner of Duwen's mouth couldn't help but show a faint smile. Soul jade shot, and the falling off of the clouds at least largely restored their faces. Although they could not cut off the family's face, the matter was acceptable in such a way.

Bi Qing is low, with a slight ridicule in his eyes. This is the end of Mu Xiu Yulin. He still ca n’t see his status. He is blind and respectful. He ca n’t blame others if he is dead. Even if he does n’t die today, he will die in the hands of others. .

But at this moment, the smile on Hunyu's face suddenly froze. He moaned in his mouth, his face suddenly turned white, and then became pale with the naked eye without any trace of blood. He suddenly looked up at Xiao Chen, his eyes full of fear!

This weird performance made the surrounding monk's heart take a fierce jump, and at this moment, the disappearing breath in Xiao Chen suddenly appeared, his closed eyes trembled slightly, and finally slowly opened, his eyes calmly looked towards the soul jade, Indifferently said: "Elder Soul Jade's magical powers are really extraordinary, but the soul of the soul world is afraid that he cannot be returned to the elder."

The entire Fufu courtyard, the needle drop can be heard at this moment!

A physique can actually stop the deadly souls of the hereditary elders from focusing on the Primal assault. Perhaps it is more appropriate to call it a defeat. This makes them stunned in a state of dizziness and has always been disadvantaged by the Primal Assault. When the strong one has such powerful power.

For a while, everyone looked at Xiao Chen for a long time and was speechless.

Soul Jade smiled bitterly, flashed aura in his hand, and raised his hand to throw a storage ring, saying: "This time, the friends in the cloud have won, and the old man is willing to gamble to lose. Check it. The matter of this day has been revealed, and Hunmou will definitely not embarrass Taoist friends in the future, and Liuyun Taoist friends are also asked not to take this matter to heart. "

Xiao Chen backhandedly put away the storage, "Because it is a thing of the past, why should Elder Soul Jade mention it again."

Soul Jade's heart was slightly loose, arching hands: "Old man, take a step forward, leave!"


[Time was too tight just now, and the broadband was disconnected at 12 o'clock. I used cell phone network to upload properly at the last minute, and I was scared to death. . This chapter has not been modified just now, it was considered yesterday's update, and there are at least four chapters on the 29th. Add more today, and have the confidence to say something: the bird arrives at the end of the month, and ask for a monthly pass, everyone, if you do n’t vote, it will expire! Summon Monthly Pass! 】

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