Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 842: Dark wave

"No!" Xiao Chen said lightly. W) W>. } 8) 1) YW. Com

Soul Jade nodded to Xun Liancheng, without any further words, turned and left.

Wan Lihai's eyes fell on Xiao Chen's body, but she felt a little helpless. Regardless of whether he admits it or not, today's face has been lost, and the emperor's corpse that has been taken away today is afraid that he cannot beg for return.

"Liu Yun, we will see you again in the future!"

Xiao Chen suddenly said: "I heard that there are three corpses of Emperor Wanjia. If there is an opportunity, Liuyun will get them all."

"It depends on whether you have this qualification!"

"In the future, the elder Wan naturally knows."

Wan Lihai snorted and turned away.

Du Wen secretly smiled bitterly. The exhibition of today's events is completely different from their expectations. Wan Lihai and Hun Yu have suffered great losses in the hands of Xiao Chen. He turned his eyes on Xiao Chen and said, "Liuyun Taoyou indeed Good means, but the dead corpses are extremely poisonous. Daoyou still thinks of ways to get rid of them as soon as possible. If there is a need for me to poison the Emperor Zong, speak up. "This old stranger has already spoken with him. Means to ease the relationship. As a hereditary elder of the Poison Sect, although he was not afraid of Xiao Chen, he did not want to have an extra enemy because of this.

"Elder Du, rest assured, the poisonous logistics cloud has not been on his mind." Xiao Chen said with a smile, his voice never dropped, and the black silk on the dense bloodstains on his body faded to the naked eye, and turned into a plume of smoke rising from the flesh It disappeared into the void and disappeared.

The dunwen face is slightly stiff, and the palms are not wet. The fierce poison of the living corpse Zhao Zhan corpse he was very clear, now seeing Xiao Chen downplaying and pushing it out of his body, his heart was suddenly shocked! The reason why monks of the Poison Sect are jealous of everyone is because the magical power of poison is used in one hand. If the poison is useless, their threat will be minimized. There was a sudden rejoicing in this weird heart. Fortunately, he had not shot before, otherwise his situation would be even more miserable in the presence of Liu Yun.

"Friendly means of Liuyun Road." Duwen barely smiled on his face, and turned to chaotic Lien Chan: "Elder, congratulations on your family's anniversary, the husband still has some things to deal with, leave first."

Yu Luo slightly arched his hand, the old man turned and left.

Bi Qing's eyes were slightly curious and swept over Xiao Chen, which could make the mortal corpse ancestral ancestors and the dead soul ancestral ancestors suffer, and renewed the old and immortal Tengwen, and I am afraid there will be another one in the evil city Soaring reputation.

She gathered her salute, lowered her heels and walked away after Du Tu tattooed.

Seeing Wan Lihai, Soul Jade, and Duwen successively leaving, Lin Liancheng felt a little bit grateful. If Liuyun were not here today, I am afraid that their family celebration would be the laughingstock of the entire sin city. With this thought in mind, he turned to Xiao Chen and bowed his hand, sincerely saying, "Friends in Liuyun, remember what happened today in your heart, and there will be returns in the future."

Xiao Chen waved his hand, "You and I each take what we need. Dao friends do n’t have to do this, but please do as soon as possible when the Dao friends agree. Congratulations to the Da family's happy birthday, the family is prosperous, and this seat will not stay long. , Go ahead. "

Xi Changgong hurried forward and said, "Master Liuyun, Chang Gong sends you."

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, and the two of them went to the backyard of Lifu House one by one. The surrounding monks conceded, slightly lowering in awe.

"Haha, I have experienced some twists and turns today, but I'll let you friends read the joke, and also invite everyone to follow the old man to the side hall, the banquet is ready, today the old man and your guests are drunk!"

Behind him, there was a hearty laughter from the city.

The feast started because the fierce battles that preceded them were the thoughts of the Japanese guests and they did not intend to stay too long. After the banquet process passed, they all got up and left.

The Dajia family ended in a thrilling and tortuous process, with joy and worry, but it ended in the end.


Everything that was born on the day of the Da Family ’s Daqing was passed on to the Sin City with an amazing degree afterwards, and then spread to the entire Sin Star. The Dead Soul Soul Soul Family and the Poison Sect Zong Du Family have all retreated, and they have no reputation for a while!

However, the reputation of the Qiang family was not affected. Instead, it was hustle and bustle because of the name of Liu Yun, and the status of four hereditary sixteen elders was recognized by more sinister monks.



Wu Chang respectfully stood with his hands on his legs, slightly lowered, and his face showed the proper respect.

Qilian City's eyes fell, and he felt a little satisfied. After yesterday's incident, he was very impressed with this third son. After thinking about it, he would announce that the successor of Qilian was temporarily depressed.

"Chang Gong, call your father today, what you do is inheritance from hereditary elders."

Wu Changgong's body froze instantly.

"You do n’t have to be nervous. It ’s normal for your father to know that you have a scramble for hereditary elders. It ’s normal that you and Chang Jun are the most important sons of your father. Between the two brothers. "Qi Liancheng whispered," In terms of heart, Chang Gong, you are meticulous and mellow, and you are more inclined to be your father at first. But things changed a while ago, Chang Junxiu In order to break through into the realm of creation, and turn Mr. Mo into a blood evil, in the contention between your brothers, he instantly gained the upper hand, only to change his mind for his father, and to help him ascend the throne. In everything you do, you must put driving interests first, and I think you should be able to understand. "

Xie Chang salutes, saying: "My father is assured, my son understands that as a family member, personal interests must be compromised for family interests, and everything is to maintain the prosperity of my family as the first priority."

"You can understand." Qi Liancheng nodded, and there was some regret in his heart. This old man's heart really belongs to Chang Changgong, but his family needs a strong enough person to be the head of the family to suppress the entire family. Otherwise, people's hearts will prevail and the chaos will cause the family's internal consumption to be weak. He had worked hard for many years, and then he seized the opportunity to lead the family to his current position. It is impossible to see it fail.

"Father!" Su Chang Gong suddenly lifted up. "My son understands your hard work and can understand this, but it does not mean that I am willing to give up the renunciation of inheritance status. In the world of creation, the son can also achieve it, only hope that his father can Give your son some time and give him a chance to fight. "

Qilian City was silent.

Wu Changgong gritted his teeth, suddenly stepped forward, and whispered: "I don't know what my father thinks, how good is Liuyun?"

Qi Liancheng suddenly lifted up, "What do you want to say?"

"Please ask the father to answer his son's question first."

"Strong." Fian Liancheng frowned, adding, "Very strong!"


September 27-8th

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