Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 844: The beginning of the layout

The 娈 家 画舫 has been docked by the river, and the monk himself waits respectfully, seeing that the 娈 frame of the 娈 house came roaring in the aura package, and rushed forward. [(Eight [(One Chinese? <[8} 1? Z? W.COM. The frame of the car dropped, and Chang Changgong got out of the car first and stood on the side respectfully, saying, "Master Liuyun, we have arrived."

Xiao Chen stepped forward, his eyes fell on the paintings of the family's paintings. This nearly a thousand-meter-sized water giant ship has attracted the attention of countless monks. He nodded and said, "Let's go."

Wu Changgong understood that he didn't want to make a publicity, and hurriedly led him to board the painting. The big boat immediately started, and under the influence of the formation force, he drove along the river to the lower reaches of the Manjiang River.

In the painting hall, Xiao Chen is seated on the upper floor, and Tong Chang stands respectfully below. The beautiful maid is almost standing side by side after serving. The hall is surrounded by invisible barriers formed by restraints. The outside can be seen clearly in the hall, but outsiders can see Don't come in.

"My lord, the Manjiang River runs through the city of evil. The area along the river is the most prosperous place in the city. Famous teahouses, restaurants, and shops are all gathered here, but the last name is Jiangshangyuan. The juniors ordered it a month ago. There is no vacancy until today. "Wu Changgong whispered.

Xiao Chen smiled slightly on his face. "As your identity, you still have to wait one month. It seems that this Jiangshangyuan is extraordinary."

"The stop of Huaying is not far from Jiangshangyuan, and the adult will soon see you. It should not disappoint you," answered Chang Chang with a smile.

Shortly before the painting ran, a rumbling sound suddenly came from his ears. Xiao Chen looked up to the downstream, and Chang Changgong said in a timely manner, and said, "Sir, Jiangshangyuan is coming."

The roaring sounds in the ears accompanied the painting's forward movement, and suddenly, the flat river in front of it appeared a huge low slope, and the river was rolling. Here, it has already reached the edge of the city of sin. The river rushed through an arc and fell from the city. As the silver dragon roared from the clouds, it rushed toward the earth frantically. The water splashed up and down and collided with a sound. The deafening roar, rolled up millions of water splashes, stirred up hundreds of millions of crystal clear water droplets, scattered the colors of colorful glazing in the sun, and the thick water vapor rose into the sky, turning into a white mist to block the sight ...

The calm river suddenly reverses into Yunxiao Waterfall, forming a strong visual impact force, making the magnificent scene in front of people more shocking. Looking down the galaxy, he was obscured by clouds of water and vapor, and I don't know where it ends.

If it is an ordinary ship, before this waterfall of the galaxy, it must be involved in it and shattered. It is doomed to be such a magnificent that only monks can enjoy it. The 娈 jia painting 舫 automatically exudes a faint aura, the entire hull rises from the water surface and does not follow the descent of the water surface, maintaining the original trajectory and moving forward in the air. A cone-shaped stone with a round bottom at the base is suspended on a cloud water bridge formed by a curved water surface. The pavilions and pavilions are luxuriously built under the aura of light, and the green forests and green lakes are dotted with beautiful scenery.

Huayue stopped, and Jiang Chang saluted, saying, "Sir, this is Jiangshangyuan, please."

Xiao Chen nodded, and it is no wonder that the father and son of Jiang's family respected Jiangshangyuan so much. The two got up and walked to the edge of the painting. A light bridge composed of aura of light suddenly emerged from the most recent cone stone, which just happened to be outside of the painting.

The two stepped on the light bridge.

"Huanyin noble guest is at the door." The aura of the outer layer of cone stone twisted into an arch. But the most surprising thing is that their cultivation, these two female cultivations are all creation creations. Being able to use the creation nun as a welcoming maid, Jiangshangyuan has unintentionally revealed a sufficiently strong foundation, which is also a respect for guests.

Xiao Chen's eyes swept across the two, and the arches opened naturally. Stepping into Jiangshangyuan, the sound of the rushing water waves disappeared instantly, the environment was quiet and quiet, and my eyes were as in the painting.

"Sir, Jiangshangyuan has gathered the Yuan array with Yuanjing cloth. The abundant vitality makes the green vegetation and water waves clear, and the scenery is beautiful." Chang Chang said with a smile.

Xiao Chen nodded, he already knew that the vitality of the heavens and earth was thin in the evil star field, and the abundant vitality in this Jiangshangyuan was afraid that it could be comparable to the top-quality repair stars in the Great Thousand Realms. I do n’t know how much Yuanjing would take to achieve this. It's a big deal.

"Jiangshangyuan has three must-beauties, the first must-beauties, the second beauties, and the third beauties. Now that the beauty has been seen, let's taste some food. The wine banquet is ready, adults please." He beckoned, a beautiful woman in the clothes walked to the two of them, gathered her salute, and said, "Two guests, please come with me."

The banquet is arranged in the Four Seas Pavilion, located on a rocky hill surrounded by water, connected by an arch bridge, and overlooking the surrounding scenery.

Xiao Chen nodded secretly, Jiangshangyuan can become famous and it really has its reason, from the private room arrangement here can see the originality. He took the seat, and Chang Changgong sat down and laughed: "Because I was afraid to spare the interest of the adults, the feast of thanksgiving today was only accompanied by the younger generation, but not other monks."

"Anyway, this seat also likes to be quieter. Such a beautiful scenery is ahead. If people are mixed, it is not beautiful." Xiao Chen nodded with a smile.

"That junior will be assured." Li Chang congratulated and patted his hands, "let's serve."

A woman stepped in, holding various delicate and luxurious plates in her hand, and served them in turn. After putting the dishes down, the serving nun will remove the lid of the plate, and explain the name of the dish, the materials used and the simple production process in a warm voice.

The breeze blew, and the fragrant fragrance in the Four Seas Pavilion floated. For a while, it was not known whether it was beautiful or delicious, making people feel refreshed.

Xiao Chenrao is interested in watching these. Since he practiced, Xiao Qianjie has also achieved the peak of a party, but has never enjoyed such a luxurious thing. It is just a simple meal, but it can be done like this. It seems that the monks in the Sin Sin Domain did not care about their own destiny, and knew how to enjoy it.

Wu Changgong carefully watched Xiao Chen's look change, seeing that he always smiled slightly at the corners of his mouth, and was slightly relieved. When the last dish came to the table, he smiled and said, "Master Liu Yun, these nuns don't know if you have any fancy people, you can leave them to accompany them directly."

Xiao Chen's eyes glanced across a row of stunning female nuns in front of him, and he waved his hand, saying, "Let them go down, I have said at least noisily."

Xun Chang Christine should be, after using a color, these female nuns salute at the same time, turned and retreated.

Reaching for an altar of fine wine, there was a strong scent of wine. Su Chang Gong poured a glass for Xiao Chen and added himself, raised his hands to raise the glass, and said sincerely: "The grown-up has kindness to Chang Gong. Honor the adult first. "Yu Luo said he looked up and drank the glass of wine.

Xiao Chen nodded with a smile, took a sip, his eyes flickered, and said, "This wine is good."

"If the adults like it, wait for the next generation to ask them to pack some for adults to drink."


In this landscape, drinking wine and enjoying food is a great pleasure in life, but Xiao Chen's state of mind is extremely dull. He does not value these superficial enjoyments, but simply feels that his heartstrings are more relaxed.

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