Although Wei Zheng didn't come after this period of time, the pressure from the monk who stepped on the sky still made him tense all the time, so even during this time, he still kept absolute caution even after changing his face, and he did n’t want to make it out. Cause trouble. Bayi Novel Network W] W? W]. ) 8> 1} Z] W). 〉 C} O〉 M Fortunately, now that he has joined the Blood Shazong, he is considered to have joined the city of evil, and can only be slightly relaxed under the strong pressure of Wei Zheng.

At this time, although he was still cautious, he was much more alert than before.

Suddenly, a pleasing female voice came from outside the Four Seas Court, "I heard that my mentor was here to entertain the guests, and my sister was uninvited, and I asked the mentor not to blame." The voice did not fall, and several women appeared with faces. Everyone was smiling, Yingying Yanyan was in full bloom. The opening woman struck a green long skirt, outlined a thin and flexible waist, and dressed elegantly, but it attracted the most attention among these women.

Looking at Xiao Chen on the table, several female Xiu faces changed slightly, and at the same time they showed confusion, converging with smiles and saluting salutes, and said, "Delves of Poison Sect, see Master Liu Yun."

The Battle of the Da Family's Daqing Day, the name of Liu Yun spread throughout the city of evil, and its picture, shadow, and jade are even more widely spread. It is not surprising that these nuns recognized his identity.

Wu Changgong got up straight, his face was a little stiff, and he opened his mouth but didn't know what to say.

The girl in the blue long dress is now Biqing, who is now in her family at sunrise. She lifts her head, her face is full of chubby colors, and whispers: "Some of the younger people did not know that Master Liuyun was here, and came forward, Lord Liu Yun, please punish me. "

Seeing these flowery beauties kneeling on the ground, their faces were pale with fright, listening to such soft words of begging for mercy, fearing that anyone would give birth to compassion and compassion. Although Xiao Chen didn't have such thoughts, he didn't feel unhappy because of this, nodded his head and said, "Anyway, get up."

"Thank you, Lord."

"Offended the adult today, the junior self-penalized twice, and repared to the adult." Bi Qing poured a glass of wine for herself, raised a white snowy neck, and drank a bit of redness on her face.

She converged once again to Xiao Chen. "The juniors and others no longer disturbed the adults and quit first." Yu Luo slowly backed away a few steps, and then led the women behind her to leave.

"The junior did not expect to meet people here who are familiar with each other, and I ask Master Liu Yun to forgive me." After several female nuns retired, Xi Chang humbly humbly faced.

Xiao Chen waved his hand, "This matter has nothing to do with you, sit down."


After the two had a meal, Gong Chang stood up and said, "Sir, I don't know if you want to go to Jiangshangyuan after the meal?"

Xiao Chen groaned a little, nodded, and the two got up and left the Four Seas Court, and walked at will, but for a short time, Xuan Chang concealed himself, trying to speak, but kept talking.

"Chang Gong, if you have something, you can do it yourself, and this seat wants to go away?"

"Thank you for your understanding. The younger generation and the female concubines have always been good friends. I will explain to them one or two today to avoid embarrassment when they meet in the future." Tong Chang said, "If you want to find me, you can go. The rest area is where I will wait for you when I meet them. "

Xiao Chen nodded, and Xun Chang saluted before turning and leaving.

Wu Changgong left, Xiao Chen stepped alone in the shade and enjoyed a little peace and tranquility, but after three consecutive monks came forward and respectfully saluted, he could not help but frown slightly.

He didn't want to be disturbed by this brief peaceful time. With this in mind, Xiao Chen turned to a quiet and peaceful place, and sure enough he never met a monk again. However, when he was walking to a low-lying pool, a cyan shadow appeared suddenly in the light of his eyes. The handsome man stood beside the pool, holding a thin bamboo pole, was playing with the fish in the water, and brought a few splashes. Fish in the water chased and played, silver bell-like laughter came down the wind, and several unknown wild flowers by the pool quietly bloomed in the wind.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Xiao Chen's body paused for a moment. A picture emerged from his mind. On the starless star in the chaotic burial ground, the girl sometimes stood by the pool like this. Thinking of this, his face gradually became milder.

I just do n’t know. Is Cheng Cheng's life well in the Great Yan Emperor's Palace today?

Xiao Chen's thoughts were interrupted by an exclamation, and Bi Qing showed the man behind her, and she turned quickly and salutingly, saying, "The junior sees Master Liu Yun!" There was a sense of perplexity on her pretty face.

Xiao Chen smiled slightly and said, "No need to be polite, get up."

Biqing Road: "Biqing doesn't know that the adult is here, and will never disturb the purity of the adult. The junior quit this time."

"It's okay, you were here first. If you talk about disturbing, you're also disturbed by this seat." Xiao Chen laughed. "Why didn't you stay here with the sisters and sisters alone?"

Bi Qing's heart was slightly happy, but her face was not revealing, and she said respectfully: "The younger generation is not too busy and noisy. Today, it was also invited by several sisters and sisters to come to Jiangshangyuan. I don't want to see the adults again. "

Xiao Chen nodded, but could not help but frown slightly. The first encounter with this woman may be called an accident, but two accidents in one day may be too high. So after he spoke, Yu Guang had been paying attention to Biqing's performance. Although the woman's performance was calm, the flash of joy under her eyes did not escape his eyes. This made him unable to help but doubt whether today's two encounters were arranged? If that is the case, I am afraid that today is not easy. His thoughts turned sharply, but his face was still calm, and there was no slight difference in color. Right now, there is nothing to prove, even these may be caused by his too cautious, whether there is any hidden feelings, you need to continue reading to know.

Xiao Chen didn't say a word silently, Bi Qing naturally didn't dare to speak. She stood slightly low by the pool, her long skirt was rippling, and the breeze disturbed her silk, bringing a touch of scent, fresh and elegant. But she did not know that her actions had been suspected.

The two were quiet and silent, and Xiao Chen only suddenly spoke after a moment, saying, "Girl Biqing continued to enjoy the pureness here, and he still had a step ahead of him." After the words fell, he turned around, and his eyes were a bit different. If he was right, this woman should not let him leave easily.

Sure enough, Bi Qing suddenly said, "Master Liuyun, this is the first time you come to Jiangshangyuan. You should be unfamiliar with this place. I don't know where you are going. The younger generation can show you the way."

Xiao Chen returned, his face has returned to calm, "This seat is going to the rest area."

Bi Qing stepped forward and gathered her salute. "The junior will also go back to the rest area to find a few teachers and sisters in Zongmen. Just as the adults are on the same road, how can the junior guide you?"

"So, there is a girl Lao Biqing." Xiao Chen nodded with a smile, but a faint chill came to her heart. Although things are not clear now, he already had a sense of caution. Now his identity cannot be revealed, and everything must be careful.

Bi Qingqiao's face gave birth to a smile, revealing a few teeth, and she became more beautiful and beautiful, and whispered: "It is the honor of the younger generation to work for the adult, please come with me." , The cyan dress was tilted by the breeze, sketching a beautiful seductive back.

After Xiao Chen stepped forward, he sneered secretly in his heart. He wanted to see what would happen today.


[Mid-Autumn Festival is just a few minutes away. I wish all Taoists a happy Mid-Autumn Festival. Immediately after Mid-Autumn Festival is National Day, and the double holiday is long, and I wish everyone a happy time. First two more chapters, there are two more chapters, I continue to code, it is today, there will be updates tomorrow. After talking about three things, I still need a monthly ticket. At the end of the month, I should always ask for a ticket. The buns that do not ask for a ticket are not a good bun. Ask for a monthly ticket. 】

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