Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 847: Detoxify

"The junior was robbed and trafficked at an early age. Yu Pei was the only token that my father gave me. Lord Liuyun, I beg you, return Yu Pei. Bayi Chinese Network W] W] W]. 8> 1> ZW.COM ”Bi Qing hurriedly, his face full of deep imploring.

Xiao Chen suddenly asked, "Do you still have a sister?"

Bi Qing's face fell for a moment. Although she didn't answer, she could already see the answer from her reaction.

Xiao Chensong regained her freedom. He flashed lightly on his hand, took out another jade pendant, placed it on the table, and said lightly, "This place encountered a young **** a certain cultivation star not long ago, before leaving She handed this jade to this seat and begged me to help her find her elder sister who had been separated for many years. If it were not for her face, this seat would kill you today! "

Bi Qingjiao trembled. She shook her hand and took Yupei in her hand. Two identical jadepets were in the palm of her hand, but at this moment there were strange changes. An inexplicable suction appeared between the two, and when the aura of light flashed, the two jade pendants suddenly merged together to form a new round jade pendant. This thing Xiao Chen didn't notice anything wrong in his hands. He thought it was an ordinary thing and didn't want to have such a change. It seems that this jade pendant is also extraordinary.

"It's my sister's jade, it's her jade!"

She whispered in excitement, without fear of reaching out and holding Xiao Chen's arm directly, "Master Liuyun, have you seen Xiaohua, right? I have been trying to find her these years, but I have no idea where she is. Please tell me where is she now? "

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, Bi Qing's shirt had fallen off, and a thin layer of light gauze was enough to expose. At this moment, she was excited to open her chest a little, revealing a large white snowy chest. . "

Bi Qingqiao blushed, and now knowing that Xiao Chen had met her sister, she suddenly developed a shy heart, and hurriedly turned to pick up her shirt. Xiao Chen leaned slightly to his side, and behind him heard the sound of dressing, and soon heard Bi Qing's small voice, "Master Liuyun, the junior is already dressed."

He turned around, and Bi Qingqiao's face still had a faint red glow that had not yet dissipated, but the anxiety in her heart made her careless of it, and said directly, "Master Liuyun, Xiaohua and father are doing well now?"

"Don't worry, this place has received the favor of Xiaohua. Since I won't kill you today, naturally I will give you an explanation." Xiao Chen shook his head secretly, and he never thought that he would actually meet Xiaohua's sister, and Would be in this case. He took a breath, slowly converged, and said slowly, "When the Japanese seat was chased down and seriously injured ..." At the moment, Xiao Chen would simply encounter Xiaohua.

Biqing heard that her father had died, her eyes suddenly turned red, and then she heard that Xiaohua was living in the wild with a white tiger who was about to become a monster, and her heart was as painful as a knife. Hearing that Xiao Chen has left the practice method to lead Xiaohua to the path of cultivation, this woman "knots" and fell to her knees, buried deeply, "Master Liu Yun has great gratitude to Xiaohua, and it is difficult for Biqing Wan to report it!" As Xiao Chen's identity, she will never be an ordinary player. She naturally understands that Xiaohua has been greatly altered.

Xiao Chen lifted her up and said lightly: "This seat gives Xiaohua exercises to lead her into the path, in order to reward her for salvation. You do n’t need to thank me. For today, this seat is for Xiaohua. I can spare you, but what's going on, you can say for yourself. "

"Even if the grown-ups don't ask, the younger will tell you everything. The one who will hurt you today is Wu Changgong. The younger is only threatened by him and has to help him." Bi Qing whispered.

Xiao Chen frowned. He had long been speculating in his heart that if Wu Changchang Gong cooperated with Bi Qing, he would be able to grasp his whereabouts. The woman only asked him to confirm this, but he couldn't figure it out. His family has no grudges with him. He can even say that he has kindness to his family. Why does Chang Changgong do this?

Seeing his doubts, Bi Qing said, "I don't know if the adult knows that there is a poisonous magical name in the family called Xuesha?" The surgeon in his body looks the same as ordinary people, and can even keep his own. It is sane, but it has essentially become a puppet being manipulated by people, and it is deadly to the master. Wu Changgong wants me to poison today and leave the adults in a state of defenseless day and night. This should be the case. "

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed away suddenly, and the coercion of her body made her look pale instantly. Fortunately, the breath flashed away, otherwise she would not be able to bear it, and his face became extremely ugly. What a family! "

"Adults don't need to be angry. Such kind of revenge is not common in the evil star domain, and your family is so stupid as to count on you, they will certainly not fall into a good end." Bi Qing respectfully said.

Xiao Chen nodded ruthlessly, converging his intentions for the time being. His family acted this way, and he blame him for being rude, but now it ’s not just turning his face, he groaned slightly, he said slowly, "You do n’t want to unveil this matter, After you leave, tell him that he has succeeded. This is his own plan. "Right now is the crucial moment when he joins the Blood Shazong. If this happens, the family must be changed. He doesn't want to try his best to make everything. Flowing waters.

"Yes, the younger understand." Biqing said.

"What kind of poison do you have in your hands, you have the confidence to subdue this seat, let Xun Chang respectfully take risks." Xiao Chen's eyes fell on this woman.

Bi Qingqiao ’s face suddenly became a little flushed, and her heart was struggling for a while. She whispered: “The method of refining poisons from the ancestors of younger generations, as long as you collect your fur and other related things, you can make them. Put the poison into your body, stimulate it in advance ... into ... in the cross-coupling into your body ... "After that, her whole face was flushed.

Xiao Chen gave a cough, and tried to keep calm as much as possible to alleviate the embarrassment between the two people. He said, "This body is indestructible, how can there be fur shavings, where does Chang Changgong come from?"

"The dandruff was stained with faint corpse gas during the refining of poisonous youngsters. It should be the bone spurs left in his hand when you and the living corpse Zhao Zhan slaughtered. They were collected by the person afterwards.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly. At this moment, Bi Qing's complexion suddenly turned pale, and her face showed a bit of pain.

"what happened to you?"

Bi Qingdao: "Just now, the junior has excited the poison in the body. If he can't gradually discharge it, he will harm himself."

"How can I detox? This seat may help you." Bi Qing is Xiaohua's sister. Xiao Chen naturally couldn't watch her accident, and her face didn't feel dignified.

She bit her lip, rosy on her pretty face, and whispered, "This poison ... This poison needs to be discharged during the **** between men and women."

Xiao Chen's face was slightly stiff.

Fortunately, Bi Qing whispered quickly: "Actually ... this is not necessary, juniors ... juniors can also do it by themselves, but now they will inevitably be noticed by Yong Changgong, afraid they will Make him doubt. "

Xiao Chen nodded, stretched out a hand, and said, "Go to bed." He dropped and turned to face the door.

Bi Qing's eyes flashed a little shyly, and she nodded and walked quickly to the bed and lowered the curtain. Jiao Su quickly got into it. Although the woman had placed a sound-proof ban in her tent, the rippling sound of the slightly rippling bed curtain and the bed was clearly heard.

Xiao Chen's brows frowned, and the corners of her mouth could not help showing a bit of a bitter smile after half a ring, so she closed her eyes and converged, trying to ignore the sound coming into her ears.

The ringing was two full hours.


[The card is a little bit written. Baozi is a pure person. He is really not good at writing these. Everyone in Taoism took it at a glance, haha! These two are more updates yesterday, and there will be more changes today, should be in the afternoon and evening. Monthly tickets, friends, the last day of September in golden autumn, ask for monthly tickets! 】

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