Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 848: Countermeasure

The bed curtain lifted, Bi Qingqiao blushed and walked out of bed, her eyes filled with water, still with the spring-love that had not dissipated, her eyes fell on Xiao Chen's back, and she couldn't help but bit her cherry lips slightly. My heart is full of shyness. Bayi

"Master Liuyun, the junior is all right." She was about to lower her head to her chest while talking, and did not dare to look at Xiao Chen at all.

Xiao Chen turned around, glanced at Bi Qing, and saw that she had changed into a brand-new robe, and coughed, he tried to make himself look calm and calm, and said "um" quietly, "Since It's okay, just go out now, and remember not to be spotted. "

His calmness calmed Bi Qing a little bit. The woman nodded and walked outwards. When she walked to the door, she suddenly paused. She turned back and whispered, "Adult still lay down on the bed. After the juniors went out, Tong Chang I'm afraid I'll be here soon. You'd better mess up your shirt so that he doesn't notice it's wrong to bring it. "She took a deep breath and opened the door and went out.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, hesitating slightly to walk to the bed, waving his hand to open the curtain. Bi Qing apparently hurriedly cleaned up before leaving, but the water stains on the bed were very clear, and she smelled a slight odor on the nose. He was not a person without personnel. He could naturally identify the source of this smell, in his heart. Can not help but burst into a bitter smile.

He quickly calmed down his mind, suppressed the thoughts in his heart, tore his robes around, and turned to sit on the bed.


Wu Changgong didn't go far. He hid in a rest room and watched the situation carefully. He watched Bi Qing enter Xiao Chen's room. Now, more than two hours have passed, and it is obviously a success!

Thinking of this, his heart was slightly excited, but he resisted the urgency in his heart and waited patiently.

After Bi Qing came out, her gaze swept around first, and no one noticed her, and then came quickly. Tong Changgong opened the door of the room, watching the rosy face that had not faded, and whispered, "Success?"

"This is the last time I help you. If you dare to threaten me with previous events, I will shake everything out with you!" Bi Qing looked at Tong Changgong with a grudge, turned and left directly. Although she didn't answer, she had already expressed the message that made Chang Changgong excited, and she had never even got a bit angry about Bi Qing's words.

He watched Bi Qing leave, thinking of her snow-white and tender tender body, and then looking at the flushing that hadn't disappeared on her face before, at that moment there was an excitement in his heart. But he was never dominated by the lower body, but his thoughts turned slightly and he was temporarily depressed. As long as today's affairs are completed and Liu Yun is in his hands, he will not be able to hold this green in the future. He wants to play with only his thoughts.

After waiting for a few breaths, he took a deep breath to calm down, pushed the door and went straight to where Xiao Chen was. When walking to the door, Gong Chang gave a slight meal, and he respectfully reached out and knocked on the door, saying, "Master Liuyun, the junior has something to ask for." At this moment he was still cautiously testing, but he did not know the secret that he thought was seamless Already exposed.

There was no movement in the room for a few moments, and this person was completely settled in his heart. He pushed in the door directly, closed the door with his backhand, and waved his hand to restrain him.

Smelling the odor that fluttered in the air, Gong Chang fell on Xiao Chen with respectful eyes and watched him sitting on the bed blankly, with a sneer on his face. There is no need for it! "Seeing that the plan was completed, he didn't plan to delay it for a moment, he was afraid of change! "Master Liuyun, please go with me." In low drinking, he walked to the bed, reached out to hold Xiao Chen's arm, and stepped forward. The two figures disappeared and disappeared. On the ground, it is a magic weapon of the Dongfu style refined by the God of the King Sect.

The next moment, Xiao Chen and the two appeared again, already in a secret training room. A gully engraved on the ground was linked to form a delicate and complicated array. In this gully, the thick red blood plasma slowly flowed, and the whole array exuded a chill and murky atmosphere.

The plasma flowing in this gully was the goods that Chang Changgong had sent from the Soochow Caravan and others, and he secretly sent people to collect and train the monks' blood in the entire evil star domain. The seemingly small amount of plasma is extracted from the blood of countless monks, which is a rare treasure for the monks of the Blood Sect. His original intention was to send this thing to Qilian City as a gift for Daqing, but the appearance of Xiao Chen and the changes in the situation of his family let him leave the plasma for today!

He would not dare to fight Xiao Chen's idea without thousands of blood plasma in hand. But now there is this thing in hand, and with the help of Biqing's poisoning Xiao Chen, he is in an unguarded state and successfully grasps the natural greatness! Once he succeeds, Xiao Chen will become a blood scourge under his control. Not only is his family's inheritance status unavoidable, but his entire strength will rise dramatically!

Wu Changgong's eyes flashed a bit hot, and he raised his hand, and Xiao Chen's figure suddenly fell on the ground gully, and the void gave a force to hold him.

Wu Changgong sat down on his knees, with a solemn expression on his face, reached for the ground ditch with a finger, and drank in his mouth. The plasma rushed up suddenly, the rich blood awn burst suddenly, a trace of blood mist rose, and tangled towards Xiao Chen.

He closed his eyes, gritted his teeth and tore his small piece of Yuanshen, his face suddenly turned white, but at this moment Wu Changgong's movements did not stop, he controlled the Yuanshen fragments and went straight to Xiao Chen.

The most essential part of the family's blood evil spirit is the integration of its own elementary spirit into the controlled monk's spirit through the blood evil tempering technique. This method will not affect the subject much. , Can even fully preserve his intellect, but can hold the monk firmly in his hands, loyalty and obedience!

But the next moment, when Yuan Changgong's fragment of Yuan Shen melted into Xiao Chen's body, his eyes opened instantly, and his pale face was no longer pale, his eyes turned to Xiao Chen, and endless fear came from his eyes!

At the same time, Xiao Chen's eyes slowly opened, looking at Qi Changgong's eyes cold and warm, and he slowly said, "I also tried to calculate this seat by virtue of you, I really don't know if I live or die."

Wu Changgong's body shivered slightly, his eyes showed despair, things suddenly changed, and the situation under control suddenly reversed, leaving him cold. Wu Chang respectfully looked at Xiao Chen, filled with endless petitions.

"This seat was still hesitant to use any means to deal with you so as not to cause twists and turns. I don't want you to provide me with a good way. In this case, you can enjoy all this today."

In the blood sacrifice refining, there is an inexplicable connection between the caster and the subject. The confrontation method works well in the chest. This requires the caster to be higher than the subject in order to succeed, otherwise It may be attacked by the formation, or even the guest, and the caster is controlled. That's why Wu Changgong deliberately wanted to keep Xiao Chen in a state of defenselessness, so he dared to use 10,000 plasma to shoot. But the truth is that Xiao Chen is fine, so he is doomed to a tragedy.

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