Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 850: Can't escape

Xiao Chen and Wu Changgong left Jiangshangyuan and returned to their home. [? 八? 一 ({Chinese [网 < [W] W> W.81ZW.COM. As soon as the two of them entered the house, a monk came hurriedly, respectfully speaking, "Master Liuyun, three young children, the owner please, Now waiting in the study. "

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, and he naturally understood the urgency of this old man's heart. He secretly sneered but never showed anything on his face. He passed on an idea to Tong Changgong and could not speak at all, so he had a plan.

"Liuyun Daoyou is back, what do you think of Jiangshangyuan? But you can still get into Daoyou's eyes." Entering the study, Qi Liancheng smiled and got up.

Xiao Chen nodded and smiled: "It is indeed the city of sin, Jiangshangyuan, and it really deserves its reputation!"

Tong Changgong stood quietly aside, but this time he did not bow his head and looked up at Li Liancheng with a faint smile on his face. There was a calmness in his eyes, but the calmness contained in this calmness was unprecedented. .

In this way, Qian Liancheng has never seen it on Lu Changgong, and his eyes gradually showed a radiant color, and he whispered, "Chang Gong, how do you greet Liuyun Taoists?"

Xun Changgong nodded slightly, reached out to Lianlian City, and said lightly, "In the future, at your family, you will obey your father's order, except me, you can understand."

Xiao Chen said: "Yes."

After doing this, he saluted to Qun Liancheng, respectfully said: "My son is fortunate, and from today on, Liu Yun is my uncle's family!" In fact, any narrative is persuasive and impactful. Liancheng closed his eyes slightly, and opened his eyes only after half a ring. Shen said, "Good! Good! Good!" Three good words in a row are enough to show how excited this old strange heart is. Taking Liuyun into your hands, the Qiang family is equivalent to having a strong hole card similar to the corpse of the corpse corpse Wanjia Emperor, which is enough for the Jian family to skyrocket and gain a firm foothold in the city of evil!

"Chang Gong, you have never let your father down, and I know that the one who can lead my family to flourish must be you! You can rest assured that promises for your father will only be honored, and one of your family's heirs must be you ! "

Wu Changgong expressed a joy on his face and said, "My son must live up to the expectations of my father, put my family's interests in place, and fight for the rise of my family!"

Qi Liancheng has a smile on his face, and his gaze toward Qi Changgong is full of satisfaction and gratification. He is born with a child like this.

Xiao Chen looked at the old immortal with a joyful look, and couldn't help sneering and sneering in his heart. Now let you have fun first, and later you will cry! He will certainly not let go of the spiteful murder of Yun Jiaen.

"Father, this son is a bit tired and Liu Yunxiu is too high. Although I managed to control him, I feel a bit sluggish. Now I want to take a rest early and stabilize my control as soon as possible. So as to avoid accidents. "Wu Changgong arched.

Xu Liancheng nodded again and again, "Chang Gong said well, you go to rest, if you have any trouble, you can come to find help for your father."

"Yes." Li Changgong gave a gift, turned and took Xiao Chen back.


Protected by the Qiang family, the matter of Xiao Chen joining the Xuesha Sect was successfully completed in silence, officially becoming one of the Xuesha Sect elders, assigned to an independent courtyard, and officially moved away from the Qiang house. Seeing the hidden power in the city of Gulian can have an unexpected effect. Let Liu Yun join the Blood Sect. If another force can be cultivated, it is tantamount to making the Qiang family grow unknowingly.

It is only that the newly promoted Xuesha sect elder Liu Yun did not like to make an appearance, only appeared on the day of the sect, and has been closed since then. He ignored the invitations of many elders in the sect, including the other three hereditary elder families in Xuesha sect.

For a while, Elder Liu Yun, who had not yet mastered the things of the Zongmen, gradually carried a reputation of arrogance, but no one dared to provoke him because of his brilliant record on the Daqing Day. The name of Liuyun's hustle and bustle, with the passage of time, coupled with the care of those who can smooth it out, gradually subsided.


Xiao Chen crossed his knees in the dojo, the purpose of joining the city of sin has been achieved, all he can do now is wait. At this moment of waiting for the crisis, one can imagine the torment of the monks. But at this time, Xiao Chen's mood was extremely calm instead. He can do what he has done. Anxiety and fear have no effect at all, and it is the best choice to keep his state at its peak at any time!

The blood redness in his hand was more red, and the calmer atmosphere of Xiao Chen was, but the firmness in his eyes was like a rock between heaven and earth. Sin City best defended Wei Zheng and Shenji Zong's pursuit, even if he couldn't, he wouldn't hold back!

Whoever wants to kill him will definitely pay for it!

Suddenly, Xiao Chen's body was suddenly stiff during meditation. He lifted it up, his eyes sparkled, and he whispered, "It's finally here!" The cold power that spurted out from the blood in the palm of his hand was sensed, He stepped forward and disappeared instantly.


Wei Zheng's face was extremely gloomy, his eyes were cold enough to penetrate the whole world, and the anger accumulated in his chest made him feel like a volcano that could explode at any time.

With the full power of the God Machine Sect, you can turn the entire evil star domain into the sky in the shortest time. However, under this overwhelming and strict search, Xiao Chen disappeared without a trace and was sent by the God Machine Sect. Countless monks are also futile! Although the blood charm was not destroyed, a trace of induction with him was completely cut off, making him unable to sense where Xiao Chen was going.

Wei Zheng always thought that with his cultivation as the background in the evil star domain, there was nothing he couldn't do, but Xiao Chen killed his only brother, Wei Sha, and is still safe and sound. This kind of thing is like a slap on the face, it hurts fiercely.

"Xiao Chen, I don't believe you can hide forever, I have enough patience to wait for you to appear and kill you!"

His voice hadn't dropped yet, and there was a sudden shock in his eyes!

Wei Zheng stood up, the terrifying breath of the earth-shattering things broke out, and swept across the madness in all directions. Under his feet, a huge meteorite collapsed directly, turned into sky gravel, and eventually turned into a powder!

Breath of Blood Rune!

Xiao Chen, you finally appeared!

Wei Zheng yelled in his mouth, his foot stepped forward, and the figure whistled like a meteor penetrating through the sky. He walked to the closest star to him, and shot three consecutive palms towards three cities! The palm-like prints came from the sky like a devil, and countless monks stunned, fleeing in panic, but waiting for them was still the end of death!

The entire cultivation star trembled slightly. Three huge palm prints appeared on the surface of cultivation star, and the original city was wiped out by this horrible method. The billions of monks who survived in the three cities were slaughtered!

Step by step monk power can be seen!

The three bloodstreams originated from three cities. The self-cultivation star rose, and went straight to the stars to gather away. It turned into a blood cell of thousands of miles in front of Wei Zheng, and the top of his head had become a red color! The blood cells boiled without warning, releasing a thick plume of blood mist, which formed a huge grimace in the tumbling, which was tens of thousands of miles in length, and looked more stunned and more terrifying!

"Ghost slave, kill him!"

There was a silent growl in Grimace's mouth, and the body of 100,000 miles suddenly disappeared into the void!


Sin Star!

A huge grimace suddenly appeared. It came from the sky, releasing a horrible ruin of destruction, and spattered wildly from the sky! Numerous monks on the Xiuzhen star suddenly stiffened and stunned, and saw the red blood on his face opening up and falling towards the city of sin!

At this moment, the terrifying power contained in the grimace was felt, and the entire city of evil was snoring! All monks are trembling, and they cannot give birth to a despair!

The grimace was so fast that it was close!

But at this moment, a cold hum rang suddenly, and it didn't sound heavy, but it rang through the entire star field and passed into the ears of every monk clearly.


[I drink too much with a few friends, and I get cold again, which will be disgusting. After taking this two pills, I insisted on finishing this chapter, and I was going to write for a while, but I couldn't hold it. So much more today, sorry. 】

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