Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 851: Sin monarch

A palm appeared suddenly, at the size of an ordinary person at first, and then the shape skyrocketed with amazing degrees! Thousands of miles, tens of thousands of miles ... The scarlet red face was huge, but under this palm, it was a big witch and a little witch. Before it fell, it was directly held by the palm, and it was fierce inward. Grab!

Under this catch, the power that could make the stars collapse and extinguish the life, a sharp roar from the mouth of the scarlet ghost, and then the physical pieces collapsed, and they were destroyed by this life! The horrifying terror force exploded from the crashing grimace, raging in the extraterrestrial land, everything was destroyed and destroyed within millions of miles, and the starship and suspended meteorite docked outside the sky were blown away like fly ash. Scattered. Eight {(一 中文 网 [W] WW.81ZW.COM

Destructive forces spilled from the sky, and the floating evil city suddenly burst into the sky, resisting the wave of power that swept through. However, the area of ​​the Sin Star under the Sin City was easily destroyed by this wave of force, the earth was flattened, and the ground was burnt black as fire, and the vitality was cut off.

From the appearance of the scarlet grimace to the palm of the sky, the confrontation between the two sides was completed in an instant. Countless monks in the Sin City looked pale, staring sternly towards the land beyond the stars, sensing the wave of destruction that came from them, and there was no trace of blood on their faces. Such a horrible force is enough to wipe them out of this world.

At this moment, a figure appeared outside of the Sinister Star, and he stood so quietly, but Pentium's raging power did not dare to get close to him. The ordinary person's back, with his eyes down, gave people a powerful step to counteract. feel! An invisible trend scattered freely from his body, it seemed that he had taken off everything, and truly swept the sky and stared at the sky!

"It seems the old man has been in retreat for too long, and some people dare to shoot at my sinful city and try to die!" The cold drinking voice spread throughout the star domain, and it seemed that he had taken a step under his feet, and his figure had disappeared.

At the moment, the four high-ranking monks appeared one after another, looking at the figure in the sky, with excitement on their faces, kneeling down in the mouth and calling their ancestors!

On the peak of Xueshazong, Xiao Chen was standing in the courtyard, his face was gloomy, but his heart had set off a stormy sea! The tens of thousands of miles of red-faced grimace was obviously more powerful than when he first killed him. If Wei Zheng shot all the way directly at the beginning, I am afraid he would have been killed directly without any resistance!

He inhaled deeply, barely suppressed the shock in his heart, his brows frowned, and his thoughts turned quickly!

The scarlet grimace must be Wei Zheng's shot, but the real star is obviously hidden on the Sin Star, and its strength is probably higher than Wei Zheng's, and he can directly destroy the grimace. go with! Today's events have verified that Xiao Chen's choice is correct. Sin City does have the power to resist Wei Zheng and even the entire God Machine Sect!

The departure of the evil city-level powerhouse at present is obviously to trouble Wei Zheng, but he still feels uneasy. Although he has joined the Sin City, Xiao Chen cannot guarantee whether the Sin City-level powerhouse will let go and kill for him and Wei Zheng, or even tore his skin with Shenji Zong. In order to protect their interests, they may not No reconciliation is possible, and he will be surrendered without hesitation.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen's face became more gloomy, he was half anxious, and then he didn't go outside. Regardless of the outcome of the matter, for now he will leave for the time being, and wait until the matter is clear before making a decision. He couldn't trust the city of sin completely, so be careful.

Quietly blood Shazong, Xiao Chen stepped out of the aura of light in vitro and turned into a shocking sky! Having the status of Elder Blood Shazong, it is naturally very simple to enter the Sinister Star. After being sent by the monk, his figure disappeared into the star field.


The ghost slave has already shot, and Wei Zheng relies on a trace of induction with it, and the figure shuttles through the star domain. His face sank like water, and the cold light in his eyes shone! With induction, Wei Zheng can determine that Xiao Chen is far away from him at this moment, but even if it is far away, as long as he is found by a ghost slave, he can be killed in the next moment!

But at this moment, his body suddenly stiffened, his complexion turned pale, and a trail of blood flowed out of the corner of his mouth, suddenly raising his pupils and contracting to show shock!

Ghost slaves have been erased!

Who else has such a method in the Sin Sin Sector, except the Sovereign?

Wei Zheng quickly thought of a candidate--the Sin Star, the Sin Lord!

He suddenly appeared, this time by Xiao Chenkeng himself! The old man's face became more ugly, but after a slight pause, he didn't escape, but chose to move on! Even the sinful monarch, never mind the thought of revenge, Xiao Chen must die anyway!


God machine sect, where the secret sect is located.

In the hall of the Sovereign Peak Sovereign, the God Sovereign God machine suddenly opened his eyes, his face turned into a dignified, he did not leave a word, and stepped forward, his figure disappeared.


Xiao Chen sat cross-legged in a hollow excavated in a star field. He has not stayed away from the evil star completely, otherwise he would not be able to maintain a connection with Xun Changgong, where he hides his whereabouts. Xun Changgong stays in the city of sin and can provide him with information at any time.

If things are okay, he can naturally regulate, so that he can use the power of Sin City to find a way out of the Sinister Starfield. But if something goes wrong, he can turn around and leave, trying to get himself some time to escape.

Everything has already begun, and in what direction things will go, Xiao Chen cannot control.

Now you can only wait!


In the void, an old man with a linen robe appeared. His face was cold, his eyes flashed with sharp coldness, and his eyes were cold without any temperature.

Wei Zheng stopped, his face was unprecedentedly dignified, relying on each other's breath induction, he already knew the identity of the person, slightly arched, and said, "Wei Zheng has seen the evil Lord Lord!"

The evil monarch's eyes glanced at him, and he slowly said, "When the old man retreated, there was no one like you in the evil star domain, and countless years passed in a blink of an eye. Perhaps the old man's retreat was really too long. It's good to dare to shoot at my evil star. "The old man's voice was calm, but the chill was clear.

"The Lord Sin monarch should not be angry. The junior will never be embarrassed by the Sin Star. The previous shot was only to hunt down an enemy. He didn't want him to hide in the Sin Star. The king also asked the King to check." Road.

The evil monarch was expressionless and slowly shook his head when he heard the words. "The old man doesn't care why you shot, but the shot is the shot. You need to explain to the old man about this."

Wei Zheng's face was gloomy. Although he had not yet been promoted, he was only one layer away, and his combat strength was comparable to it! Although the evil monarch is stronger than him, he is also stepping into the sky! He had already made an explanation and expressed his apology, but he did not expect that the old immortal would not give up! Thinking of the ghost slave being destroyed by him, Xiao Chen is likely to take the opportunity to escape, and then want to find him I do not know how much time it will take, his eyes suddenly became gloomy!

"Master Sin, I don't want to embarrass you, but please let it go and wait for me to kill my enemies before I explain to you today." In the conversation, he was extremely cold.

The evil monarch's eyes flashed coldly, and he said lightly, "It's not difficult to return to the city of sin, just grab it, and I will naturally take you back."

"Don't you deceive people too much!"

"This place bullies you, what about you!"

Wei Zheng's face was ugly. "That being the case, it would be rude to blame the juniors!" The voice didn't fall, and a layer of invisible power suddenly burst out of him, then swept away in all directions with an amazing degree. Under the shroud of this power, all rule powers have been changed. This is the power that can be controlled by breaking through the existence of the world of creation, and within the shroud, they are the supreme gods!

"Hum!" The evil monarch snorted coldly, and the power burst out of his body was still above Wei Zheng.

The strength of the two was entangled in the collision, and they were madly fighting each other, and a horrific atmosphere of devastation continued to spread out, destroying everything in the envelope! Not far away is a desolate Xiu star, violently trembling in the confrontation between the two forces, and cracks appeared above the vast earth, spreading and breaking the mountain peaks, chopping the river, and countless souls in this disaster The middle was easily erased.

However, their death did not attract the slightest attention between Wei Zheng and the evil monarch, because the weak had no status in the eyes of the strong!


[No update yesterday. One is because the body is still a little uncomfortable. The other is to take the opportunity to adjust the status and leave a manuscript to ensure the update. But I do n’t know the reason for this book. After noon, I could n’t turn on the computer suddenly, and the document was locked in the machine, but I could n’t get it. I took a friend's book in the code word, the input method memory entries are all gone, the speed is very slow, I will update a chapter, and I will update it later. 】

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