Star field meteorite. {[ W}.> 8? 1] ZW.COM

Xiao Chen's eyes opened instantly, his face became extremely ugly!

Sure enough, he was still guessed. Sin City chose to reconcile with the God Machine Sect, so he was forced to retreat! Fortunately, he is cautious by nature and flees from the city of sin first, otherwise, even if he wants to leave now, I am afraid it is too late!

He turned to Sin City and glanced, his eyes were cold and warm! Turning around and stepping forward, Xiao Chen's aura of light flashed out of the body, turning into a horror and whistling away!

But before leaving, he has to get some time for himself.


娈 家.

"Say someone to call Master Three right away! Quickly," Li Liancheng said sharply, and the monk hurriedly turned away.

Sin monarch, God machine, and Wei Zheng were all gloomy sitting in the hall, not that they were not in a hurry, but the consciousness swept away in the family's house, and now they can only hope that the family's three children can hope for Xiao. morning,

Not long after, Wu Chang came hurriedly and entered the hall to pay respects to Lian Lianshan, saying, "Son has seen his father." He glanced inside the hall, showing awe.

Xu Liancheng didn't dare to delay, and Shen said, "Chang Gong, where is Xiao Chen now?

Gongchang Gong faintly looked at the monk in the hall, his face was indifferent.

"If your father tells you, just say, don't delay the ancestor's time!"

"After the son mastered him, he felt that his body could be tempered stronger, so he went to the bottom of the Manjiang River to undergo tempering."

Qi Liancheng was relieved, fortunately, Xiao Chen might be found. Otherwise, the Xun family was eager to turn around and salute, and said, "Father, Xiao Chen is at the bottom of the river!"

"Go to Manjiang!"

The party hurriedly got up and went straight to Manjiang.

The river that provokes from the northwest, dangles on the southern edge of the city of sin, and roars like a roaring silver dragon, uttering a deafening roar, and in the collision of water splashes, exaggerating power!

On the Manjiang River, the sinful monarch, Shenjizi, and Wei Zheng were all gloomy. They swept through their consciousness and never noticed Xiao Chen's breath in the water. The eyes of his father and son suddenly became gloomy.

Qilian City's face was so pale, his fingers couldn't help shaking slightly, and he turned to look at Qi Changgong, sternly: "Chang Gong, what's going on, don't you say Xiao Chen is training the body here, where is he now?" "

Wu Changgong looked calm and arched, "Father and adults need not worry, Xiao Chen is here."

Wei Zheng coldly whispered: "Since he is here, call him quickly."

Everyone's eyes fell on Yun Changgong, and a little smile suddenly appeared on his face, and said lightly: "Wei Zheng, it seems that you are really stupid. No wonder you can't find this seat for so long, I said Haven't you figured it out yet? "

His voice didn't fall, and a little weirdness suddenly appeared on his face.


Without any warning, Wu Changgong blew himself up instantly. The horrifying power in the flesh-fire blast intercepted Manjiang Shengsheng from the Pentium, creating a horrific whirlpool that released the powerful force of swallowing in the rotation.

Pian Lian was stunned, his body trembling slightly, and finally he understood one thing! Xiao Chen was not in control, but his son was refined into blood evil!

Wei Zheng's face suddenly became extremely ugly. Although he didn't say a word, the horrible breath permeating his body was enough to show his mood at the moment. Xiao Chen can be killed by sight, who would have thought he had fled again! With the help of Chang Changgong's last sentence, he was even more humiliated!

If he were not strong enough, I'm afraid he can't help going crazy at this moment!

"Xiao Chen! Xiao Chen!"

"No matter where you run, I will find you and kill you!" The man growled wildly in his heart.

Shenjizi frowned slightly. He knew Wei Zheng's state of mind very well. If he couldn't kill Xiao Chen, he would not stop and groaned a little. He said, "Wei Zheng, you don't need to be angry. Since you left a blood charm in him, Xiao Chen ran Can't fall. Wait a few months at most and wait for the blood talisman to restore strength, then you will summon the ghost slave again, no matter where he hides, he will definitely be in trouble! "

Wei Zheng slowly shook his head, "Ghost slaves have been wiped out, and it is definitely not a matter of refining. It is difficult for Xiao Chen to escape today, and then want to find his whereabouts." Although his voice was calm, he fell into sin. The monarch's ears made his face even more ugly. After all, he has an inescapable responsibility for things today. Hearing that Wei Zheng spoke at this moment, he could not refute, and then thought of being exploited by Xiao Chen, his heart was even more murderous!

But at this moment, Li Liancheng suddenly said, "Old ancestors, there is a way to find Xiao Chen!"

Sin monarch suddenly turned, "Yi Liancheng, do you take this seriously?"

"The subordinates dare not deceive their ancestors." Qi Liancheng respectfully said, "Chang Gong wants to refine Xiao Chen into blood, but he will not be refined. Once this operation is completed, his body will be stained with blood and evil spirits. Those who practice the same magical power can sense each other's breath, although they can't determine the specific position, they can sense the fuzzy position. Although Chang Gong is dead, the blood evil spirit contaminated by Xiao Chen will never dissipate in a short time. You can find him! "

"Okay! If you do this, Qilian City will not pay any attention to your past guilt, and it will be bestowed on you!" Said the evil monarch Shen.

Qi Liancheng rejoiced, but on the surface he didn't dare to reveal too much. After salute, he got up, patted his backhand on his chest, and a burst of red blood spewed from his mouth.

He reached forward a little, and this blood twitched as if boiled, and it was steamed in a short time. His face was slightly white, but there was a bit of joy in his eyes, and he reached out and pointed to one place, and said, "In this direction!"

Wei Sha reached out and grabbed Lian Liancheng's shoulder directly, stepped forward, and the figure went straight out of the star. A cold voice came, "The suzerain waited here and will return after I kill Xiao Chen ! "

The Shenji groaned a little, still hadn't kept up. With Wei Zheng's cultivation, as long as Xiao Chen's position was determined, the pursuit and killing was enough to easily kill him, and this was his blood feud after all. Better knots.

"Sin monarch, it seems the old man will stay in the city of sin for a few days."

The evil monarch nodded, and said lightly, "Take this opportunity, God machine, and you will tell me exactly what you said."

"It's natural."


In the star field, a terrifying rainbow whistled forward, but at this moment, Kuan Guang suddenly shocked and converged to reveal one of the monks.

Black eyes, it is Xiao Chen!

Qi Liancheng displayed his magical powers and determined his position based on the blood-stained shame. The two were related to each other. At the same time, Xiao Chen had induction, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly!

The position is exposed!

He gritted his teeth and suddenly turned to gallop in the other direction. Now I just hope that they can judge only his approximate direction, not his specific location, otherwise things will be troublesome!

But even so, Xiao Chen's eyes were full of firmness, but there was no fear at all!

Even if he can't escape, he won't stand by!

Wei Zheng, if you want to kill me, see if you have this means!

I am waiting for you!


[Wait a chapter. 】

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