Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 854: Abyss Abyss

Wei Zheng held the city by hand, his face was sinking like water, and his eyes were like murder!

Moving forward for a moment, the figure frowned slightly, suddenly stopped, turned to look at Qi Liancheng, and said lightly: "Look if he has changed direction. Eight W].] 81ZW.COM

Every time you judge the direction, you need to lose the essence and blood in your body, which is also an amazing loss. But Wei Zheng said, obviously he didn't have any bargaining power.

Qi Liancheng patted his chest with his backhand, accentuated the essence and blood according to law, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly. "Master Wei Zheng, Xiao Chen seems to have noticed our pursuit and has changed the direction of travel."

Wei Zheng sank in his heart, and said coldly, "Did you use the blood evil spirit to sense his position, Xiao Chen would also give birth to induction failure?"

"The blood evil gas produced by the blood evil spirit is of the same origin, and there will be some induction between each other during the detection. However, this induction is very weak, Xiao Chen should not be aware of it. It may be a coincidence or it may be true , The junior is not yet sure. "Qi Liancheng said cautiously.

Wei Zheng murmured, but didn't get too involved in the matter. "Where is he heading now?"

"In this direction."

Wei Zheng grabbed the city and turned into a panic and turned away.


Xiao Chen was slightly relieved soon, because he sensed the breath of exploration again shortly after, but there was some deviation in the direction between the two, which means that the pursuer in the rear could only find what he was about. Direction.

But when he was relieved, he felt a little stunned again, because the degree of the hunter behind him was so amazing, far above him! Even if he keeps changing direction, the straight-line distance between the two is constantly shortening, so if he goes on, he will eventually be caught up.

Moving forward, he took out the star map with his backhand, penetrated into a trace of consciousness, and searched for a possible escape route!

After a moment he lifted up arrogantly, his eyes flashed with firmness, apparently a decision had been made in his heart.

Turning around, he flew towards another prescription.


Qi Liancheng soon felt bitter.

Xiao Chen's first change of direction may be interpreted as a coincidence, but the second and third consecutive appearances had to let him acknowledge the fact that the matter of their pursuit had been revealed by him, and he was trying hard to think Get rid of them!

In order to ensure that the hunting direction is correct, every moment, he must sense the direction of Xiao Chen, and every time he uses the means, he will lose a bit of essence and blood.

Once or twice didn't have much impact on him, but he couldn't stand the amazing amount of superposition. So Liancheng's face turned pale, his eyes became dim, and his heart was madly cursing Xiao Chen. !!

Because with the passage of time, the frequency of Xiao Chen's change of direction gradually accelerated, so that he had to re-induction within a short interval of time, and the loss of essence blood increased naturally.

Facing Wei Zheng's cold and ruthless eyes, he had no choice but to stick to it.

Wei Zheng was expressionless, but the murder in his eyes was getting heavier!

This time, he will not let Xiao Chen escape!


Chasing all the way, time is passing, and it takes seven days!

Even if Xiao Chen keeps changing direction, the distance between him and Wei Zheng is still shortening.

Crazy rushing to the road forced him to procure the mana in his body with all his strength, which resulted in extremely surprising wear and tears, making Xiao Chen's face pale and difficult to hide his eyes. But even then, his eyes remained calm, without showing a little fear.

Changing direction all the way, getting closer and closer to the place he chose!

Xiao Chen lifted up and looked to the star field ahead. A monster-like black hole appeared at the end of his line of sight. Anxing hovered there without interest, but seemed to be able to devour everything!

This is the abyss of Yuan Yuan, a famous and dangerous place in the evil star domain!

According to the legend of the evil star domain, the place where the Abyss of Abyss is located was counted thousands of years ago as an ancient and powerful sect, called the Yuan Ancestral, which ruled the entire evil aura.

This door should be considered as a kind of physical cultivation. They have swallowed the strength of the heavens and the earth to converge in the body, and continue to temper the flesh, so that they can accommodate more strength. Frightening degrees burst out, releasing the power to destroy the world!

Because the threshold of Gongfa cultivation is not high, and the monks are advancing extremely fast, naturally, Yuan Yuanzong became the peak sect in the evil star domain of that period!

However, this sect was extinct overnight. The core disciples of Zongmen died and died, and all of the Gongshu classics were lost. The Yuanzong sect fell apart, and now there are all the sects of the evil star domain today. With God Machine Sect and Sin City The situation for the two giants.

In legend, the destruction of Yuan Yuanzong was because they wanted to break the **** of the evil star domain, forcibly tear the space, and find a channel connecting the world of thousands.

Countless strong men, at the same time exerting magical powers to swallow the power of heaven and earth, want to shoot at the same time, tearing the suppressed space. However, I don't know what happened during this event. There was an accident. The Yuanzong's place collapsed and collapsed in one day, forming the well-known Abyss. Since then, all the powerful men in the evil star domain have entered one of them to find out, but in the end, there are very few who can live and leave!

One by one the amazing vortex of elemental power and the turbulent and turbulent fluctuations of the elementary power release unbelievable power!

Once these elemental vortexes are stimulated by external forces, they will explode instantly after losing their balance. The elemental forces accumulated in the entire vortex will explode in an instant, and the resulting lethality is horrible! In other words, in the Yuan Yuan Abyss, the higher the repair, the stronger the restraint. Unless you can not be afraid of the power released when the vortex of Yuanli collapses, you must carefully condense your breath in it to avoid falling into danger!

This is Xiao Chen's choice!

He did want to see, Wei Zheng dare not follow him into the Yuan Yuan Abyss!

Even if he really dares, he can reduce his threat to the minimum, and Xiao Chen has a better chance of winning! He has a faint intuition that the grudges between him and Wei Zheng will make a break in the abyss of Yuan Yuan!


Qi Liancheng feels like a gossamer, his body is softly held by Wei Zheng, his face is pale.

This is why Wei Zheng used his mana to stimulate his own potential, and provided him with a supplementary essence and blood medicine. Otherwise, the three-day period of Liancheng City would not have persisted. Now he has begun to regret following Wei Zheng's pursuit of killing Xiao Chen, and continue in this situation. I am afraid that before killing Xiao Chen, he will die due to the depletion of his blood.

Wei Zheng didn't care about his tragic situation. He didn't take his life and death into consideration, what he wanted was to kill Xiao Chen and take revenge for Wei Sha!

At this moment, his face changed slightly, and after taking out the star chart to view, he suddenly realized Xiao Chen's calculations!

Eater Abyss!

He is going to eat Yuan Yuan Abyss!

Recalling the twists and turns of this road, Xiao Chen turned around, but the general direction has always been towards here!

He wants to have a grudge against him in the abyss of Yuan Yuan!

Wei Zheng suddenly figured this out. He believed his instinct and suddenly turned to go straight to the Yuan Yuan Abyss. His eyes flashed fiercely without any fear!

Even the Abyss of the Yuan cannot stop him from killing Xiao Chen!

call out!

In a flash, his figure disappeared.


[It was not updated yesterday, and Your Majesty's manuscript could not be taken out. This is really an outright tragedy! At the beginning of the month, what the hell, the Taoist who has a monthly ticket in his hand supports it, and the monthly ticket list has been squeezed. 】

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