Xiao Chen's figure paused slightly, looking at the abyss of the Yuan Yuan who looked like a monster's mouth in front of him, looking dignified. Bayi Chinese Website W> W> W〉. > 81ZW. Before COM was approaching, he had already noticed the thinness of the elemental force of the heavens and the earth. At this point, there was no element of the element in the whole space, and he was swallowed up by the abyss.

Sure enough, here is as weird as the legend.

However, his figure didn't pause too much, and the external light flashed a little. The figure directly entered the abyss of Yuan Yuan, and disappeared in a flash.

The Abyss of the Yuan looks at first like a huge space that is sunken into the interior. There is no light in the darkness.

Quiet and silent.

Xiao Chen's face was calm, but his eyes were full of caution. Since Abyss Abyss can be a dangerous situation in the Sin Sin Sector, it must have its reason, so he must be careful.

At this moment, at the end of the darkness, a few auras appeared in his sight.

Xiao Chen's mind was a little stunned, the figure never stopped, and went straight to these auras. Only when they approached, did these light emerge from the vortexes of Yuanli, which were about a hundred miles in size, releasing a pulling force, pulling Yuanli into it.

This is the most dangerous elementary vortex of Yuan Yuan Abyss!

Xiao Chen's brow frowned slightly. These vortexes of elemental force swallowed not only the elemental force between heaven and earth, but also the traction of the monk's body. The power of these vortices in front of him is not strong, and the traction can't affect him, but if the vortex is strong enough, this traction will probably become tricky.

Although the power contained in the Yuanli Vortex is not strong, once the few vortices in front of it are crippled, the released power may be comparable to the self-destructive monk. And these vortices are not far away from each other. One of them collapses, and the surrounding vortices will inevitably be involved, and then a dense force will be generated in a short time, forming an amazing killing.

And this is just the top layer of the Abyss.

The danger hidden in the Abyss of the Yuan Yuan is bound to be terrifying.

Xiao Chen took a breath, and his eyes were full of firmness. After a pause, he carefully walked away from these Yuanyuan vortexes and marched toward the depths of the Yuan Yuan Abyss!


Wei Zheng stopped and looked at the abyss in front of him, his face sinking into the water, his eyes were killing.

"Yuan Liancheng, see if Xiao Chen has entered it?"

Pian Liancheng was pale. He took a hard breath and swallowed, breaking into the abyss of the Yuan in his current state. He was afraid that it would be a life of nine deaths. He didn't want to enter it from the bottom of his heart. But Wei Zheng said, he had no choice, if he dare to refuse his request, I am afraid he will be killed directly.

Now he can only hope that Xiao Chen has not entered it.

The backhand was patted on the chest with a spurt of fine blood, and his breath was weaker. But Liancheng didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly began to use his means to sense the position of Xiao Chen.

Eater Abyss!

He really entered the abyss of Yuan Yuan!

Xu Liancheng was bitter in heart, but he was afraid to deceive Wei Zheng, and said weakly: "Master Wei Zheng, you're right, Xiao Chen did enter the abyss of Yuan Yuan. In the beginning, he hopes to use your advantages here to deal with you. . "

In the last sentence, he is also reminding Wei Zheng to pay attention to the characteristics of the Abyss Abyss. The stronger he is, the more likely he is to enter the abyss and encounter danger.

Wei Zheng naturally understood what he meant, and smiled coldly. "Even if he runs to the ends of the earth, this seat will not let him go. He wants to scare this seat away, delusional! Let's go!"

Whispering, he directly grabbed the city, without giving him any chance to speak, and the figure turned into a shocked rainbow into the abyss of Yuan Yuan.


In the abyss of the Yuan Yuan, Xiao Chen drove the aura of light, carefully converging his breath, so as not to touch the vortex and lead to unnecessary crisis.

With the continuous deepening, the number of Yuanli vortexes is increasing, and the volume gradually changes from the original hundred miles to hundreds of miles or even thousands of miles. During the quiet rotation, it releases amazing engulfing power.

Depletion of Yuanli in the Yuanyuan Abyss in the Yuanyuan Abyss is swallowed up by these Yuanli swirls. At this point, this swallowing power has even interfered with the flow of power in his body.

Fortunately, Xiao Chen was cautious and had not encountered any trouble after entering the abyss of Yuan Yuan.

Looking at the vortex of Yuanli, a thousand nebula like a small nebula in front of him, his face was slightly dignified, and he quickly picked the safest route, and continued to fly deep through these vortices. The so-called safe route is the farthest distance between the straight line of the path and the vortex. This is an extremely simple choice. The distance is far, and it is relatively safer.

After passing through this group of vortex groups for more than half, the remaining path is less than one-fifth, and it will pass safely in a while. But at this moment, he suddenly felt that the air in front of him became sticky, and the whole person seemed to be trapped in the mud, his face suddenly changed, and the secret road was not good!

At the next moment, a broken and disabled ban suddenly emerged from the void. Although it was broken, it covered the area of ​​tens of thousands of miles, covering all the dozens of vortexes. Under the stimulation of the restraining force, each vortex suddenly showed signs of instability. Xiao Chen's body was tense for a moment, but he did not dare to make any frivolous actions. At this time, if he continued to struggle, he would most likely cause these vortexes of power to burst at the same time. Even the power that burst out instantly, even he couldn't bear it easily.

Fortunately, after waiting for a few breaths, although the imprisonment was stimulated, the strength gradually stabilized but did not provoke more reactions. Xiao Chen secretly said a fluke. From his point of view, this restraint is obviously used to guard against killings. Once a monk breaks into it, it will motivate the restraining force to release the terrifying destruction force. But the mutilation is obviously the killing part. Although it still has the effect of confinement and imprisonment, it has lost most of the threats. Otherwise, the explosion is prohibited and coupled with the collapse of the Yuanli Vortex, the damage caused is enough for Xiao Chen to be hit in an instant!

Taking a breath, slightly calming his mind, Xiao Chen began to try to escape from the ban. This prohibition should be left over from the Yuanzong period. Although it is powerful, it is now broken and coupled with the continuous flow of power over countless years, the power is no longer there. With Xiao Chen's cultivation, it should not be difficult to break free. Thinking of this, his mind was slightly loose, but his complexion was still dignified. Wei Zheng's chase behind him did not allow him much time to waste here, and he had to break free in the shortest time.

With this in mind, Xiao Chen's mana slowly circulated in his body. On the premise of not restraining the restraint, the figure shook slightly to break away from the restrained town and moved forward slowly.


Xu Liancheng suddenly got excited, "Master Wei Zheng, we are very close to Xiao Chen's fingertips. Within this distance, the younger generation can vaguely sense his position, he is not moving now."

Wei Zheng was happy, but his emotions were not exposed, and his face was still calm. "You mean, he's in trouble?"

"It must be so! Master Wei Zheng, go all out with your strength. Only half of the envoys are needed, and we can catch up with him!"

"Okay! If you can kill Xiao Chen successfully this time, this seat will definitely reward you again!" Wei Zheng's killings skyrocketed in his heart, and his next step took off, and the figure turned into an aura of light.



Hurry up!

Xiao Chen was anxious, but his body movements were still calm that year, maintaining a stable degree. At present, the degree of freedom from the prohibition is already the limit under the premise that the prohibition is not imposed.

No matter how irritable, patience.

Qilian City can vaguely sense his position, and Xiao Chen can do the same. He has noticed that the distance between Wei Zheng and him is rapidly decreasing, and before he arrives, he must escape from the ban, otherwise the consequences Unbelievable!

His body moved in the banned town, and he was gradually on the verge of banning.

At this moment, he looked up above the abyss, his face suddenly becoming extremely ugly.

Because, Wei Zheng has arrived!

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold, and he was ready to fight to death, but the action of breaking the ban had not stopped, and he was slowly approaching the edge of the ban.

Wei Zheng has noticed Xiao Chen's current situation. His degree has suddenly skyrocketed, and he rushed here desperately, even at the expense of several vortexes of elemental force. The destruction and the voluminous sound that suddenly emerged were enough to prove the murderous power in his heart. Sheng!

This time, he wants Xiao Chen to die!

Yuan Li's vortex's collapsed force swept through like a wave, but he was crushed by his sleeve before he approached. For Wei Zheng, who is comparable to a monk who stepped up to the sky, these vortexes of elemental power, although they contain extremely powerful powers, are not qualified to stop him!

Taking a step forward, he had torn apart and the raging wave of Yuanli emerged, his eyes suddenly fell on Xiao Chen!

Cold and temperatureless.


[Everyone is complaining that the buns are not updated properly. There are really many things I do n’t know how to say. I strive to stabilize and update after mid-October, and I hope everyone will forgive me. One more chapter, I continue to code, and there will be updates later. 】

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