Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 856: Blood grapes

Xiao Chen's body was stiff. Even if he didn't look back, he could sense the cold killing spouting from Wei Zheng's eyes! But at this moment, his next step was to get out of the banned town at this critical moment. {[ W}.> 8? 1] ZW.COM Xiao Chen hasn't had a slight delay, the aura of light flashed out of the body, whistling towards the depths of the abyss!

"Xiao Chen, where are you going!"

The enemies were very jealous when they met, Wei Zheng drank in a low voice, waved his sleeves, and the void suddenly burst out with a mighty force, such as the falling wave version gushing out and crashing on the captivity! Impacted by a strong external force, the ban has suddenly collapsed! At the same time, within the scope of the prohibition, dozens of vortexes collapsed at the same time, exuding incredible power!

Sensing the changes that occurred behind him, Xiao Chen's complexion changed instantly. He yelled in his mouth, and the black armor suddenly emerged from the flesh, enveloping his entire body. At the same time, the mana in his body trembled suddenly. Without hesitation!


The mana in the body trembled violently and collapsed, releasing a powerful force that made people palpitate, flowing fast in his flesh!

At this moment, the power behind the waves was near, and went straight to Xiao Chen's back to shoot. With a loud noise, Xiao Chen groaned in his mouth. The whole figure used this shooting force to go away as if it were away from the cannonball!

Among the powers of this shooting, the ban and the whirlpool are easy to say, the key is the power from Wei Zheng! Even with the protection of the Black Armor, Xiao Chen still suffered some injuries under this attack. This is because Wei Zheng hastily shot and did not go all out. Coupled with the ban and the vortex of Yuanli power burst, Wei Zheng's power of magic power was weakened. .

Xiao Chen's face was ugly, and he secretly regretted it. He had known that Wei had been so fast. He should forcibly break away from the banned town. Perhaps the situation would be better. But now regret is useless, he converged his thoughts and rushed forward, but the direction has changed. When breaking into the abyss of Yuan Yuan by himself, Xiao Chen rushed to pick a line with a small number of Yuanli swirls and weak strength, but at this moment he went straight to the densest place of Yuanli swirls!

After "Broken Yuan", Xiao Chen's power has reached the peak of creation, infinitely close to the level of the creation Xeon, the degree has skyrocketed before! He never glanced backwards, rushing directly into the vortex of Yuanli!

In the rear, Wei Zheng faced Chen Rushui, looking at the back of Xiao Chen away, a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth.

Xiao Chen, now look where you flee! The next step of his foot, he waved and tore the power of the Yuanli swirling in front of him, tearing Xiao Chen away! With Wei Zheng's degree, even if there is still some distance from Xiao Chen, he can't escape!

Before, he thought about killing Xiao Chen, but now Wei Zheng changed his mind. He wanted to torture Xiao Chen to death, and died slowly in pain and fear. Otherwise it would be so easy to kill, wouldn't it be too cheap for him!

At this moment, Xiao Chen's figure passed through the Yuanli vortex, and he did not hesitate to shoot it backwards!

With his power at this moment, a palm fell into the vortex group, and immediately ignited the chain reaction of the Yuanli vortex!




The elemental vortexes collapsed instantly, turning the gathered forces out at the same time, turning them into a tidal wave, sweeping wildly in all directions!

Xiao Chen was also impacted by this force. He resisted this impact force by force, and with the help of its driving force, he surged into a moment, and continued to escape from the depths of the abyss!

Wei Zheng sneered. He never saw the power released by the collapse of these vortexes of elemental power! He stretched out his hand and tore in front, and the wave of Yuanli swept through him was torn from it, revealing a crack that was enough to pass, and his figure passed instantly.

Looking at Xiao Chen howling and escaping, he was gradually relieved in his heart! The advantage of absolute power, let him hold a cat-and-mouse mentality, Wei Sha's death, the fool he suffered before, has completely angered him!

He wants to vent in this way.

Bit by bit, gradually pushing people into despair, struggling in fear and suffering until death, is the best means of revenge, which is exactly what Wei Zheng is doing at this moment.

He is not in a hurry, the situation at hand, Xiao Chen cannot escape, he has time. When I caught up, the anger in my heart was almost clear, and then it was perfect to kill Xiao Chen.

Qilian City's eyes were resentful, but full of excitement, fell on Xiao Chen!

He had already guessed Wei Zheng's thoughts, watching Xiao Chen's wobbly figure fled, naturally excited in his heart, secretly you also have today!


Within the abyss of Yuan Yuan, the two figures rushed forward, and the Yuanli vortex collapsed between the two. With the deepening, the power of Yuanli vortex became stronger and stronger!

After Xiao Chen punched him with a punch, he ignited a vortex of elemental power, but the force that was shot down made his face pale and pale, and the wheezing between his nose and nose gradually became sharp, and his breath was weak.

During his escape, he exerted his best efforts, but each time he ignited the vortex of elemental force, the explosion of the force would cause him some damage.

With the deepening of Yuan Yuan's abyss, the stronger the power of Yuan Li's vortex self-explosion, the more serious the damage to him!

Wei Zheng followed with a sneer, and the collapse of the Yuanli Swirl just lost some mana to him, but could not cause any harm to him. Looking at the figure of Xiao Chen not far away, his eyes flashed!

Everything is over!

He has already leaked enough, and Xiao Chen has reached the end of his crossbow. Wei Zheng does not intend to continue wasting time.

Step by step, his degree skyrocketed, and a little distance from Xiao Chen began to shrink!

Wei Sha, today I will kill you to kill you and take revenge for you, you can go safely!

Wei Zheng waved a tear and easily tore the power formed after the collapse of the Yuanli swirl in front of him. He had done this many times, and this time, it was the last!

His next step was to pass through the torn vortex force, but at this moment, in that vortex force, a blood grape suddenly appeared.

Eyes fell on the blood grapes, Wei Zheng's pupils contracted violently, and his eyes showed dread.

The next moment, the blood grapes shattered instantly, and a cloud of blood-colored mushroom clouds appeared instantly, and then a circle of cloud of red blood was released, spreading frantically to the surrounding area.

Wei Zheng took the brunt of it, angrily roaring in his mouth, but at this moment he wanted to resist, but it was too late.

He was hit by the **** cloud tide in the chest, and his bones shattered suddenly. His face suddenly turned pale, as if being hit by thousands of wild cows, his body flew uncontrollably.

As for Pian Liancheng in his hand, there was no power to preserve his own life. He had no time to utter a desperate scream. The flesh turned into powder in the red cloud tide. The Yuanshen was wiped away and completely ridiculed!

Wolverine stopped and looked at the back of Xiao Chenfei going away. There was an angry roar in Wei Sha's mouth, and two raging flames were burning in his eyes!

Originally thought that it was a cat and a mouse, holding Xiao Chen's life and death in his hands, but the moment he was about to shoot, this is not the case!

A blood grape released the power that is comparable to a monk's shot, and he was hit hard by surprise!

The ghost slave in Wei Zheng's hand was wiped out by the evil monarch, and he had already suffered some injuries. Later, he reconciled with the law and entered the city of evil until he was hunted down. His internal injuries have always existed, but he was suppressed by his fierce repair!

But at this moment under this blood grape, he was directly wounded, and the injury suppressed in the body also burst out at this moment! Two injuries burst at the same time, and the trauma caused by the superposition was more serious!

Wei Zheng had a feeling of being fooled. He thought he had everything in his hands, but he was finally slapped on his face, and his face was lost!

He was very angry, and his chest was full of flames, but he was not impulsive. He took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart.

There was a resignation in Wei Zheng's heart.

Today, his injuries are not light. If he rushes into the depths of Yuan Yuan's abyss, an accident may occur. And most importantly, he was worried about whether there would be a second blood grape in Xiao Chen's hands.

And just at this moment, Xiao Chen turned to him, seeing that he stopped not chasing. Although his face was still calm, his eyes couldn't help but flash of joy.

This did not escape the observation of Wei Zheng. Xiao Chen is happy that he has stopped moving, which shows that he doesn't want him to continue hunting, that is to say, Xiao Chen hopes to use the power of a blood grape to scare him away!

Wei Zheng's mind suddenly became active. The blood grape, which is comparable to a monk who stepped on the sky, even if he didn't have it in his hands, Xiao Chen can get one that is already a godsend. How about a second one! Taking a step back, even if he really has more, why not release them together, which will cause him to suffer more serious injuries when caught off guard. In this way, he will inevitably choose to retreat to save himself.

From Xiao Chen's performance and his own deduction, there is only one explanation for all of this. Xiao Chen has no more cards!

Wei Zheng's eyes flashed, the hatred and resentment in his heart prevailed again, he yelled, and chased away in the direction of Xiao Chen's escape!


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