Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 857: Kill Wei Zheng

Xiao Chen was slightly low, his face pale and bloodless, but his pair of dark eyes were still calm, with a touch of cold mang flowing in it. [八 [(? 一 中文 (W] W〉 W].] 8> 1) Z} W.COM

He had already sensed the breath from Wei Zheng's continued pursuit, and his mouth was slightly upturned, so cold and cold.

I'm afraid you won't come. Since the killing came, let's stay today!

Although Wei Zheng did not give up hunting, but determined that Xiao Chen would not have a second blood grape in his hands, but after suffering a loss, he became apparently cautious, hanging near Xiao Chen and waiting for the opportunity to shoot.

He sensed that Xiao Chen's breath was gradually weakening, and the injuries in his body continued to deepen with the passage of time. If it could not be repaired as soon as possible, he would be left with hidden dangers. After all, he has reached the critical moment of Xiuwei's breakthrough, and this injury may have an impact on his breakthrough!

Wei Zheng gritted his teeth. Since he decided to take a shot, he let go, he didn't believe that Xiao Chen would still have blood grapes in his hands!

Certainly, he drank aloud in his mouth, and surged again, approaching Xiao Chen quickly!

When I raised my hand, I wanted to take a picture!

Now he no longer wants to torture Xiao Chen, just be able to kill him!

But just when Wei Zhengyu was about to make a shot, Xiao Chen suddenly turned around and hit a red object between his hands!

Wei Zheng became stiff, his face suddenly changed, and his eyes were shocked. He immediately closed his hands and fled to the rear without hesitation!

Blood grapes!

Xiao Chen actually has blood grapes in his hands!

In his current condition, if he is hit again by blood grapes, even if he does not die, he will end up with a serious injury. He started secretly regretting that, even if he wanted to kill Xiao Chen, he should wait until his injuries recovered. When the time comes, even if Xiao Chen holds blood grapes in his hand, he is not afraid!

But now thinking about these useless, the most important thing is to leave quickly and avoid the bombardment of blood grapes!

However, he soon noticed that something was wrong, because there was no violent breath fluctuation at all behind him, and Wei Zheng turned to Xiao Chen to look back. After seeing him, he didn't flee and went away.

He turned around arrogantly until he saw the thing thrown out by Xiao Chen, his face instantly turned red, then iron blue, eventually turned into blue and white, and his mouth was angry and roaring, "Xiao Chen, this seat must kill you!"

A panacea!

He created the world's most powerful peak, which can compete with the monk who stepped on the sky, and he will be scared by a fire elixir!

If this kind of naked humiliation can't kill Xiao Chen, this humiliation will be branded on him, and it can never be washed away!

"You **** it!"

With a roar, his eyes were red and rushed toward Xiao Chen frantically.

Kill him!

Kill him!

At this moment Wei Zheng, this is the only thought left!

Some of the distances just opened between the two of them quickly shortened, and entered the range of magical powers. Wei Zhengyang's hand must be captured by Xiao Chen!

He will have Xiao Chensheng captured and tortured by the most revengeful methods before he can relieve his hatred!

But at this moment, Xiao Chen ran back again with a red round object!

Wei Zheng chuckled, his eyes were full of cold and cruelty. He had previously been forced to retreat by this means, and he thought he would be fooled!



With a soft whistle, Wei Zheng's body suddenly stiffened. Looking at the cloud of red mushrooms that suddenly rose, he felt a whip fierce in his heart, and no blood on his face.


The red-red cloud tide that swept over fell on Wei Zheng's chest again, and the familiar bone cracking sounded again. Wei Zheng's body was bombarded again. This time, his physical body was damaged in many places. Blood spilled from time to time.

The serious injury was severely damaged at this moment, making matters worse, Wei Zheng felt a touch of death.

In sight, Xiao Chen's fleeing figure suddenly turned back and screamed at him, with cold and cold flashes in his eyes!

Why didn't the three blood grapes blast out together, because he was not sure to kill Wei Zheng directly. Once he was given a chance to breathe, even if the injury was severe, Wei Zheng might have escaped from his life!

After all, he is the creator of the Xeon, comparable to the existence of a monk who stepped on the sky!

So after realizing the thought of Wei Zheng's cats and mice, Xiao Chen cooperated with him and waited patiently, waiting for the opportunity to shoot!

Today, two blood grapes have severely damaged Wei Zheng. In any case, Xiao Chen will not let him go today, otherwise he will wait for Wei Zhengxiu to recover in the future, waiting for him is still endless pursuit!

Today, he must kill Wei Zheng!

Wei Zheng clearly sensed the icy killings released in Xiao Chen's eyes, and looking at his dark eyes, he couldn't control a fear in his heart. At this moment, he was already afraid of Xiao Chen's endless means!

Suddenly, he put himself in such a dangerous situation, Wei Zheng was no longer willing to entangle here, he had to go!

The eyes of resentment glanced at Xiao Chen. Today, Xiao Chen was forced to retreat by Xiao Chen, which will inevitably become the biggest stain in his life, but at this moment he has no choice!

Wei Zheng flipped his hand, and a pale gold sign appeared directly in his hand. As long as he exerted his hand, he could crush the sign. This symbol is made by the God Machine Sect. It is only three pieces in existence and can only be possessed at the highest level. Once broken, no matter where it is in the evil star domain, it can be directly transmitted to return to the Sect, and it can save its life in a crisis .

Wei Zheng did not expect that he could be useful to him.

Xiao Chen has been paying attention to Wei Zheng's actions. When he took out the token, he already realized that the old man was about to run away!

But today he lost two blood grapes, and he was severely damaged. Seeing that he was about to succeed, would he let him leave safely! With one hand out in the robe sleeve, he slammed at Wei Zheng's place. "Suppression!" In the low drinking, the origin of chaos in the body burst as many as the power of intangible closure, covering Wei Zheng.

At the next moment, Xiao Chen snorted, and Yang spewed a spit of blood. Based on the practice of his chaos origins that have not yet been accomplished, he forcibly suppressed Wei Zheng and had been backfired by supernatural powers, but his eyes remained calm and there was no fluctuation.

Although Wei Zheng broke free of Xiao Chen's repression, he also took a breath.

But it was this delay that Xiao Chen was approaching, a flash of aura in his hand, a black sword appeared in his hand, and Wei Zheng slashed his head in a roar.

Wei Zheng stunned and looked at the black sword, his heart was suddenly covered by a shadow of death!

He didn't know what the black sword was, but one thing was clear: the sword had the power to chop him off! At this moment, it was too late to crush the order. In an unprecedented situation, Wei Zheng burst out fiercely and completely. He snarled in his mouth and went straight to Xiao Chen's chest to shoot!

With this palm, Wei Zheng did not take into account the injuries in his body, and he did his best! Threatening him in death, the power that broke out has reached his best peak level, even if Xiao Chen is guarded by a strange black armor, Wei Zheng is sure to kill him in one hand!

Even if I die, I will pull you back!

Xiao Chen's face was indifferent, and there was no hesitation in cutting the black sword, but at this moment, the last blood grape he held in his hand was gently crushed.

In the light, a layer of blood-colored power suddenly appeared, covering his entire body!


This is the sound of the black sword cutting into the flesh.


At this time, the palm banged the loud noise of the chest.

Xiao Chen's body of blood-colored power was rippling like water, resisting the terrorist force that swept up, and the scarlet blood-color quickly became thinner.


The third blood grape was depleted and disintegrated.

Xiao Chen's black armor began to recede, exposing his pale face, with the black sword pointing downwards in his hands, dark and black, without staining his blood.

In front of him, Wei Zheng stood in his place, his face was full of embarrassment, the resentment in his eyes had not faded, but the breath in his body had disappeared.

In Yuanshen Space, Wei Zheng's dead soul suddenly appeared. A black gas appeared from his dead soul, turned into a grudge, and rushed to Xiao Chen's Yuanshen in his roar. At this moment, the golden seal suddenly rose, and the dazzling golden aura burst instantly, filling the entire Yuanshen space.

Under the golden light, Wei Zheng's resentment was suppressed, but it was struggling madly, and a black gas could compete with the golden seal and golden light without falling into the wind. Just when the two were deadlocked, a ray of purple awns overflowed on the weak and weak Yuanshen, and instantly penetrated into Wei Zheng's resentment.

When Zimang entered the body, Wei Zheng's dead spirit suddenly gave up the positive pressure, and he didn't move as if he had been closed. Jin Yin took the opportunity to burst out a richer gold light, swallowed it directly, and fell into the gods.

Xiao Chen felt that his consciousness was blurred for a while, the power of "Broken Element" was exhausted, and the injuries sustained in his body swept away at this moment, making him unsupportable. The storage ring taken from Wei Zheng was put into the storage ring together with the black sword. Xiao Chen's eyes became dark, and his body fell to the abyss of the Yuan.


[It's really hard to come out today. I'm too tired to find a job. I'm afraid it will be more uncomfortable in the future. 】

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