Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 858: Three years left

Sin City. [八一(Chinese?[?[W]W]W].] 8〉1]Z]W].COM

Shen Jizi sat down safely, taking a sip of the tea cup in his hand, calmly and peacefully. The evil monarch was sitting opposite, and his solemn face looked more solemn now.

"Shenjizi Daoist, as you said, three years have passed since the temple was opened?"

"Yes, my **** machine sect has spent countless manpower and material resources, just to calculate the opening period, it will never go wrong."

The evil monarch whispered: "Shenjizi, fellow Taoist, I want to know where the temple is."

"Hehe, when the time comes when the temple opens, the evil monarch and fellow daoists will naturally know it." Shenji chuckled and said, without telling it in advance.

The evil monarch frowned, groaned after a long silence, but never said much about it. After all, if it were him, he would not explain the matter in advance, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble. He changed the subject and changed the subject, "The trip to the temple, you and I should join forces, it should be enough."

Although this old monster didn't say anything, the **** machine understood what he meant, and smiled and shook his head: "The evil monarch is right, but the temple is dangerous and unknown. It is better for you and me to be more careful. One more person will give you more control. "

"Since the Friend of God's Maker thinks so, the old man no longer speaks." The evil monarch said lightly. "It's just that Wei Zheng has been chasing Xiao Chen for several days and has not returned yet. Could it be an accident?"

Shenji shook his head and said: "Don't worry about the evil monarch. Although Wei Zheng has not officially broken through, he is fighting with all his strength, but his combat power is comparable to a monk who takes a step into the sky. It is safe to kill Xiao Chen."

The evil monarch nodded, and he just said a word. He had personally tried Wei Zheng's cultivation level, and it was indeed extremely powerful. Killing Xiao Chen was just a matter of handicap.

But at this moment, the tea cup in the hands of Shen Jizi suddenly shattered, and the tea in the cup was shattered into a cloud of water mist, which filled it with tumbling. The old monster's face became extremely ugly, and his pupils shrank slightly, full of gloomy color.

"What happened?" The evil monarch said solemnly.

The divine machine slowly lifted, "Wei Zheng is dead."

The evil monarch's face changed and he fell silent suddenly.

He spoke before, and he did mean to remove Wei Zheng from his visit to the temple, but now he heard the news of his death, and he was still shocked! With Wei Zheng's cultivation base, in addition to him and the Divine Machine in the Sin Star Territory, there is actually someone who can kill him.

"Is it Xiao Chen?"

"This school can't be sure, but Wei Zheng is chasing after him. Even if this matter is not what he did, it must be inseparable from him." Shenjizi slowly recovered his calm, but today's events made him extremely furious. , It is by no means that the surface recovers so quickly.

Wei Zheng was cultivated by him personally, and with him, during this trip to the temple, Shenji Sect can have the absolute upper hand. But now that Wei Zheng has fallen, Shenji Sect has no advantage at the peak power level compared with Sin City.

The trip to the temple suddenly changed, I am afraid that it will be inevitable to fight. Thinking of this, Shen Jizi's eyes grew gloomy.

The evil monarch suddenly lifted up and shouted to the outside of the temple, "Summon the patriarch to chant Changjun."

"Yes, old ancestor." The monk outside the temple responded and turned and hurried away.

The two old monsters in the hall were silent. Soon, Mr. Xuan Chang respectfully walked into the hall, leaned over and fell to his knees, "Xuan Chang Gong participated in the ancestors, and saw Lord Shenjizi."

The evil monarch directly said: "Sir Chang Chang, I ask you, have you ever practiced the blood evil puppet technique?"

Mr. Chang Chang was slightly embarrassed in his heart, but under the eyes of the evil monarch, he dared not conceal anything. He respectfully said: "Return to the ancestor, the younger generation has practiced this technique."

"Okay! You immediately shoot to see if you can sense where Xiao Chen is now."


Kuanchang-kun does not know what happened, but in the face of the request of the evil monarch, he has no right to bargain. With a backhand slapped on his chest, this person's complexion suddenly turned pale, Yang spouted a mouthful of blood, and pointed his hand forward!

The essence and blood boiled, and layers of blood mist rose up, and then disappeared in the air. After a few breaths, the blood mist dissipated, Su Changjun's face was pale, and his eyes revealed a slightly dim color, and he whispered: "Return to the ancestor, the younger generation can't feel Xiao Chen's location." At this moment, he seemed calm, but his heart It was a shock, because not only did he fail to sense Xiao Chen's breath, but the breath of Liancheng also disappeared. This situation indicated that he was likely to have died. It is necessary to know that Sui Liancheng followed Master Wei Zheng to chase Xiao Chen away. Doesn't it mean that Master Wei Zheng might have an accident...At this point, he didn't dare to think more. There are some things that he shouldn't know, it's better not to be curious, otherwise it will be harmful and useless.

The guilty monarch frowned, waved his hand, and Mr. Xuanchang bowed and walked away.

Shenji had an ugly face, and after a long time, he said in a low voice, "It is indeed the carelessness of this school. I never thought that something like today would happen."

"Wei Zhenghui was killed by someone, which was beyond our expectation." The evil monarch was true. He looked up at Shenji, "I wonder what the Shenji Taoist fellow wants next?"

"Wei Zheng is dead. If possible, this sect will definitely avenge him, but now the temple is imminent, and this sect is not going to happen at this time. This matter will come to an end for the time being. This sect will return to the sect first. When the opening of the temple is approaching, I will know my friends. During this period, I also ask the evil monarch to mobilize the power of the city of sin to concentrate the strong to prepare the temple, and I will bid farewell." Shenji said in a low voice, and slightly bowed his hands. The foot took the next step, and the figure disappeared.

A sneer appeared at the corner of the evil monarch's mouth. Wei Zheng's death was not a bad thing for him. In this way, the Sin City and the Shenji Sect were evenly matched. If the visit to the temple yielded something, they would compete by means.

But regarding Wei Zheng's death, he was not without fear. It is possible to kill Wei Zheng, and those who shoot secretly are also a big threat to him, especially the one who shoots is still hidden in the dark.

"Order to go down, and the intelligence system will try its best to search for news about Xiao Chen. Once you have gained something, you will report it immediately!" The evil monarch does not believe that Xiao Chen killed Wei Zheng, but this matter obviously has an inexcusable relationship with him. Xiao Chen would naturally be able to pinpoint who killed Wei Zheng!


Chuan Yuan Abyss.

Xiao Chen was in a coma, and his body was floating in the abyss, shrouded by an invisible traction force, and he kept falling into the abyss.

For an unknown period of time, a little voice appeared in the extremely quiet abyss, like a stream running happily. But soon, the sound gradually became stronger, from a small stream to the vast Yangtze River, and finally into a vast ocean!


This is the sound of water waves!

The source of the sound is a vortex of Yuanli.

A very big, very big vortex of Yuanli, so big that at a glance, there is no end, like a vast ocean. The roaring sound of water is caused by the turbulent flow of the Yuanli, and it looks amazing at a glance!

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