Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 859: Backwash

The powerful swallowing force emerges from this vortex of force and draws strength from the periphery. Several vortexes around it gradually change shape under the action of this swallowing force, stretch and extend to escape a force and be swallowed by the giant vortex. {(Eight {一 Chinese W) W} W>. ) 8) 1] Z〉 W}. > COM

And Xiao Chen's body is constantly approaching it in the pulling force of this giant vortex! As the distance between the two approaches, the strength of the vortex engulfing becomes stronger, and the forces that have not yet fully recovered from Xiao Chen's body gradually show signs of being out of control and being withdrawn from the body. Although Xiao Chen was in a coma, the mana recovered in his body was already operating on his own, resisting the devouring power from the whirlpool and protecting himself.

Soon, Xiao Chen's body was being swallowed into the whirlpool while devouring power. His body was tumbling up and down in the surging wave of elemental power, and quickly turned around in the whirlpool. Fortunately, his physical body was strong. If he changed into an ordinary monk, he was drawn into a vortex in a coma, for fear that the entire physical body would collapse in an instant, and eventually be swallowed up and ended in a dead place.

But Xiao Chen's physical strength is not damaged, which does not mean that he is not in danger at this moment. Entering the vortex, his body gradually moved towards the center of the vortex as he rotated. Along with this process, the powerful swallowing power of the entire vortex also skyrocketed in an amazing degree. The mana flowing in Xiao Chen's body trembled violently, it seemed to It will be free from the body at one moment, and swallowed by this vortex. And once that happens, there will be a collapse, and eventually he will be broken down into pure power and completely integrated into the vortex of elemental power.

But at this moment, under the external stimulus, Xiao Chen's body trembled a little, and the mana flowing between flesh and blood suddenly violently turned up like boiling water at this moment. The turnover rate soared ten or more times than before. It was powerful and overbearing. The devouring power suddenly burst from him!

Mystery "Swallow Thunder"!

When Xiao Chen condenses Jin Dan, the magical powers obtained from the golden seal can devour Thunder to temper himself and transform it into mana in the body.

But the mystery of "Swallowing Thunder" is not only about consuming thunder, but it means that even the violent and powerful thunder force can devour, and then swallow other forces without pressure!

And it turned out to be true!

At the moment when the mystery of "Swallowing" was running on its own, the powerful devouring power from the vortex could no longer affect the mana in his body, and the horrifying devouring power burst out from that crazy flowing mana, but at this moment opposed the vortex The power began to devour!

Around Xiao Chen's body, Hao Tang's mana suddenly fluttered slightly. Under the swallowing power of Xiao Chen's body, he was snatched from the giant vortex suction and pulled directly into the body along the pores.

The Yuanli vortex is unknown for any reason and when it appears, but each ray of force in this vortex is purified and compressed, the celestial primordial force, although it is only a ray, it can be compared with ordinary monks. Repair half a month! The elemental force that was swallowed into the body by Xiao Chen was immediately refined into flesh and flew into mana and merged into himself. Consuming the elemental power in the vortex, Xiao Chen's loss of power began to recover at an alarming degree, and with the restoration of mana, the phagocytic force emanating from him strengthened, plundering more vortex elemental power Consume it!

The giant vortex sensed the power of Xiao Chen's body, so he pulled him into the body to devour him, but now the exhibition of things is that Xiao Chen in turn is devouring its power!

The giant swirl is bizarrely angry!

In the rapid flow, Xiao Chen's body is getting closer and closer to the center of the vortex, and the swallowing power released by the vortex is also struggling to counter the swallowing in Xiao Chen's body. The confrontation between the two devouring forces is equally tough and overbearing, but the result is that Xiao Chen is better!

The mana flowing in his flesh is getting faster and faster, releasing the more horrible devouring power! If it weren't for Xiao Chen's physical strength enough, now I'm afraid it has been broken by the mana flowing in the body!

On the body, cracks appeared, and then repaired with an amazing degree, and with the process of fragmentation and repair, more and more swirling vortex elements were torn and devoured by him and integrated into himself.

This method of swallowing the vortex elemental power can only be performed by sitting against the "Break Element" against the sky, otherwise it will enter the vortex, let alone the elementary force that swallows the outside world, for fear that it will be easily twisted into powder!

At the same time, the mana in Xiao Chen's body began to improve with an amazing degree!

The improvement of mana represents the enhancement of the five elements' original power, and the fusion is transformed into the yin and yang two energy, and the confluence achieves chaos!

Between black and white, the cyan color began to increase with a slow but firm degree, and this cyan color was the most powerful force in Xiao Chen's body-the origin of chaos! The strength of this new birth is still weak. When it is strong to a certain extent, it can open up a new kingdom of God, and this kingdom of God is called the chaos world!

The development of the kingdom of God and the integration of supernatural powers are completed at the same time. Xiao Chenxiu can directly promote the creation of the kingdom of creation, and the power of the card in his hand coupled with the power of the chaos world, his own power will present a terrible increase!

As for what kind of realm will be reached, we will not know until the chaotic realm is opened.

In the abyss of Yuan Yuan, in a giant vortex, Xiao Chen's body is like a terrifying black hole, wantonly swallowing the power in the vortex, and constantly strong ...


In the astral field, more than thirty figures stood in the sky, and the breath in the body converged, but the looming coercion breath was enough to show that they were powerful.

The weakest of these monks is also the peak of creation!

God machine stood in place, suddenly lifted at this moment, looking deep. A ray of aura appeared in sight, then approached here at an astonishing degree, but within a few breaths of time, it had already reached a hundred feet away.

The aura of light converged, revealing a shuttle-like magic weapon. More than twenty monks suddenly appeared in the void. The monk was a sinful monarch, and the monks behind him were strong men in the city of sin. Slightly higher than Shenji Zong, the two sides can be regarded as evenly matched.

"This block ordered some things, and it was a little late, and God's magicians and friends should not be surprised." The evil monarch arched.

A smile appeared on Shenjizi's face, "The sinful monarch has spoken heavily, and this sect has just arrived, and Taoists have not been late."

The Sin Lord nodded slightly, "Since you and I have arrived, if there is nothing else, don't continue to delay, you and I will come out."

"Not busy. This case has recruited some extra strong cases. I am sure they will be here right away. When people are angry, we will get out immediately."

The sinful monarch frowned, glanced over the face of God Machine, and nodded: "Okay, just wait."

The two old immortals were silent and silent, but the monks behind them have already looked at each other. Although the surface is still calm, there is no lack of ice in the eyes, and there have been many confrontations. The atmosphere gradually became more dignified, and the monks' eyes of the two sides became more and more unscrupulous, and their disgust on each other directly hung on their faces without hiding anything. God machine, evil monarch, two old immortals have never heard of this, and their disagreement with each other is a matter of self-knowledge. It is not good to go too far after entering the temple. Falsely take care of these superficial things.

As the two giant powers of the evil star domain, even if they appear to be quite harmonious, how can there be less secret battles, God Machine Sect and the city of evil can not be overemphasized. They will not have conflicts before there is no divergence of interests, and once there is a disagreement, letting go and kill is that no one on either side will be merciful.

Fortunately, not long after, a small star ship screamed, stopped not far from the two major monks, and more than ten monks appeared one after another.

Arching for a one-eyed old man: "The old man and the friends behind him were invited by the prince of the magic machine, and then they rushed over after meeting. After some time, I asked the two adults to be angry." With a smile on their faces and a rather respectful voice, they directly pointed out the fact that they had joined forces. Among the two giants, they only want to preserve themselves rather than become cannon fodder in their hands.

Shenjizi blinked and smiled: "Anyway, now that we have arrived, we immediately know that all the Taoist friends are behind this sect." He waved his sleeves, summoned a jade-like treasure, and led the monk behind him into it , Lingguang flickered away.

The evil monarch glanced indifferently at the one-eyed old man and others, secretly humming, and turned to lead the evil city monk to follow.

The one-eyed old man saw that the two major forces of Shenji Zong and Sin City had left, and his face became gloomy, and he whispered, "Be careful, let's not be counted, let's go."

"Yes, Lord Lieyuan!"

The monk behind him returned to the small star ship, followed by the whistling monks behind the God Sect, the city of sin. This trip to the temple was jointly completed by the three forces of Shenji Zong, Sin City and the scattered monks. The former two were evenly matched. The God machine and the sin monarch were more powerful than heaven, and were composed of more than ten casual practitioners. The union is the weakest, but aside from both the **** machine and the sinful monarch, they are the strongest, especially the one-eyed old man, the creation of the world's strongest can not be underestimated!

Along the way, no monk who does not open his eyes will provoke them. After five days in a row, he gradually approached the target.

Shenji Zong took the lead to stop, and Shenjizi led the monk to appear. The evil monarch in the back brought the evil city monks and more than a dozen casual practitioners to appear one after another, looking at the dark abyss in front of him, his face showing suspicion.

Eater Abyss!

Turns out to be the Abyss!

"Shenjizidaoyou, is the temple here?" The evil monarch said with a deep voice.

Shenjizi slowly nodded, "My Godjizong's accurate judgment results will definitely not be wrong. The temple is at the bottom of the abyss. It opens every moment for ten thousand years to have a chance to enter it. Once you miss it, you have to re-enter it. Wait for ten thousand years. "Hearing God Machine spoke, the Sin Lord and Lie Yuan and others were silent at the same time. The power of God Machine Sect is the most clear, and they are good at deduction. Since such a powerful move is made, obviously they have absolute certainty.

Who would have thought that the ancient mysterious and mysterious ancient temples in the Sin Sin field would actually be in the abyss of the prestigious Eater Yuan, and no one has been here for many years now.

"Although there is plenty of time, an accident may occur. You and I will leave now." The words fell, and Shenjizi's eyes flashed hot. He lifted his hands to take the monk of Shenjizong and took his next step. The figure did not enter the abyss of Yuan Yuan .

Sin monarch and Lie Yuan took the monk behind him, and the figures followed.


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