Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 860: Open up the kingdom of God

In the depths of the Yuan Yuan Abyss, a monk lies flat in the center of Yuanli Whirlpool. Bayi Chinese Network (W> W] W). 〉 8? 1> ZW. Com

The blue robe was black, his face was calm, his face was bright and pure like jade, and there was a faint aura of light, but at this moment, there was an extremely horrifying engulfing force coming out of him, the mana between the flesh and blood was flowing, and the surging sound of the sea was coming!

Rumble ------

This monk is naturally Xiao Chen. He is still in a drowsiness, but the breath in his body has soared countlessly compared with before. A powerful and vigorous breath comes out of him. A slight induction makes people feel Trembling.

But the biggest change at the moment is the power of his origins! The power of the five elements that has been continuously generated has been transformed into yin and yang, and the yin and yang pairs have become chaos, but the chaotic origins that were still weak before have now turned into a blue cloud, occupying the vast majority of the original forces in his body. The original chaos origins gradually matured.

To other monks, terror is extremely representative of the vortex of destruction and death, but in front of Xiao Chen, who masters the secret technique of "Swallow the Thunder", it has become a powerful help to promote his cultivation!

The overbearing "Swallow the Thunder", devouring the vortex elemental power for his own use, has given him an astonishing increase in the original power within three years! The origin of chaos today is very close to the bottom line of the requirements to open up the kingdom of God. Once completed, the opening of the chaos world will bring Xiao Chen's leap in power level!

The power of the origin of chaos is slowly increasing with a firmness at every moment. I don't know how long it has passed. The whole cyan chaos origin suddenly shakes, and a strange breath wave comes instantly, suddenly burst and collapse, Crazy spread to all directions with an amazing degree!

In the spread of chaos, a new world suddenly appeared!

In Xiao Chen's coma, the chaotic origins that opened the boundaries of the kingdom of God exploded on its own. In this state without disturbing nature, everything went smoothly without any sluggishness, and the kingdom of God had already been opened!

This is a vast world, so vast and immense, there is no end in sight at first glance, like the real world on its side!

Yuan Shen space, at the moment of the completion of the kingdom of God, Xiao Chen Yuan Shen suddenly shocked, releasing a rich golden aura, the more pure the golden color of the whole body, a trace of seven colors continue to flash, the strength of the comparison has more than doubled!

At this time, Xiao Chen suddenly woke up, but his consciousness was not in the body, but in the kingdom of God! He was shocked. Looking at the world in front of him, he felt close to each other and let him know everything in an instant!

Kingdom of God!

This is his kingdom!

With Xiao Chen's state of mind, at this moment, I couldn't help but be excited, a sense of ecstasy came out! He has been waiting for the growth of the origin of chaos to complete the development of the kingdom of God and the smelting of magical powers, but he did not expect that this day would come so fast!

As the Lord of the Kingdom of God, he can sense all the information of the entire Kingdom of God, but with a slight induction, Xiao Chen's body is stiff and his face is incredible!


Much bigger!

Just the beginning of the kingdom of God, the vast area of ​​which has been far from Xiao Chen's expectations, if the fall, enough to cover several star fields, this is almost comparable to the size of the entire Rong country! The more critical point is that on the edge of the kingdom of God, the yin and yang two qi are still appearing continuously, and the collision and fusion have turned into chaos. In the process, the area of ​​the kingdom of God is constantly increasing!

After a moment of stagnation, Xiao Chen just returned to her senses, but her face was still full of shock! Looking up at the green world, this is his kingdom of God, Chaos! After opening up the realm of chaos, he naturally knew how to manipulate it, and had a general understanding of its power, but how to do it will have to be verified and explored bit by bit in the future.

But now the chaos world has just opened up, and it takes a period of warmth to be completely stable. During this time, you must never engage with others, otherwise the newly-unsettled kingdom of God may collapse and cause irreparable damage.

In the vortex of Yuanli, Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly opened, and he already knew the situation at the moment. Induced by the mana flowing between the stronger and stronger flesh and flesh after his tempering, his face showed a cheerful smile! This time he was chased by Wei Zheng. Although he suffered a severe trauma, he was blessed by misfortune and entered the vortex of elemental power. With the overbearing means of "Swallow Thunder", he forcibly plundered the elemental power and strengthened his cultivation. Make the origin of chaos reach a mature state in a short time, and successfully open up the kingdom of God!

Blessed by the woes, the world has no traces, making people elusive! Taking a deep breath, suppressing the fluctuations in his heart, Xiao Chen's eyes swept around. The original huge vortex of Yuanli, now mentioned that it has been reduced to less than a thousand feet in size, and Xiao Chen is still madly drawing its power, not too much. After a long time, this vortex will disappear completely.

However, the residual power of the Yuanli vortex should be enough for Xiao Chen to stabilize the kingdom of God. He closed his eyes slightly, fully urged the secret technique of "Swallow Thunder", and plundered the pure and pure Yuanli of the whole body!

For Xiao Chen, the abyss of the Yuan-changing Abyss in the Sinister Domain is a blessed land for all! In "Thunder", these vortexes of power are treasures to him. Devouring the pure vortexes that form the vortex can make his cultivation soaring in a short period of time! He has decided that he must practice hard for a while in the abyss of Yuan Yuan, and fully promote it! If you miss this opportunity, you will regret it!


Another place at the bottom of the Abyss.

Three terrifying rainbows screamed, and at this moment suddenly converged to reveal three of them: the God machine, the evil monarch, and Lie Yuan. Several huge vortexes of Yuanli twirled and roared not far away, and the aura of deafening horror was heard in the aura of light.

Although Yuan Yuan Abyss is dangerous, it is not a big threat to the three people of Shenjizi.

The magic machine flashed with aura of light on his hand, took out a piece of treasure pointing to the plate, and a silver pointer on the square plate pointed to the place where the three of them were.

The sinful prince's heart was slightly loose, and he groaned a little, saying, "Gods and friends, how many days are left before the temple opens?"

Although Lie Yuan did not speak, his look had already shown what he thought.

Shenjizi laughed: "No accident, the ancient temple will emerge in three days. After it fully emerges, there will be a quarter of an hour to enter the temple. We came earlier, and we waited quietly here."

Speaking of which, the old man frowned slightly and said: "In case, in case you are not disturbed during these three days, I also ask the two Taoists to send their Majesty monks to visit the bottom of the abyss with the old man, in case someone Enter, and notice the existence of the temple. "The matter of the temple, and even the biggest secret of the evil star domain, naturally they do not want to be known by others.

"Master Shenjizi said that the old man would do it right away." Lie Yuan fluttered his sleeves and flashed aura, and more than ten scattered figures appeared immediately. After some arrangements, the more than ten scattered repairs did not conflict, and left directly after arching, searching for a place in the abyss.

The **** machine and the evil monarch summoned His Majesty monks, let them disperse on their own, and came here on the third day.

"Now everything is available, just wait for the temple to open, I hope this time can be successful!" God machine face dignified, but his eyes could not help but flash a look of expectation.

Although the evil monarch and Lie Yuan did not speak, the heat in their eyes was enough to show the thoughts in their hearts!


Five monks from the Sin City toured the bottom of the abyss, all cautious in their faces. The horror of the Yuan Yuan Abyss itself, coupled with the fear of the other two monks, made them dare not to take the slightest care.

The line searched extremely carefully and did not drop any corner to prevent monks from crossing the area they were visiting.

"This time the ancestors went out to the ancient temple. If it goes well, you and I will have the opportunity to leave the evil star domain, even if you don't want to leave, you will definitely get a generous gift after returning to the sin city!"

"Hey, if I can leave the evil star domain, Lao Tzu will definitely not stay. Compared with Daqianjie, we are scum here."

"My ancestors have responded. As long as they successfully reach the exit from the evil star domain, whoever wants to leave, they will never stop!"

"Be sure to seize this opportunity!"

In a whispered conversation between the five monks, one of them glanced over a vortex in the distance. After the glance passed, his face changed, and he suddenly turned to look at the vortex of Yuanli, and drank, "Someone!"


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