Someone did. [((Eight

However, the location was somewhat unexpected, because the monk hidden in the secret was trapped in a vortex of elemental power. If it hadn't been for the monks who had spoken earlier, they hadn't noticed this person's breath.

It was a weird thing. The five sinister monks looked at each other and saw that they were careful. At the bottom of the Yuan Yuan Abyss, the presence of such a monk had to make them afraid. After a wink, several people spread out, approaching this vortex of strength, their eyes flashed coldly. No matter why this person appears here, in order to avoid the news of the temple being revealed, I have to leave him!

"There is no breath fluctuation, is it a dead man?" One of the monks whispered, and several people around him heard the words, and a little suspicious expression appeared on their faces.

"Whether he is dead or not, try it out and find out."

While talking, a sinner monk took a step forward, and between the sleeves, a flash of cold mans shot in an instant, submerged directly into the vortex of Yuanli, and went straight to the monk. Looking closely, this cold mang is a thin needle with a **** length, the needle is as thin as a cow hair, blue-blue, obviously quenched highly toxic. Obviously the monk was quite cautious, and he did not dare to swell at the bottom of the abyss of Yuan Yuan. Using this fine needle to shoot is naturally the best choice.

In a flash, when the fine needle was close to the monk's side, the five cities of the Sin City were slightly loose in their hearts. It seemed that he was really a dead person, so it would save them trouble. After all, here is the abyss of Yuan Yuan. Once they start, the consequences of detonating the vortex of Yuan Li are also not what they want to try.

But when the fine needle was less than an inch from the monk's brows, his closed eyes suddenly opened, his dark eyes were cold, his eyes were almost without temperature, and he swept across several sinister city monks, and immediately let them The body was stiff, and uncontrollable chills from the Yuanshen spread to the limbs, such as falling into an ice cellar!

The fine needle seemed to be suppressed by invisible force, and despite its slight tremor at the end, it was completely imprisoned before being able to reach it.

"Come on!"

The five monks in the Sin City have changed their faces. Although they have not yet met, the monks in the Vortex have given them a great sense of threat, like facing the serpent and beast, which makes them unable to have the slightest idea of ​​a rivalry.

In low drinking, the external light was on, and the five turned away.

Xiao Chen crossed his knees in the Yuanli vortex, his eyes flashed coldly, and said lightly: "Want to leave now, don't you feel a little late?" During the talk, he stretched out with one hand and slowly pressed down in front of him.

There was no slight fluctuation of the breath. With his actions, the five sinister monks suddenly retreated and suddenly stiffened. The external aura of light was suppressed by the body. They could not move, and their eyes were full of fear.

The entire space, with Xiao Chen's actions, turned into a world of absolute stillness! In this world, except him, everything will be absolutely suppressed!

This power comes from the chaos world!

Chaos is infinite, it can contain everything in the world!

Chaos Promise can suppress billions of souls!

Xiao Chen's eyes showed satisfaction. The five monks were all at the peak of creation. If they had to deal with one of them before the kingdom of God was opened, he would go all out to deal with it. All hole cards can save yourself, but afterwards you must end up in a wolf. But at this moment, he just shot at will, and with the help of the Chaos Realm, he could suppress five people instantly. He is a powerful man now, and he has made a world-wide change compared to before, with an increase of more than ten times!

Dealing with the five was just a small test, but Xiao Chen had a general understanding of his self-cultivation. He took a breath and pressed down his mind, looked at the five controlled, and his eyes were sharp as a knife.

Standing up, he stepped forward, and the figure had appeared beside the shot monk. He ignored his horrified and begging gaze, reached out his hand and landed on his forehead, and the powerful savage river rushed out and swept the man. soul. The monk's body trembled violently, his eyes turned up to reveal a large amount of white eyes, and the blue veins at his neck were violently painful. This method of forcibly searching the soul regardless of the damage has the advantage that it can detect everything hidden in the monk Yuanshen, but even if the monk Xiao Chen searches for the soul, he will be severely damaged by the Yuanshen. When he kills Xiao Chen, he should do it. Ready to be killed!

After counting the interest, Xiao Chensong's hand flashed joy in his eyes!

Ancient temple!

Leave the Sinister Realm!

Although he didn't know much about the specific matters, the monk who searched the soul and evil city was enough to make him happy. Now it is certain that there is an ancient temple hidden at the bottom of the Abyss of Abyss, and through the test of the temple, you can get the opportunity to leave the evil star domain.

That's enough!

Stepping on the iron shoes and finding nowhere, the surprise came suddenly, which is Xiao Chen's mentality at this moment! But he quickly suppressed the surprise in his heart, his brows frowned, and his thoughts quickly turned.

The temple will open in another day. If you miss it, you will have to wait another 10,000 years. This time is too long, and Xiao Chen cannot wait. So this time the temple opened, he must not miss it. However, two old immortal gods and evil monarchs came together, and Xiao Chen thought that his strength had risen, but he was definitely not their rival. If they noticed their whereabouts, they would definitely cause unnecessary trouble ... After all, Wei Zheng died in his hands.

With a deep groan, he had a decision in his heart! On this trip to the temple, I will do that later. Now that he is in the dark, as long as he hides his whereabouts, the **** machine and the evil monarch will not only become a threat to him, but will help him enter the temple. The temple is dangerous. Two heaven-strength strongmen join forces to open the road.

In that case, the five sinful city monks couldn't stay any longer.

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed fiercely. He is not a kind-hearted man. He should never hesitate when it comes to killing. But how to let these five people die will still make people doubt his existence. This point needs to be considered.

After a few breaths, the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted, revealing a touch of serenity, and he swept away with five repressed evil city monks.


Temple entrance.

The **** machine and the evil monarch sat cross-legged, Lie Yuan reverently stood on one side. Although he was the founder of the world, he still had to be respectful enough in front of the two heavenly monks.

The triple room is quiet and silent, the time has come to the last day, and the temple will appear tomorrow!

But the quietness of the triple room was suddenly broken at this moment!

The three strange creatures of God Machine, Sin Lord, and Lie Yuan suddenly lifted their eyes, looking towards the depths of Yuan Yuan's abyss, his face was slightly gloomy. The violent breath fluctuations came from this direction, enough to make them feel clear.

On the last day of the accident, the three weird faces naturally did not look good.

But even so, they all got up at the same time. Although they didn't know exactly what happened, one thing was clear. The matter about the temple must not be spread. With this in mind, three old monsters took steps at the same time, and the figure turned into a rainbow in the package of aura and went straight to the source of breath.


The raging Yuanli fluctuations in the dark abyss have not yet dispersed, such as the ups and downs of the waves, rolling over the sound of the rivers and waves. In this tragic wave of raging power, five figures loomed, his body was torn open, and wounds continued to drip.

The sin monarch's face became extremely ugly for a moment, because he saw the symbol of the city of sin in one of the monks, and hummed in his mouth.

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