Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 862: Broken House Corner

As soon as it was torn, the wave of Yuanli that was still tumbling was shattered, and the tremor was slowly dispersed. ([[[

The sinful monarch appeared directly next to the five monks. After a slight inspection, his face not only became more gloomy, these five monks were all his sin city monks.

God machine frowned, and he glanced around. "The power of the vortex of Yuanli covered all traces, leaving no trace for traceability, but this matter should not be artificial. Those who can kill five people instantly, It will not detonate the vortex of Yuanli, and the vortex of Yuanli will explode, and the person who shoots will not be able to retreat from his body. "

"The priest of God Machine Sect means that it is the vortex of Yuanli touched by this monk himself, and it ended in death." The evil monarch opened his mouth coldly, his eyes glanced coldly around him, and God came out of his body, but he also found nothing .

"It wasn't for this sect to think so. From the scene, it seems that this is the case." Shenji spoke lightly, knowing that the evil monarch was in a bad mood, and he was not angry at this moment.

Lie Yuan's gaze fell somewhere, and he suddenly said, "The younger man thought that Lord God Machine said what was right." Yu Luo reached out his hand, and a piece of bone claws floating in the wave of Yuan Li was directly held in his hand, slightly inductive. , Has already determined the preciousness of this bone claw.

The **** machine took it and said: "This is the claw of bone cracking, a famous treasure that eats Yuan Zong. This bone claw has survived endless years and is still well preserved. It is obviously an unusual thing, which provokes greed and contention. It ’s not unusual to see a general result. "

The wicked lord hummed, although his face was cold, he had gradually accepted the explanation of God's machine.

"This treasure took the lives of five sinful city monks, and it was owned by the sinful monarch and Taoist friends." The **** machine surrendered the cracked bone claws. "At present there are not many days. We need to regulate the entrance to the temple as soon as possible. My God Ji Zong's deduction would not be wrong, but the world is impermanent, and if there is an accident, he will regret it late. "When the words fell, he turned and left directly.

Lie Yuan salutes the evil monarch slightly, and then turns to keep up.

The evil monarch's eyes glanced coldly around him. Somehow, he always felt that today's events were a little strange. There seemed to be an eye in the dark focusing on them. Although he hadn't noticed the abnormality, he still secretly guarded a bit more, humming Walk away.


Shortly after the three left, Xiao Chen came from a distance, looking at the direction in which the three monsters left, and frowned slightly.

None of these old immortals is a fuel-saving lamp. Although he has done this perfectly, creating the illusion of competing for treasures and inspiring the vortex of elemental power, they still have some doubts in their hearts.

After some thought, he still suppressed his writhing thoughts, and his eyes regained firmness.

No matter what, he will not miss this time when the ancient temple is opened, even if it is Longtan Tiger Cave, go for a break!

Taking a step forward, his figure turned into a shocked rainbow, chasing in the direction of the three old immortal departures.


The opening time of the temple was approaching, and the monks from the three parties gathered from all sides. Except for the five monks in the evil city who had fallen for fighting for treasures, neither Shenji Sect nor Sanshou had lost. Sanxiu still restrained, but the monk was not so polite. His eyes seemed to be ridiculed, and the evil cities were gloomy, and the air was filled with an embarrassing taste.

Fortunately, they are restraining each other, and no conflict arises.

Suddenly, the black at the bottom of the Abyss Abyss swelled like a spring, and a strange breath came out instantly. This incident immediately attracted everyone's attention, and the previous things were left behind.

The eyes of the three old weird creatures, the God of Sin, the Sin Lord, and the Lie Yuan all showed excitement. The scene in front of them represented that the temple was finally opened!

The tumbling black became more intense, and the shrouded area quickly spread to the surrounding area. At this moment, the corner of a house slowly popped out in this tumbling black. The whole body was dark blue, and the bricks and tiles were solemn and solemn. Slowly scattered from this, only after a long period of washing, can this brand of deep age taste. It's just a simple and shabby corner of the house, but it gives people a solemn and solemn feeling, and their eyes fall naturally into awe.

The reason why it is called a shabby room corner is because it was smashed by people from it, and the exposed hole is a huge punch. Even after countless years, the fierce breath released on the tiles of the edge of the fist print still feels stunned, and a picture naturally appears in my mind: I don't know how many years ago, the burly figure standing outside the temple , Blow a punch in low drink, blast the corner of the complete temple ...

Why bombed from the outside?

Because the broken bricks are just below the cave, they can be clearly seen from the cave inwards.

After a brief silence, Shenjizi said in a deep voice: "You, after entering the temple, are in serious crisis. I hope that you can cooperate sincerely before there are huge differences of interests."

The evil monarch and broken Yuan nodded, which was also the thought in their hearts. Entering the temple has its own requirements, but it is the best choice to join hands before the thing you want is available. However, once they have to tear their skins, they will not hesitate. From a certain point of view, monks are a group of very realistic people, and everything they do is based on their own interests.


Shenjizi drank in his mouth, this old weird gaze was firm, and led the monk monks along the corner of the house into the ancient temple. Behind him, the evil monarch and Suiyuan did not pause, and hurriedly led someone to follow.

There are crises everywhere in the temple, but there is also opportunity in the crisis. They are naturally unwilling to lag behind others.

The three-way monks walked into it as much as they could.

From the outside, this is just a broken corner of a house, but when they enter, they are in a huge square building, and at a glance they are thousands of miles away, and the towering gate stands in the distance.

God machine slightly raised his hand. A monk around nodded his head and turned to look at the broken corner of the roof above his head. He nodded with his fingers in the air, drawing a strip of forbidden texture, and immediately applied a layer of restraint to the broken cave . This prohibition is not too aggressive, but if a monk wants to enter the temple, it is bound to break it.

It can be seen from this that Shenjizi's mind is extremely meticulous.

But when the restraint landed in the broken cave, the faint faint hint of fierce breath in the broken bricks suddenly burst like a provocation! An invisible fist suddenly appeared and went straight to the forbidden monk! It is just a hint of fist left a long time ago, but at the moment it gives people a mountain top, an irresistible feeling!

Shenjizi's face changed slightly. He waved his sleeves, and the void appeared up and down, trying to stop his fist. But in one breath, he was already smashed by the invisible fist, without any pause, and fell in the desperate eyes of the monk of God Machine Sect.

With a muffled sound, monk Shenjizong was smashed into a pool of meat mud, the ground was slightly shaken, and a shallow fist print imprinted on it.

The God machine hummed, his face suddenly became extremely ugly, and the sin monarch's face also changed slightly, his eyes showing dread. How did those who smashed the corner of the temple that year, the trace of fist that remained was so powerful!

But at this moment, the two's faces changed at the same time, their eyes fell on the dead monk Monk, and the blood flowing out of him was quickly penetrating to the ground. Shocked ...


[First two more chapters, buns continue to code words, and there are updates. 】

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