Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 863: Power of Chaos


The trembling ground suddenly shattered. A dry bone claw from the bottom of the ground, holding the ground firmly, slowly got up, exposing a skull lacking an eyeball, yelling constantly in his mouth, his eyes were full of cruelty. [(Eight [(A Chinese? <[8} 1? Z? W.COM

The battle exploded without warning, and did not give the monks more response time. The dried-up monsters appearing from the ground suddenly shot, as fast as a thunder, and contrasted with the slow action before.

With a bang, a pair of black-black flesh wings unfolded directly, and they suddenly fanned down, turning into a black light and heading for a casual repair.

"Drink!" When invited to the temple, naturally there were no ordinary people. After being attacked, San Xiu whispered, took the next step, and shot with the back of his hand. There was a slight earthquake in the space, and a palm print suddenly appeared. A loud bang made the dry monster fly.

But this dry monster was repelled, does not represent the end of the battle, but the arrival of the attack frenzy!




This is the sound of the ground's fast cracking, coming in densely, cascading into one piece, and it's passed into the ears to make people's hearts jump fiercely, without feeling frightened, scalp!

Dry monsters spread their wings and emerged from the ground, screaming at the monks who broke into the temple!

The monks from the three parties shot in succession, knocking back the monsters, but the final result was just knocking them back. These monsters did not appear to be damaged. They stood up again after falling to the ground, and rushed again in a more violent roar. Out, the horrible cruelty flashed in the eyes!

"Guardian of the temple! Guardian of the temple!" Shenji looked ugly. He did not expect that when he entered the temple, he would encounter this kind of entangled monster. "The guardian of the temple is sheltered by the strength of the temple. It is extremely difficult. Kill it! Sin monarch Taoist, please open the way with this sect, Lieyuan Taoist, please resist behind the temple! "

Words fell, the God machine and the evil monarch stepped forward at the same time, photographed forward with a backhand, and flew a large number of guards to the temple directly to fly. Before the body fell, it had collapsed directly, and turned into powder.

The monk stepping on the heavens shot, this low-level temple guard was naturally unable to resist, and a road was suddenly cleared in front.


Shenji whispered, a group of monks walked towards the gate of the Quartet building, Lie Yuan took the initiative to take the end, and assumed the post-break.

The danger of the temple is something that everyone knows, but to this extent, it is beyond everyone's expectations. But now that he has entered the temple, there is no reason to retreat, and he must go anyway!

The magical power whistled and the sound of thunder was murmuring. Even if there were three magic machines, the evil monarch, and Lieyuan shot, a Shenji monk was caught by several temple guards and his claws were inserted into his flesh. The flesh flew up into the sky, shattered the guard of the temple directly into a point, and turned it into a sky full of flesh and blood.

The horrible sight made the three strange faces of the **** machine extremely ugly!

After three monks were killed and wounded, the three monks rushed to the door, the evil monarch fluttered his sleeves, and the closed door slowly opened. The party did not dare to pause, and drove the light to win the door.

Behind them, the temple guards chased them during the roar, but somehow they suddenly stopped near the portal and looked at the constant roar of the population such as Shenjizi, but they did not dare to take the first half step. Some kind of restriction!

In the eyes of the three monks, the opened door slowly closed, covering up the roar of the temple guards, and suddenly his ears became quiet. The magic machine and the evil monarch looked ugly. The monks behind them were ashamed, and there was a sense of fear in their hearts. Just after entering the temple, I encountered such a dangerous situation, and the journey behind is still very long. I do not know what kind of terror is still hidden!

Backhand took out a jade bamboo slip, Shenji sublime into it, and whispered, "We are now in the temple square. There should be no danger in the square. After crossing the square, we will enter the temple front hall. Let's go!"

Whispering, he put away Yujian and whistled forward.

The sin monarch was a little low, but his eyes were full of gloom. The **** machine apparently had control over some maps of the temple, but he did not take it out to share with the crowd, but controlled it alone. But at this moment he didn't say much, and flashed over to follow the evil city monk.

On a huge square with endless views, a group of monks are as small as the same ants, marching towards the towering temple!


Biting the abyss, Xiao Chen appeared, looking inside the temple through the corner of the house corner, his face dignified.

The guards of the temple had been aware of the presence of Xiao Chen. They roared and roared in their mouths. A temple guard flapped flesh wings to fly out of the temple damage, but was scattered by broken bricks before approaching Yi Yi's fist exploded into powder.

The remaining temple guards seemed to have thought of something terrible, and roared in a roar. Although they did not dare to continue to approach, they gathered under the cave. As long as they entered the temple, they would be attacked immediately!

Xiao Chen was silent. He waited quietly for a while, and after confirming that God Machine and others had left, he slowly raised his eyes and looked at the guards of these temples. There was no fluctuation in the calmness. If he hadn't dared to enter it before, but now he has opened up the chaos world, and he has become a surge temple, but he already has the qualification to break into the temple!

The next step came, and his figure went directly into the temple.

In the next instant, countless temple guards roared the flesh wings, blasting like a sharp arrow!

Xiao Chen's face remained unchanged, and he raised his hand in front of him and whispered, "Fengzhen!"

In a word, the 100-square-foot space suddenly solidified. All the temple guards who broke into this area were stiff, struggling fiercely in the roar, but unable to move at all.

All of the chaos world has the power to tolerate all repression, because it is the most fundamental chaos origin in the origin of heaven, and because it has an endless vast territory. The larger the territory, the stronger the repression. At the same time, the scope of control and suppression has been reduced, and the concentration of power will also cause the amount of suppression to skyrocket!

Xiao Chen's understanding of the chaos world gradually deepened. At this moment, he tried it, and it really is!

The power of suppression within a hundred feet is unknown. It is just that someone has made these temple guards unable to move. His eyes flashed slightly, and the suppression space suddenly trembled. All the temple guards within the suppression range were killed and smashed into dust by silence. !!

Chaos world is really a killer weapon in group battles!

As for fighting alone, restraining the power of the chaos world to the size and repression of Zhang Yu, how many people can resist in this world? Only let him kill!

The origin of the five elements evolved into yin and yang, and the yin and yang two merged into the chaos origin, and the chaos origin matured to open the chaotic world! Such harsh and arduous cultivation conditions can be understood once they are achieved, no matter how terrible their power is.

Instantaneous time, Qingming resumed within a hundred feet. The rushing temple guard screamed and actually receded. His eyes looked at Xiao Chen. Although he was still brutal and cruel, he had a little more fear to hide!

They are scared!

Xiao Chen never looked at these monsters, stepped towards the closed portal, and the guards of the cruel temples evaded everywhere ...


[I know that all of you friends are complaining about dissatisfaction, and you will resume the update after the middle of the month and strive for stability. I hope everyone will be tolerant for a while. After November, it should be guaranteed that three chapters will be updated every day, about 8,000 words, and the time will be a little tighter after work. I hope you all forgive me. The bun is not a drag, it has very little code time, and has been running to determine work recently. Thank you for your tolerance and support, thank you! 】

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