Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 864: Temple guardian

Reaching out to open the closed door, Xiao Chen stepped forward and stepped down the Temple Square. <? Bayi. 8] 1] ZW. The ground of COM is somber blue, purely transparent like jade, smooth and flat, which can clearly reflect the influence of people.

Standing outside the door and looking forward, the entire square has endless views, the scope is large, and imagination is far! At the end of the line of sight, an ancient and magnificent palace rises up into the sky, and although slightly distant to the naked eye, there is a clear sense of coercion, which makes people secretly feel unconscious Be in awe. A faint pressure lingered around the surrounding area, which caused the monk Yuanshen to be suppressed.

This towering temple should be the ancient temple, and the opportunity to leave the evil star domain is in it.

Xiao Chen's face was dignified, but his eyes were firm! No matter how dangerous the temple is, he can't back off! This time, what he wanted was to leave the evil star domain, no matter what the difficulties, he couldn't scare him away!

Even if there is no way, you have to make a way out by yourself!

Slightly moaning, he strode towards the temple.


When the temple was viewed from a distance, it was already magnificent. If you stand under it, you can even realize your own smallness. Before His Royal Highness in front of the temple, the monks were like ants, and they inevitably gave birth to humble hearts, and then awed.

The eyes glanced over and took in the sight of the temple front hall as much as possible.

Looking into the temple along the teal ground, the light and color gradually became stronger, and eventually turned into a black that blocked the sight, blocking the continued peeping of the eyes. Eleven thick stone pillars rise from the ground, just like a strong arm, supporting the arched sky. Star-like crystals were embedded in the sky, shining with mysterious brilliance. Next to the eleven huge stone pillars, there is a figure, either a human or a beast, standing like a stone sculpture, but each one is lifelike. In the front hall of the temple, these stone carvings do not seem to be obtrusive, but are perfectly integrated with the solemn magnificence of the entire temple, adding a bit of power.

And these stone carvings have a common feature, that is, big! For the monks, the sculptures that look normal in the temple are amazing behemoths, and the smallest ones are nearly a hundred miles in size. They stood quietly under the stone pillars without any sound.

Monks such as the **** machine, the evil monarch, and the fierce Yuan stood in the front hall of the temple, with dignified faces on their faces. Although the front hall is calm, but based on their cultivation, they can sense a faint dangerous atmosphere. Although not strong, it is enough to make them fear.

"Linghai, you go to explore the road, if there is something wrong, return immediately, this case is here to answer." Shenjizi said lightly. Behind him, the monk Ikki had heard that his body was slightly stiff, but in the face of the order of the god, he did not dare to have any thoughts of resistance, secretly swallowed, arguing, walking forward daringly go with.

This is one of the main reasons for the gods and other people to lead the monks around them. If there is a need to explore the road, they will naturally take the shot to avoid falling into danger. Although they are arrogant, it is good to be careful in the end.

The three monks gathered their eyes on Ling Hai. This man knew that he could not retreat, but he was quite calm. He summoned an armor, held a treasure, and walked carefully to the front hall of the temple, but he had done it in his heart. Ready to exit at any time. He is only responsible for probing the way, as long as he finds out where the danger is, he can quit without having to compete. In his practice, be careful and should be fine. Because of this idea, he can keep calm.




This is the sound of footsteps falling to the ground. Ling Hai gradually entered the front hall of the temple, and until now, everything was quiet. But the more so, the more nervous he became, instead of relaxing, he became more cautious.

Just because this is a temple! All peace is the illusion of hidden danger, the more calm, the more dangerous!

When he approached a pillar of skystone, the abnormality became abrupt! Beside that stone pillar, a hind limb touched the ground, his forelegs were lifted high, and the big ape-like stone carving suddenly resurrected. The pale stone carving was stained with blood and water, and spread to its entire body at an amazing degree, making it The fur is red, and the eyes are very red!

There is no sign of the resurrection of the Great Ape Stone Carving, and it does not know when a huge stone stick appeared in its hands, and it fell down in a wild roar!

The stone stick broke, and a scream of screaming, yet to fall, the horror has made Ling Hai pale and suddenly panic! Under this stick, he felt a clear death threat, and did not even dare to compete with it, and screamed and fled backwards.

But at this moment he fled fast, but didn't want the Great Ape to stick faster, but he just dropped it in a flash!

The **** machine hummed, he already had doubts about these stone carvings. When he hit the great ape, he had already shot, and swung his sleeve forward. There was a mighty power like the sloping wave version, covering Ling Hai. Boom to the Great Ape Stone Stick.

With a loud bang, the stone stick was bounced high, and the big ape was thrown into the front hall of the temple. When the ground fell, there was another boom. The stone stick rubbed against the ground as it taxied.

"Thank you, Lord!" Ling Hai's face was white, and he drew back after a ceremony, and he couldn't hide his fear in the eyes of the Great Ape. Previously, he even had the feeling of being unable to escape!

The battered ape shook his cricket's head, crawled from the ground, and uttered a violent roar! Its red eyes were staring at the machine, but he did not dare to act lightly. On the machine, he felt a great threat.

Suddenly, the big ape raised a stone stick in a roar, and slammed it to the ground, suddenly a loud noise "banged". The ground was safe and sound, and a powerful anti-seismic force swept through. Instead, the palm of the great ape's grip stick was shattered, and the blood immediately burst out, overflowing from the torn flesh and converging into a stream of blood along the hair. The line dropped on the ground.

The blood and water fell to the ground, as if it had penetrated into the ground, turning the whole ground into blood, and blood was quickly emerging from this blood and spreading to the surrounding area.

Shenjizi's face changed, "It will wake up other temple guardians! Stop it!"

But it's too late to try.

The bloodstains extending from the ground spread throughout the temple front hall at an amazing degree. At the junction of the remaining ten stone carvings with the ground, the bloodstains were particularly dense, rising from the ground and drilling into the stone carvings.




With a roar, all ten stone carvings were revived at this moment!

There are towering Cyclops, a four-armed horror, a blood-type monster with sharp claws and fangs, and a cold cold soul hidden in a black robe ... they are all guardians of the temple and exist forever, unless the temple Destroy them, or even if they are killed, they can wake up again in the long sleep.

In the temple, they can get great strength bonuses, knowing no pain, no retreat, defending the majesty of the temple and not allowing anyone who desecrates the temple to leave.

They are the guardians of the temple, but the nightmare of breaking into the monks!


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