The eleven guardians of the temple all resurrected, and at the same time roared to the sky, the fierce breath broke out of the body, and they whistled and swirled like a tornado. [八 [[一 [(<< 中 < 文 [

The ground in the front of the temple suddenly shook slightly, and the "snap" and "snap" cracked one after the other, and the temple guards with dry bodies and flesh wings were summoned out, and the guards of the eleven temples were called out. Top Xiao Hovering!

"The guardians of the temple are dealt with by the sect and the evil monarch and daoyou. The fierce yuan leads the remaining monks to kill the temple guards. Remember to kill them all, otherwise the road to the next level cannot be opened!" His face was dignified, and he drunk.

The sin monarch nodded silently, and the two immortals stepped forward at the same time.

At the same time, the guardians of the eleven temples roared and led the temple guards summoned around them to kill them outright!




The two sides fought together instantly.

The Cyclops guardian's eyes suddenly opened, an invisible force suddenly appeared, enveloping the body of the God machine, under this force, his horns suddenly began to petrify, turning to pale and hard rock color, and turned towards him The whole body is spreading fast.

Shenjizi snorted coldly, but he did not see any movement. The petrochemical situation of Yijiao was restrained instantly, and the force that invaded the body was forced out by force. Looking coldly at the Cyclops, he stepped on the ground next. Silently, a force spread quickly from the ground.

In the loud noise of "嘭", the Cyclops was hit **** the chest, and the body flew backwards in the bleeding of the nose and mouth. It closed with one eye, but a trace of blood flowed out of it.

The body is shrouded in a black robe, the atmosphere is cold, and the eyes are like the temple guardian of the ghostly fire. It is often called the temple sacrifice. It turns the scepter in its hands and points to the evil monarch. The flames appeared and fell straight ahead.

The sinful monarch in the siege of four-armed fighters and a half-man and half-wolf guardian, repelled both guardians with a drink, turned suddenly, and blasted out with a punch toward the green flames!


The flame was directly shattered, and turned into a scattered Martian sky. Occasionally, the star spot was contaminated with his flesh and blood, and before it was burnt, it had been extinguished by the evil monarch with mana ...

The magic machine and the evil monarch join forces to deal with the eleven guardians of the temple. Their own strength is not enough to compete with the monks who step on the heavens, but the strength of the blessing of the temple makes them work together to resist two old monstrous powers. Can never collapse.

Lie Yuan led the three monks to counter the frantic culling of the temple guards. These monsters were summoned by the guardians of the temple and apparently became more violent and belligerent. Although Lie Yuan shot and killed a lot, he could not kill them at all. Scared!

A sinner monk sneered with a treasure in his hand and chopped off the head of a temple guard, but before he was excited, several bones and claws were inserted into his flesh at the same time, pulling him out of the monk team instantly. Destroyed by several temple guards in the scream of despair, they quickly swallowed up!

Although the temple guards are not weak, the three monks are all at the level above the peak of creation, and they still have the upper hand to cope with them. However, the situation quickly changes, and the wounded monks' faces start to show panic. From their ruptured wounds, a hint of black appeared, spreading to their entire body, followed by numbness of the entire body, and after numbness, it was an unthinkable pain! They rolled on the ground in wailing, their bodies jerking violently. A moment later, with the sound of a flutter of flesh and blood, two black flesh wings protruded directly from their backs. These fallen monks lifted up again, losing all their senses in their eyes, all that remained was tyrannical and cruel! These monks have been infected and turned into stronger temple guards!

Lie Yuan shot it with a palm, and directly killed a monk who was the guard of the incarnation temple. This man came from a casual cultivation and had some personal relationships with him, but he still didn't hesitate to take the shot. "All infected and assimilated. All monks will be killed, and the enemy will be killed with the help of treasures. Do not make physical contact with the temple guards! "

The current temple guards have the power to infect through the wounds, which immediately caused the monks to panic, but after the initial panic, they quickly re-stabilized. As strong, they have a very high state of mind.

As time passed, another seven monks died or were infected and killed. The temple guards were gradually cleared.

At this time, the eleven guardians of the temple had only the last one, but it was astounding that its power at this moment had soared several times compared to before! After the death of all the temple guardians and temple guards, the strength within them was absorbed by the last surviving temple guardian, which caused its own power to skyrocket.

The temple sacrifice in a black robe suddenly made a shout. It confessed that it was not an adversary of two monks who stepped on the sky, but was unwilling to be killed. The body collapsed suddenly, releasing a green oil flame, like a rain Spill like that!

The magic machine and the evil monarch stopped the green oil flame for more than half, and the rest fell on several monks. This green flame is so weird that the mana can't be resisted, and it burns on the flesh, burns fiercely, and in a short period of time, these monks are incinerated into nothingness! Such terrible mighty power suddenly made the surrounding monks pale, and their eyes were full of panic.

At this point, the eleven head guardians and many temple guards have been killed and killed!



Like the sound of the organ being touched, in the deepest two corners of the front hall of the temple, a portal appeared at the same time, connecting a common corridor, I do not know where to extend.

Shenjizi's eyes swept around, and the three monks in the front hall each had injuries. The death toll was about 20 people, nearly a third of the power of his majesty. This serious injury made his face extremely unconscious. Ugly. But now that this step is reached, even if His Majesty the monk is dead, he cannot step back.

The weird whispered, "The front hall has already passed, and now two paths are opened, leading to the left and right halls of the temple. After passing through the left and right halls, you can smoothly enter the main hall of the temple. If the record is good, In the main hall of the temple, there is a passage through which monks can leave the evil star domain. "

The three-way monks were frightened by their horrified faces. At this moment, when they heard the words, their eyes suddenly scratched a bright color, and their mental state was slightly restored. They did not fear death and entered the temple. Most of the monks were thinking of leaving the evil star domain, which made them see hope.

The evil monarch frowned slightly, and said, "God of God and Friend, now there are two paths before you and me. No one knows the terrain of the temple. I don't know how you and I will go next. This is still a matter for you to decide. . "The old man said lightly, but he was already dissatisfied with the move of God Machine to monopolize the map.

"Sin monarch and priests do not need to worry. Both the left and right temples are connected to the main temple temple. No matter which temple you and I enter, they can resist the final destination." Shenjizi said lightly, but did not seem to hear Meaning of sin monarch. The map involves the key to the temple. Until the last moment, he will never share it with others. Otherwise, it is very likely that the bamboo basket will be empty and the preparation will only be a wedding dress for others.

The prince of the evil saw that the God machine was pretending to be ignorant, and the more displeased he was, he did not show much, and nodded slightly and continued not to say much.

"There are many crises in the temple, and now we have losses in our bodies. This sect proposes to take a break here for a while, and after you have recovered completely, you and I will move on."

Shenji's proposal was approved by everyone, monks from various parties rested, and some people carefully probed in the temple to find one or two treasures, but in the end it was only in vain.

Two days later, the party continued to leave and, after agreement, proceeded to the left temple of the temple.


Xiao Chen stood in the front hall of the temple, feeling the evil and killing breath that had not completely dissipated in the air, looking at a corpse on the ground, his face dimmed. God machine, two monks who stepped into the realm of the evil monarch sitting in the town, and many of his monks joined forces, still paying great casualties before passing through. If they hadn't opened the road before them, Xiao Chen's own cultivation alone would never break into the temple. In doing so, I should be grateful to them.

But the thought just passed by, shaking his head slightly and squeezing it down. Xiao Chen looked up at the two passages that appeared in the front hall, and could not help but frowned slightly. In order to avoid being noticed by the divine machine or the evil monarch, he had previously hidden far away and did not see which channel they entered. After a moment of silence, he shook his head. It seems that he needs to monitor it this time, but he can determine the direction of their progress by checking if there are any traces of the monks entering. It is not difficult.

As he stepped away, Xiao Chen subconsciously discovered the consciousness. This was the most basic cautious move of a strong man. Although the consciousness in the temple would be suppressed, it did not have much impact on Xiao Chen. God broke through the body and swept across the front hall of the temple.

It was this passing consciousness that made Xiao Chen stiffen a little, and he turned arrogantly, looking at a place in the hall. Just before the moment, he was aware of a strangeness when he swept away. This strangeness flashed through, but he did not hide Xiao Chen's induction. He once again found out the sense of God, swiped carefully, and finally found the source that made him feel a trace of abnormality.

This source is in the upper half of a pillar.

Numerous fine and messy textures were engraved on the stone pillars, dividing the surface of the pillars into messy fragments of various sizes. These fragments looked exactly the same, but one of them made Xiao Chen notice something different. His foot stepped forward, and the figure appeared next to the stone pillar, his eyes locked on a fragment. This fragment was no different from the surrounding fragments, and was perfect at the edges, unlike something added later.

Xiao Chen groaned slightly, reached out and landed on the fragment with a little force, and with a light slam, the fragment was taken down by him directly. The vacancy on the stone pillar was quickly repaired and perfected, which was no different from before .


[Recent updates have been sluggish, three chapters can't be less. Although it was a bit late, the buns continued to code, and there is a chapter after the early morning, which is today. Don't wait for your friends, get up early tomorrow to see the updates, good night. 】

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