Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 866: Bronze mirror

He focused his attention on the fragments in his hand. Although there is only a small piece of this object, it has some weight. The material is like stone and not stone, and like gold and not gold. I don't know what it is made of. . <? Bayi. ? 8] 1] ZW. COM

But this fragment is by no means simple!

The front hall of the temple must not have been checked by Xiao Chen alone, but he only found the difference here. There must be a secret in this, perhaps related to his golden soul.

Although he didn't have a clue, Xiao Chen carefully put the fragment into the storage ring, and dropped his figure. The Yuanshen scanned the surroundings carefully, and after confirming that there was nothing missing, he stepped into the left passage.

In order to avoid being noticed by Shenjizi and others, Xiao Chen was quite cautious when he walked forward, carefully sensing his breath to move forward.

This is a long passage with reliefs on both sides of the stone walls and the top of the head. It is exquisite and gorgeous, and the weather is extraordinary. Although it is not known how many years ago, it is still extremely intact and has not been damaged. The content of the reliefs is more complicated, there are battlefields fighting, thousands of troops fighting in the wilderness, miserable executions, cramps and bones, and there are countless monks sitting in a prestigious hall... But there is no gain. Xiao Chen didn't waste too much time on it, so he glanced briefly to let it go.

He frowned slightly and walked in this passage for a long time. He didn't notice the slightest trace left by the monks. Could it be that the divine machine and the evil monarch walked through another passage? But as soon as this thought appeared in his mind, it disappeared. Because in his sight, the passage has come to an end, connecting a majestic palace. At the exit of this passage, a monk leaned back against the wall with a calm expression and a gentle smile on his face that had not yet dissipated.

There was no aura in the monk's body. He was obviously dead. Xiao Chen walked to him and stretched out his hand to press his neck. The body was still warm, obviously this person died not long ago. It seems good luck, as soon as the **** machine has walked this way. It’s just that these three parties have entered the ancient temple and have strict requirements on the cultivation of the monks. Those who are not above the peak of creation will not be accepted. In other words, the dead monk is also a strong man who is not weak, but Xiao Chen has already checked, his physical body There was no injury, but the primordial spirit disappeared completely.

Could it be that he was killed by the technique of attacking the soul and was erased from the soul?

Xiao Chen's gaze swept around, following the gaze of the dead monk, a tall bronze mirror was inlaid on the inner wall of the temple, reflecting his clear figure, except for that, there was nothing unusual. He frowned slightly, and was about to transfer his gaze, but his body suddenly stiffened, because at this moment the picture in the bronze mirror suddenly changed, revealing a pretty face that also smiled and said, "My husband is so cruel. Over the years, it has been Don't miss me at all."

"Zi Yan?" Xiao Chen whispered, with a blurry expression on his face, and he took a step forward.

"Husband only remembers Sister Ziyan, I'm afraid you forgot me?" Yuewu's figure appeared behind Zi Yan, although she spoke abruptly, her eyes were full of tenderness.

"Moon Dance..."

"Hehe, there are still us, and us. Husband, you can't favor one another, or your concubine will be sad." Xiaoyi smiled and showed her figure, holding a shy green eyebrow in her hand.

"Big Brother Xiao Chen." The little girl looked humiliated and lowered her head after saying a word.

Xiao Chen looked at the bronze mirror. The four wives in the mirror smiled happily. They stood in a garden and stretched out their hands to him at the same time, "Husband, hurry up, come with us, and never separate."

"Xiaoyi...green eyebrows...you are all here." The confusion on his face was even heavier. He faintly felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't think of what was wrong. He just frowned and hesitated under his feet. Did not step forward.

"Husband, come, we will leave if you don't come."

"Yes, right, if the husband doesn't come in with us, we will walk away without him."

"Let's wait, give your husband a chance, he will definitely come over."

"Yes, we are waiting for your husband."

The four women laughed and spoke, but at this moment, several monks appeared in a grinning grin. They shot the four women directly and looked at him with a sneer, "Xiao Chen, your woman is in the hands of the people in this seat. Come in if you want to save them!"

This person who appeared suddenly was actually the four blood gods, Gaglie, Micheli, Basda, and Detejin Blood Prison, who had fallen into the hands of Xiao Chen. At this moment, they looked at Xiao Chen with cold and tyrannical eyes.

"Husband, leave us alone, run away quickly."

"Husband, go!"

Xiao Chen's eyes gradually showed anger, and his body couldn't help shaking slightly.

"Hey, since he doesn't dare to come in, then our brothers don't need to be polite with him. The four female nuns of celebrity races are all beautifully born and killed in such a brutal way. They are really violent. How about enjoying it first?"

"Haha, what the eldest brother said is extremely, the taste of a human female cultivator, I haven't tried it for a long time."

"Just let Xiao Chen watch outside, I want to see, when will he do this tortoise."

"Hehe, then hurry up, my younger brother can't bear it now."

As the Four Blood Gods grinned, the kinky-evil color gradually emerged in the eyes, and he stretched out his hand and touched the fourth woman.

Xiao Chen is low, even if he does not look in the mirror, all the pictures are clearly presented in his mind. His body trembled slightly and his eyes were getting red, but at this moment he suddenly said in a low voice, "Stop!"

His voice was calm, but as cold as eternal ice, as he spoke, the picture in the bronze mirror in front of him suddenly stopped.

Lifting slowly, looking at the bronze mirror in front of him, he faintly said: "Although I know this picture transformed by your strange effect, I hope to lure me into a dangerous situation, but even so, I don't allow anyone Insult them. If you do this, I will destroy you." The voice fell, and his eyes burst out with a bright light, and he didn't see any movement. The picture in the bronze mirror suddenly collapsed and disappeared, and the whole bronze mirror trembled slightly. It becomes bigger and bigger.


With a soft sound, a crack suddenly appeared in the bronze mirror in front of it, and thick dark red blood overflowed from it, and then the second, third...

The bronze mirror was completely shattered, and at this moment, a gray shadow suddenly burst out of the bronze mirror, trying to escape to the depths of the temple.

This shadow was extremely fast, but Xiao Chen was even faster. He suddenly raised his hand and squeezed in the direction of the shadow's escape, "I said I would destroy you, and you can't escape." The shadow suddenly stiffened and was caught. The suppression by an invisible force showed its true colors. It suddenly turned into Zi Yan's appearance, with tears in its eyes, begging: "Husband, I was wrong, you forgive me, I will never dare anymore!"

Xiao Chen's face suddenly stiffened. He looked at the familiar shadow, and suddenly a tyrannical squeeze appeared in his eyes, "You **** it!" In a low roar, he squeezed his palm without hesitation, and Zi Yan's figure turned into that gray shadow. , Was directly crushed by him and completely destroyed.


[This chapter can be regarded as yesterday's update, bathing and sleeping, Ming still has to run. Let there be at least three chapters tomorrow. 】

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