Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 867: Temple wall

He took a deep breath and pressed down the violent heart in his heart. The blood in his eyes receded and gradually returned to peace, but in this peace, there was sadness that could not be hidden. [<{?

Ziyan ... Yuewu ... Xiaoyi ... Qingmei ...

Xiao Chen felt his heart twitch in pain for a while, he was slightly low, and frowned a bit hard. Since he became a lover, he has gathered and separated with the four wives. For more than a hundred years in the human world, he has been the quietest and most beautiful time in his life. Since then, he hastily met in Xiaoqianjie and separated again until today.

It's been a long time since I've seen them. Are you okay in Daqianjie?

The Tang Dynasty belongs to the Uighurs, the Emperor Qianyuan ... When he left the evil star domain, he went to find them. Previously it was because of his lack of self-cultivation. Now he has enough power, no one can separate them any more, no one can!

Xiao Chen lifted up, gradually regaining his firmness in his eyes, and his strong mentality was cultivated, allowing him to keep these sour thoughts in his heart, showing the strongest and most powerful side of him. The road is cruel and extremely inexorable. !!

He glanced deep into the temple, stepping out from under his feet, making "snap" and "snap" footsteps falling, step by step, steady and firm.


Temple hall, assassination.

The endless view of the main hall, inlaid with black grease-like water on the inner wall, amidst the waves, a head of the temple guards continued to emerge from it, Li Xiaozhong stretched the meat wings, the figure turned into a black light, and went straight to the monks to slay. In the constant emergence of the temple guards, mixed with the existence of the guardians of the temple, the fierce breath broke out!

Temple walls, the existence of an endless evil land, can continuously flow out of temple guards and temple guardians, intercepting all intruders and desecrating temple monks. In the left hall of the temple, there are a total of eleven abyss, and the guardian strength of the temple is pouring out frantically. At a glance, the entire temple traces overlapped, the shouting temple guards, suspended in the empty temple sacrifices, and the temple guardians roaring to the ground ...

In the siege, the magic machine, the evil monarch and his party shot wildly, mainly two old immortals, raising their hands to cast out the power of silence, sweeping the place, the guardian of the temple stepped back in sorrow, and the temple guards became direct. For lotus root. The horror killing power of monk stepping into the heaven has been thoroughly verified at this moment, but even so, the whole team is still struggling and it is extremely difficult to move forward! The temple's guardian power flowing out of the temple wall can completely fill the vacancies after their beheading, and there is even a surplus, so that the temple's guardian power in the left temple of the temple is getting stronger and stronger, and the worse the monk ’s situation is .

Shenjizi's face was ugly. The old man took a photo with a palm and defeated three guardians of the temple. One of them was repeatedly damaged. The body had collapsed and dissipated before landing. The surrounding dozens of temple guards were turned into powder. . Taking advantage of the dwelling time, his hand flashed a little light, and he flicked his sleeves to take out an exquisite small courtyard. From time to time, there was a flash of light, which is obviously the best magic weapon of the Dongfu style. The weird whispered, and said, "Don't resist, everyone is in the treasure of the old man."

Raising his hand, a sudden burst of suction suddenly shrouded all monks, and the figure disappeared.

The next moment, the three-way monks had appeared in the courtyard. The sky is blue, the building is luxurious, the bridge is flowing, and the birds are fragrant. In just a short time, it seemed like a star-turning movement and entered a whole new world. But at this time, the faces of the people were still dignified, and their eyes were extremely gloomy.




The ground was trembling, the entire courtyard was shaking violently, and Shenji's face was gloomy. He waved his sleeves, and the blue sky and white clouds formed by the formation method faded away, so that he could clearly see the outside world. The head of the temple guards led the temple guards around them, and madly charged the courtyard, and again and again, it caused the courtyard to restrain the aura of light and tremor.

"The treasures of the Dongfu category in this sect have the highest grade of the God Machine Sect, but even so, they cannot be supported for too long under this intensity of attack. You and I must come up with a solution as soon as possible, otherwise things will be troublesome! "God machine whispered, his voice solemn. If you can't leave successfully, more than one trouble can sum up. When trapped in the left hall of the temple, the magic machine and the evil monarch may be able to retreat from the whole body, but the remaining monks, for fear of escaping, will eventually be torn into pieces and devoured.

Everyone is clear about this, and when they hear the words, they don't feel heavy, and their faces become even more ugly!

"The guardians of the temple and the guards of the temple alone cannot bind us. The key lies in their number and endless killing." The evil monarch said with a deep voice, "I want to break the left temple of the temple, the most The important thing is to break the temple wall! "

Lie Yuan nodded, his face solemn, "The Lord Sin monarch said well, without breaking the temple walls, I have no chance to break through."

"The sects mentioned by the two Taoists have also considered, but the key point is how to break the temple wall? Before you and I slaughtered in the temple and stirred up the mana to dissipate, it was impossible to cause damage to the wall." .

The sinful monarch's heart moved slightly, and he had seen certain things from the face of the **** machine. "God machine friend, you should have a calculation in your heart, let's talk and listen."

Lie Yuan heard the words faint, and his eyes immediately rejoiced, saying: "Must the **** machine know how to break the wall?" The ancient temple was the first to appear in the **** machine. With some of the information they don't know, there may be a way to break the temple walls.

"The old man wasn't sure at first, but it was already determined after being killed. If you want to break the abyss, you must destroy it from the inside out." The **** machine lifted, and a faint flash of light flashed under his eyes.

The evil monarch thoughtfully, looking at the calm face of the **** machine, sneering in his heart, secretly speaking a deep city, a poisonous heart! I am afraid that Shenji had already considered this possibility before entering the temple, so he brought many strong men with him. Give them the opportunity to leave the evil star domain is false, use them to break through the temple left temple is true!

Lie Yuan's face changed slightly, and his face was stunned. "What does Lord God Machine Mean?"

"The monk enters the wall and blasts from the inside with a self-explosion, and can destroy the wall!"

As the words fell, the whole space suddenly quieted down.

The three-party monks, except for the three machines of God, the Sin Lord, and Lie Yuan, all turned pale, their eyes were full of fear, but they dared not move at all. In the face of the three weirds, they have no resistance, otherwise all they are waiting for is death. Since entering the temple, there are less than twenty monks remaining in the three parties, and there are eleven places in the wall. It takes at least eleven monks to sacrifice before they can be destroyed.

"Okay! There are four people in each of the Sin City and God Machine Sect, and three of them have been repaired to destroy the abyss." The Sin monarch drank and decided decisively. It was broken, but it is still difficult to escape, but it has no meaning. This seat believes that you should understand the reason, so it is best not to make this seat embarrassing. "Yu Luo, he waved and grabbed directly from the remaining monks in the city of sin Pull out four people.

The faces of the selected four people turned pale instantly, their eyes showed despair, and their bodies shivered. But soon, one of the monks raised his head and gritted his teeth: "The ancestor's order, his subordinates dare not disobey, but the ancestors can look at me and others, and they can protect me and other family members. Bullying. "

The Sin Lord nodded, "This seat can guarantee that in the future, you and other families will still be my evil city, and the younger monks will get the best training until they become successful!"

"Thank you, ancestor!"

The four sinister city monks gritted their teeth. They don't want to die, but they have no choice. Since death is left and right, this result is already the best.

Shenjizi and Lieyuan were briefly silent, so seven people were selected successively, making up eleven.

"Now that things have been decided, act early to avoid accidents." Shenjizi said lightly. "Lieyuan Daoyou stayed here, this sect and the evil monarch Daoyou took the shot, and brought people to destroy the wall."

The evil monarch waved and held a sinister city monk, and stepped forward with the **** machine, the two old monster figures disappeared directly.


[There is a chapter before 12 o'clock, and a chapter after 12 o'clock, continue coding! 】

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