Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 868: Temple Destroyer



The bang was so energetic that the siege guardians of the temple outside the manor's treasures were struck by flying, and nearly a hundred heads of temple guards shook into powder. Bayizhong O} M]

The figure of the **** machine and the evil monarch appeared without any pause, heading straight for a temple wall. Along the way, two old monsters took turns to take shots, and Tian Tian Jing Wei had no reservations, rudely tearing out a channel!

The two were extremely fast. After a few breaths, the figure had appeared outside the wall. The two old immortals are very familiar with each other. At this moment, there is no need to say more. The evil monarch gave the monk in his hand to the **** machine, turned and landed behind him, and shot it towards the guardian of the temple, blocking all attacks!

Shenjizi had a dignified face, a single palm in his robe sleeve stretched out, and a palm shot towards the wall in front of him, slamming a temple guardian back directly. After doing this, he reached down and successively pointed his fingers around the wall, and each rune forbidden path appeared directly, branding into the wall. He pointed his fingers like the wind, and his speed was as fast as lightning.

The next moment, the runes burst into a sudden flash of light, connected to each other and turned into a forbidden town, suppressing the entire wall. Although this ban is not weak, it is used to seal the wall of the town and can only suppress a few breaths at most, and it will be broken.

Shenji looked at the monk in his hand, and said lightly: "I don't think the old man needs to say more, you go."

Sin City monk gritted his teeth, flashed aura outside his body, and went straight to the wall without a word. His body touched the restraint, but he did not provoke a little resistance, broke into it directly, and the figure submerged into the thick, wavy black face. The next moment, a dull thunder erupted suddenly from the wall, and the entire undulating black surface suddenly trembled violently. From time to time, one could hear the roar. But soon the tremor wall was restored to calm, and there was no fluctuation at all. It seemed to condense into a black stone, which was embedded on the inner wall of the temple. This wall was destroyed from the inside and cut off the connection with the temple.

Shenjizi was slightly relieved. Although he had a lot of certainty in this matter, he was not very sure, and now he finally let go.

This strategy is feasible, as it is, the left temple of the temple naturally cannot stop them.

Destroy the wall, the two old monsters returned immediately, took a monk again, and ran to the other wall ... found a way to destroy the wall, with enough monks in their hands to destroy the degree of nature Very fast. For a moment, only the last two of the eleven walls were left, and the degree of pouring out of the temple guards and the temple guardians decreased several times. During the two old monster slaughter, the number of the two in the temple was rapidly decreasing.

The magic machine bullet pointed at the ban, and after closing the town wall, the monk beside him rushed into the wall while roaring. "Boom" a muffled sound, the tenth wall was destroyed!

But just after the tenth wall was destroyed, the last wall suddenly turned up and down suddenly, and the thick and rolling black surface was ups and downs like rivers and waves! In the process, the entire wall deep suddenly expanded outwards, and the degree was getting faster and faster. The breath emanating from the wall was soaring in a crazy degree! At this moment, after destroying the rest of the abyss, it seems to concentrate all the power of the abyss!

With a roar of murmur, it was cruel and tyrannical, releasing a heart-struck wave of power!

The sin monarch's face changed greatly. The old monster smashed the guardian of the temple in front of him and turned to look at the last wall, with vague apprehension in his eyes.

Shenjizi's fingers were connected in the void, and runes of forbidden roads appeared directly, closing to the last wall, trying to suppress them, but at this moment, it was too late!




Each rune forbidden way was not close to the wall, they were shattered by an invisible force, accompanied by a roaring sky, a huge figure forcibly penetrated the wall, and truly came into the temple!

This is a terrible monster!

On the huge skull, a mouth occupies almost half, and the mouth of the blood is open, exposing neat sharp teeth, such as a blade inserted into flesh and blood. Its thick thighs are standing on the ground, with sharp pointed claws at the ends of the toes, which penetrate into the ground shallowly, but it is already extremely amazing! The lower back arched slightly, and a messy bone spur was formed along the spine behind the back. From a distance, it looks like a human body. It's a thousand miles high, and it's terrifying!

The wall of the temple conveying this monster seemed to have exhausted its own power. After it stepped into the temple completely, it suddenly stiffened and turned into a black stone.

But this one is enough!

God machine looked ugly, watching the horrible monster appearing, and whispered: "Temple destroyer!"


[The card is a bit tight, the time is a little tight, this chapter will have more than a thousand words, and the chapter will be compensated for the word count after 12 o'clock, but the update time may be a little later. Good night, everyone. 】

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