Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 869: Temple Terminator (continued)

The sin monarch's face became extremely ugly in an instant. It is not difficult to hear from the words of Shenjizi that he knows the identity of the monster, and apparently he has secretly grasped many secrets of the temple he did not know. Report, how many secrets are still hidden in the temple? "His heart was sombre, and his voice was naturally not polite. [<{?

The God machine knows that it is not good, but he cannot tell it completely, otherwise it is not frank, but foolish! However, there is still a need to disclose some right now. After all, we still need to cooperate with each other, and this is not the time to tear the skin.

"The evil monarch and Taoist friend should not be angry. Although this sect has some information about the temple, it is also incomplete and can only be confirmed a little after entering the temple. This monster appears, according to the information obtained from this sect, it should be God. One of the senior guardians of the temple is called the Temple Destroyer, repairing the power of destruction, mastering the way of destruction, and not afraid of death. But the most amazing thing is that he has a terrifying physical recovery force, unless he can be killed directly Die, otherwise the damage in the temple will be repaired in the shortest time. As far as I know, the temple destroyer exists in the wall, but the number is very small, only in the main temple temple .It seems that when you and I destroy other walls, the last wall will be strengthened on the side to summon this horror existence. Now your only choice is to kill it and kill it together. This thing is considered to have passed the temple measuring point and opened the road to the main temple. "

The God machine spoke with sincerity this time, explaining this matter clearly, the evil monarch looks a little embarrassed, and if he gets away with each other, he will choose to keep all secrets in his hands instead of sharing with others, after all, everyone knows clearly, each other Time is definitely not a close and intimate partner, but because the interests have to be temporarily united. Once there is a divergence of interests, it is inevitable to see each other when the final division of the harvest. He did not continue to talk about the matter, and said lightly: "This seat only hopes that the magic machine and the Taoist friends can put down the alert for the time being. You and I will join forces to break into the main temple of the temple first, and the remaining things will not be late."

"The sin monarch Daoyou said that this sect is totally in favor of it." Shenji nodded and opened his face with the same expression, but laughed at each other.

In front of the Terminator, the high-end guardian of the temple, only the monk stepping on the heavens has such a calm and calm mentality, and he can still talk in a low voice at this moment. Stepping on the sky, is already under Hongmeng, the most powerful force in the world. Although the temple destroyers are strong, they cannot pose a threat to them. The most is to waste some hands and feet and kill it.

The Temple Destroyer sensed the contempt of the God machine and the evil monarch, so it was completely angry, a mouthful growl was heard in his mouth, his thighs were hard and hard, and a few faint scratches were drawn on the ground. Sprang out instantly at a degree completely inconsistent with his shape, grasped his fist in his hand, and rushed straight to the evil monarch! Although this fist has not fallen, it has already brought about the whistling wind. A terrifying coercion burst out suddenly. Its mighty power is comparable to that of the Creator Xeon, plus his terrifying physical power stacks up. With this punch, Wei Neng has reached the strongest level in the world!

But even the strongest in Tatianjing is still below Tatianjing. A sinful hum from the sin monarch's mouth, and he looked at the falling punch. He flicked his sleeve, pointed forward, and said, "Black mist is born!" The weird voice just fell, and he suddenly rose up and turned to black. The fog, sticky like ink, oozes directly from the space, condensing into a black mist with an amazing degree, covering the fist of the temple destroyer. This black mist looks ordinary, but it is extremely sticky and has a strong sticky effect. It is like a black plastic, which flashes a light metallic luster during stretching. Obstructed by this dark mist, the fist of the Temple Destroyer was fixed and fixed. No matter how it struggled, it couldn't escape it.

The guilty lord sneered, his eyes were cold and murderous, and since he dared to shoot at him, he did not want to get away easily! The bottom of his eyes flickered a little, and the old man opened his mouth again. "A black mist surrounds!" A black mist suddenly collapsed and dispersed, turning into a long black rope with the thickness of his wrists. Wrap the entire arm of the Temple Destroyer tightly and tie it tightly.

"Black Mist Twist!" Wait until the black rope transformed by the Black Mist entangles the Temple Destroyer's arm. The sinful prince pauses without any pause. The next moment, the twining of the black rope suddenly tightened, quickly tightened, and a strong and dull "burst" "burst" sound was embedded in the red and strong muscles, and the powerful body of the Temple Destroyer was here. Under the tension of this black rope, there was no resistance at all.




This is the sound of shattering flesh and bones, causing scalp numbness, without feeling fear in my heart. There was a painful roar from the temple destroyer's mouth. In this "cracking" sound, its entire arm was destroyed by life, shattered into flesh and blood. This mighty temple destroyer, without any resistance in the face of the monks who stepped into the heaven, had been directly destroyed by one arm. But at this moment, the flesh and bones of the temple destroyer began to repair with an amazing degree. According to this trend, I am afraid that this destroyed arm can be restored to its fullness.

The evil monarch frowned. Although he had heard the voice of the **** machine and knew that the physical power of this thing was amazing, he did not expect that it would be so amazing. He waved his sleeves, shattered the black rope shape of the arm of the Temple Destroyer and collapsed into a black mist again, and the volume continued to shrink at an astonishing degree. The color gradually became dark and rich, turning into a black slime, straight Ben repaired his broken arm and left.

The Temple Destroyer snarled, and fists out with his intact arm, wanting to crush this black slime! Its fist banged on this slime instantly, and the object collapsed instantly, evoking the faint black raindrops radiating in all directions. After avoiding this fist, it quickly merged again with an amazing degree and again It returned to its original state, without a pause, and slammed on the arm of the temple destroyer's repaired half. This black mucus contaminated the flesh and blood of the Temple Destroyer, who was growing rapidly, and merged directly into it, turning its flesh into black, and merging into its blood, spreading to the entire body. And the fast-growing half of the arm, at this moment, recovery has become extremely slow.

The monks who step on the sky have great powers, and their power is unmatched. Although the temple destroyers are horrible, as long as they find their weaknesses, they have the means to restrain them! The viscous black liquid did not know what it was, but after it entered the body, the temple destroyer obviously became violent. A scream of violent screaming in his mouth suddenly reached out his hand and pulled an exposed bone spur from his back. Throw it to the evil monarch!

The bone spurs are the hardest and sharpest part of the Temple Destroyer, plus the terrorist power that is blessed when throwing, its destructive power can be called indestructible. At this moment, it is more amazing than the angry crossbow! Just a flash, this bone spur has penetrated the endless space, stabbed directly on the chest of the evil monarch!

Sin monarch sneered, his face remained unchanged, and he reached out and pointed in front of him, his fingertips just touching the bone spurs! At this moment, his fingers were suddenly covered with a faint light. The collision of the fingers with the hard bone spurs made a sound of golden iron and iron, and the result was even more unexpected. The sinful monarch's fingers were fine, but the bone spurs thrown by the temple destroyer suddenly shattered into two halves ... Crack until powdered.

"Sin beast, dare to shoot at this seat, and I will destroy you!" In low drinking, the evil monarch stepped forward, and his eyes were covered with a layer of black at this moment, and his back palm was shot forward!

The Temple Destroyer resisted in the roar, and a layer of dark power appeared on his intact fist, and this layer of power was the famous force of destruction, a pure and powerful force that destroyed everything and completely destroyed it! But its destructive power may be a desperate killing force for ordinary monks, but it is still not enough to see the power of monks who step on the sky! In the layer of destruction power above it, a small palmprint suddenly appeared somewhere. No matter how the destruction force circulated and raged, the palmprint of this party could not be destroyed. Just resisting a few breaths, it was torn and defeated. . The next moment, a palm print fell on the temple destroyer's fist, and was black. A trace of black and black silk emerged from the palm print, and then spread to its entire body with an amazing degree.

The temple destroyer showed sharp and neat teeth, a painful roar in his mouth, his body trembled violently, and suddenly a "snap", a piece of flesh on his shoulder collapsed by himself, and the blood flowed out. This is a very abnormal performance for the Temple Destroyer. Its powerful self-healing ability allows them to recover quickly after suffering any serious injuries, and there will not be any extra blood flowing in the body. Once it appears The signs of long flesh and blood indicate that there is a great problem with its self-healing power. The fact is positive. The shattered flesh on his shoulders recovered in the fast peristalsis, but it has not been completed yet, it has shattered again. You can clearly see the black liquid flowing in its blood and the black silk threads derived from the flesh. Existence destroys the self-healing power of the Temple Destroyer.

Since the flesh and blood of the shoulder began to shatter, the situation suddenly worsened. The flesh and blood of the temple destroyer's entire body collapsed in a short time, exposing the blood-stained bones hanging from the flesh. Through the gap between the bones, you can clearly see its colorful organs. But I have to admit that the Temple Destroyer has amazing vitality, suffered such a serious injury, and is still struggling to support, and hesitates to die.

However, the result of dying undead eventually could not be changed by its willingness or unwillingness. After struggling for a long time, when its internal organs collapsed instantaneously, its body suddenly became stiff, its head cracked, and it was white. Brain fluid spewed out. The sound of "噗" and "噗" is the sound of blood breaking through the flesh, a burst of red blood springs from the tall body of the Temple Destroyer, just like the eyes of a spring, the flowing blood will The ground underneath it stained red, spreading around, and the thick **** smell permeated the space.


Xiao Chen carefully sensed the breath fluctuations coming from the front. The monk Yuanshen was suppressed in the temple, but it did not have much impact on him. It is precisely for this reason that he can follow him behind God Machine and others. , And has never been seen. It was determined that the breath fluctuation had disappeared, and after a little more than half an hour, he walked towards the left temple of the temple. Before he even approached, he had already smelled the thick **** smell spreading along the air, and the huge corpse of the temple destroyer stood instantly attracting his attention. Although he died, his flesh collapsed, and the rest was just a huge skeleton, but he could still sense the powerful breath passed from this skeleton.

But it is such a horrible existence that still dies today, which proves the horror of the monk who stepped on the sky from the side! Xiao Chen was silent about this, but he knew clearly that with his current strength, even if he had all his cards out, he was still not an opponent of the monk who stepped into the heavens. He was able to kill Wei Mi because Wei Wei had wounds first, and the terrifying power of three blood grapes severely wounded him, so that he could use black sword to kill him. If not, he would have scolded that day! In other words, Xiao Chen can live to this day and has received the blessing of great light, otherwise the end of the battle with Wei Yan may be rewritten.

He took a breath and suppressed his writhing mood. He had no intention of confronting Shenji and others. As long as he was careful to hide his whereabouts in the dark, he might not have the chance to become the biggest winner in this temple trip. Looking deeper into the left hall, a portal was opened to connect the way into the main hall. But Xiao Chen was not in a hurry to enter it, from the temple guards encountered in the square building of the temple, to the guardian of the temple in the front temple, to the destroyer of the temple in the left temple, it is not difficult to see the temple The guarding power of Li is constantly increasing. Even if there is opportunity in the main hall of the temple, it will also have a stronger guarding power. Although Shenjizi and others are not fake, it is obviously not an easy task to get the chance into their hands. So he still has time to stay here, but in order to avoid night long dreams, some things still need to be done earlier.

Xiao Chen's eyes swept across the ruins of the eleven ruined temples, his mind moved slightly, and the consciousness broke out directly, sweeping through the black stones and surrounding areas. His senses are extremely subtle and slow, like spring rain, quiet and silent, like water passing through fine sand, leaving no room. Time passed little by little, and after a short while, he suddenly turned, looking at a wall in the middle of the inner wall on the left, and a hint of joy appeared in his eyes!

Temple front, eleven pillars supporting the sky!

Temple left, eleven temple walls!

Is it a coincidence, or is it a necessity?

A strange fragment was harvested from a stone pillar in the front temple of the temple, so he wanted to try if he could get another harvest in the eleven walls of the left temple. And it turned out that his idea was not wrong.

The next step of the foot was a flash of light, and Xiao Chen's figure had appeared on the side of the wall. On the edge of the black stone, he had carved some meaningless stripes, dividing the inner wall of the temple into pieces. This stripe looks messy, but when you look down, it will give you a simple and majestic feeling. It is the most common decorative texture in the temple. It can be seen at random in any corner, without any strangeness. But in the seemingly ordinary fragment in front of it, there is one of them that is so different.

Xiao Chen already had the experience of collecting the first piece of debris. He did not hesitate at this moment, reached out his hand, and looked at the piece of black debris in his gaze.


[Sorry, Daoyou, the code is too tired at 1 o'clock. I lay in bed and rested. I didn't want to go to sleep directly. I woke up at 4 o'clock. I'm really sorry. I've been tired from work recently. This chapter is considered yesterday, and more than 4,000 words make up the difference in word count of the previous chapter. There are updates today, it should be in the evening. Pack up and continue to sleep for a while, goodbye to you in the evening. 】

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