Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 870: Exposure

Hold your fingers and press down slightly, only to hear a "snack", the fragment of the inner wall of the temple has been taken down by him. Bayizhong O} M] The fragments are dark and slightly cold, and have a good texture in the hand, but they also do not distinguish the material. After playing for nothing for a while, Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and the first fragment in his backhand appeared in his hands. The fragment was pale from the stone pillar. The two fragments were completely different in color, but when they were put together, the key was instantly noticeable. Xiao Chen's eyes burst into dazzling light, because the concave and convex teeth on the edges of the two pieces could be completely abutted. The next moment, Xiao Chen didn't wait to take a closer look. The two fragments were automatically docked, and when the aura of light flashed, healed and merged into a completed entity without cracks.

The two fragments form a completely new entity. The half of the stone is pale, and the half is restrained and slightly black. But this weirdness didn't attract Xiao Chen's mind. His eyes were bright, and the pieces were secretly not unusual, but I didn't know what their use was. There is a piece on the eleven pillars of the front temple of the temple, and a piece on the wall of the eleven temples on the left of the temple. It seems to be placed separately. According to this deduction, the main temple and the right temple There should be one piece. Nowadays, there is no difference in the fused fragments in the induction. I must wait until the four fragments are completely fused, and we should know its purpose.

As soon as this happened, Xiao Chen inhaled slowly, suppressing the thoughts in his heart. Now that it is impossible to unravel the fragments, then wait patiently, and finally you can unravel them. The consciousness was swept out again, and after a careful search in the left temple of the temple, it was confirmed that it was not hidden at all. Then it recovered the consciousness and moved forward. Now that time has passed for a long time, presumably God Machine and others have penetrated the main hall of the temple. It is of great benefit to follow the two monks who stepped into the sky, otherwise how could he break into the temple so easily and without any effort, he had already harvested two pieces. Regardless of the usefulness of this fragment, at least it will help him continue to go deep into the temple's main hall, close to the passage away from the evil star domain. Even so, Xiao Chen would not be grateful for this. He was able to do the canary behind it by virtue of his own primordial spirit. If he changed to someone else, he might have been noticed by the two old immortals, and he would end up being The tragic end to the slag.

Deep inside the left temple of the temple, a gate has been opened, the portal is a hundred miles in size, and the whole body is cast like yellow and orange. The rounded bumps of the size are scattered in the fine and delicate texture, with a simple style. Magnificent. On each side of the gate, there is a unicorn, with red eyes and twinkling brilliance, naturally exuding a faint coercion, which makes people feel a little shocked when they approach, and then they give birth to awe. Looking inward along the open portal, what I saw was a long passage, quiet and silent. Xiao Chen stepped forward, he stood outside the door, his eyes swept left and right, Niu Weisha's qi naturally did not have much use for him, took a step, the figure has stepped into the gate.

However, as soon as the body entered the portal, Xiao Chen's face suddenly changed, and he suddenly turned around, and then saw the aura of light flashing behind him. A thin light of aura had been broken by his body, and disappeared in the twisted flash. Seeing this scene, Xiao Chen's face became even more ugly. He had sensed it before, but he hadn't noticed anything wrong, but the restraint was obviously being deployed for warning purposes. So cautious, he still exposed his whereabouts, Xiao Chen smiled secretly in his heart, but since such things have already happened, he can only deal with them positively, and there is no other way. Aura of light emerged at first glance, but before his figure collapsed, there were faint footsteps in the front passage, two old monsters of the **** machine and the evil monarch, behind him were the Lieyuan and four monks, and their eyes turned towards Xiao Chen , Full of tumultuous chill. They took a huge risk and came here only after suffering heavy losses. They didn't want to be the pioneers of others. After being easily followed, this feeling is naturally extremely unpleasant.

Xiao Chen was silent, his light slowly faded out of the body. In the face of two heavenly monks, he didn't think he could escape. At this moment, his thoughts turned sharply, but on the surface it was calm and there was no slight difference in color. . But it was his calmness that made God Machine and the evil monarch unable to resist frowning secretly. The rolling intention in his heart was suppressed for the time being, and he was not in a hurry to shoot. Because they knew that Wei Zheng was ridiculed when Xiao Chen was chased, and one of them might have to be considered. Did Wei Zheng die in Xiao Chen's hands? It seemed impossible to them before, but it felt his faint breath today, but it made the God machine and the evil monarch dare not act lightly. Because of Xiao Chen's breath, it is more than a few times stronger than three years ago. Although still unable to compare with them, it is already extremely amazing. Is Xiao Chen hiding Xiuwei? Or does he have a hole card in his hand?

"Xiao Chen Xiaoyou, a few years away, seeing today, Xiaoyou Xiu has greatly improved, chasing you away for a while, I wonder where it is now?" Shenjizi blinked slightly and said lightly in his mouth. The old man spoke, already testing his response.

Xiao Chen arched his hand and said, "Wei Zheng is a monk from God Machine Sect. He must have a clear mind in his mind now, why bother asking younger people."

"This case wants to hear your reply in person."

"The junior standing here is already the best answer. I wonder if the Lord God is satisfied?" Xiao Chen's expression was dull. He keenly grasped the two immortal minds of God Lord and the evil monarch. Although they could not wait to kill him directly He died, but was afraid of Wei Zheng's death. He was unwilling to shoot at him so as not to leave the other party with an opportunity. This would choose to forgive him for the time being, without directly killing him. Knowing this, the calmness he naturally wants to show, the more so, the more secure he is.

Shenji nodded slowly, Xiao Chen's meaning was very clear. Since he stood here, it naturally showed that Wei Zheng was dead, which was equivalent to acknowledging the fact that Wei Zheng was killed. The attitude is calm, not humble or overbearing, there must be some hold in their hands, otherwise why can they stand in front of them with confidence, even if they are present, there is still no panic. Regardless of guessing right or wrong, he would not risk it. Now that the path to the main hall of the temple has been opened, it is not necessary for him to succumb at such times.

"Huh! This place has always felt that there are eyes peeping in the dark, Xiao Chen Xiaoyou is a good method. If it is not for the magic machine Taoist shot, I'm afraid I can't detect your existence, so that Xiaoyou can do the canary behind." The monarch said coldly, "It's just that the young friend caused trouble in the past and brought trouble to my sinful city. Should this matter be explained to this seat?"

Xiao Chen nodded and said, "In the past, the juniors had no choice but to enter the city of sin. If there is any place that offends the monarch, please forgive the adults. As for an explanation, I don't know what the adults want?"

"This seat asks the Lie Yuan to take the shot. If you can survive under his magical power, then the matter has been revealed before, otherwise you can't blame this seat."

"Okay!" Xiao Chen responded, his face calm.

The sinful prince heard the words and stared, and felt a little more dignified in his heart. Xiao Chen promised so crisply that he must have a hole card in his hand, but he didn't show the slightest difference on the surface. He slowly nodded and said, "So, then there are hardworking friends."

Shenjizi watched coldly, and did not express his opinion on this matter. He also used the hand of Lie Yuan to explore the meaning of Xiao Chen to see if he was hiding something.

Lie Yuan smiled bitterly in his heart, and Wei Zheng's death had just been known, and he felt a little bit more afraid of Xiao Chen, but the evil monarch opened his mouth, but he had no chance to refuse. Fortunately, it was just a shot, not a fight between life and death. He nodded. Taking a step forward, Xiao Xiao arched his hand and said, "Xiao Chen's friends, please forgive me if I have offended you." Before Xiao Chen's true cultivation is determined, he naturally lowers his posture to avoid himself. Get in trouble.

Xiao Chen said faintly: "Lieyuan Daoyou don't need to worry, you can just shoot."

"That's how it offends." Lie Yuan's face was dignified for a moment. He was helpless on the surface, but he didn't like Xiao Chen's oriole behavior in his heart, so this shot was also what he wished. See if you are qualified to be a cardinal. In a low drink, he stretched out his hand and rushed forward! In a flash, the air suddenly became dry and hot, an ignition star emerged from the void, and then increased rapidly with an amazing degree, a little, a little ... quickly converged, and finally turned into a reddish tumbling. The flame, and the center of this tumbling flame is Xiao Chen! The fierce, violent fire is a wave of power, released from the flames, exuding an absolutely hot breath of destruction, enough to burn everything and destroy everything! This time, Lie Yuan didn't show the strongest magical power, but he didn't keep his hand either.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, looking at the crimson fire waves in front of him, feeling the horrific heat that was sweeping in the flames. He raised his hand and slowly pressed down in front of him. His thin lips opened coldly and drank: "Extinction!" As the word exited, the tumbling flame around his body seemed to be suppressed by an invisible force, and the flame decreased with the naked eye, and eventually extinguished slowly. After doing this, Xiao Chen lifted up and said, "I don't know if this is a pass?"

Lie Yuan's pupils shrank, Xiao Chen Zhiqiang, and above his imagination, the old man instantly converged the hatred in his heart, arching his way: "Xiao Chen Dao You Xiu is profound, the old man admires." Whispering, he directly return.

"This statement is faithful. From now on, Xiao Chen Xiaoyou and my sinful city resentment." The evil monarch whispered and looked at Xiao Chen, although still calm, but a little more dignified.

Shenjizi chuckled: "The temple is extremely dangerous. I don't know if Xiao Chen's friends would like to join forces with Benzong and others to take care of each other." If Xiao Chen couldn't bear it, then it would be erased directly. . But now that he has shown a shocking power, it is naturally even more frightening, and the response strategy must be changed accordingly. Letting him walk alone is impossible, and pulling him into the team becomes the only and best option.

"Good!" Xiao Chen did not hesitate and nodded. The reason why the magic machine and the sinful monarch never shot at him was just that he was afraid of being killed by Wei Zheng, and he did not want to embarrass him in the temple, so as not to damage himself. In the next action, his hands were passive and even lost the fight for the temple Eligibility. But pulling him into the ranks is the bottom line of these two old immortals. If he ca n’t even agree to this matter, the **** machine and the evil monarch will certainly not agree, and then things will move towards an uncontrollable situation. Having figured it out, he can naturally make a choice quickly.

"With the addition of Xiao Chen's friends, the certainty of breaking into the main hall of the temple is even greater." Shenjizi nodded with a smile.

The evil monarch frowned slightly, but he could not see the hypocrisy of the old one. He was so anxious to shoot Xiao Chen in the palm of his heart that he wanted to make such a performance. He said coldly, "Well, now that things have been resolved, don't continue Delayed, go on. "Yu Luo, he turned and walked towards the main temple. I don't know how to think in the mind of God, at least this strange man's face has not shown a slight bit of color, nodded slightly to Xiao Chen, turned and walked towards the evil monarch.

Xiao Chen looked at the two old immortal backs, frowning secretly in his heart, and now he has no strength to deal with the monks who step on the heavens, and can only take one step at a time. However, compared to the hypocrisy of the divine machine, he prefers to see the evil and the monarch clearly.

"Xiao Chen, friend, please." Lie Yuan went to Xiao Chen and smiled. He was dissatisfied with Xiao Chen before, but after seeing the power he had, his mentality had changed greatly. God machine and sin monarch are both monks who step into the heavens. Although he has the practice of the creation of the strongest, he can only obey in front of the two. Once the temple trip has an accident or a division of interests, it will inevitably become a sacrifice. Chips. The grudges between Xiao Chen, God Machine, and the evil monarch are not clear, but the discord between the two sides can be clearly seen. Therefore, the appearance of Xiao Chen made him see the hope of the two parties joining forces. If the two of them can advance and retreat together, the right to speak in the team will naturally increase. Moreover, this Xiao Chen still has the power to jealous the God machine and the evil monarch. This is especially important. If he can make good use of it, he might not be able to profit from it. The capital city of the monks is extremely deep, and is driven by interests to change their mindset.

Xiao Chen clearly understood his mind, smiled slightly when he heard the words, "Please." The two walked side by side, seemingly ordinary, but at this moment had unconsciously chosen to join forces. However, under the premise of cooperation, the two still watch out for each other.

Ahead, the magic machine and the evil monarch frowned slightly at the same time. The two of them passed each other, and they saw that each other's hearts were fierce, and the agreement was completed with a little flash-when necessary, the two joined hands to remove Xiao Chen and Lie Yuan. Two, make other assignments!


Walking along the long passage for a long time, but there is still no sign of end, the evil monarch frowned, slowly speaking, "God boy, friend, how far is it from the temple apse?"

Shenjizi heard his words and shook his head, saying: "Although I received some information about the temples, they are not complete, and there is a great lack of them. The maps of the temples only go to the left and right temples. The main part of the temple is not included. "This old weird voice was helpless, and he pushed the matter clean, but only he knew what was true and false.

"That's the case, you and I have to move on." The evil monarch glanced over the divine machine. Although he didn't speak, there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Xiao Chen looked at the two old monsters coldly in the rear. Shenji obviously had some information about the temple, but he completely held it in his hands and didn't mean to share it with anyone. Sin monarchs can naturally see this, and they must be dissatisfied. On the surface, it seems peaceful now, but when the time comes, the accumulated contradictions will burst out instantly. And the two old immortal discords are naturally beneficial to him, so that he will have the opportunity to act on opportunities.

The line continued to go forward, and after a while, the passage in front finally changed, and a fork appeared in sight.

One direction left, one direction right.


[One more chapter first, and one more chapter after twelve. It's a little later, you Dao friends can read it tomorrow. 】

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